Trump is setting up the narrative of America First vs China First, and Bidens 40+ year record vs. 4 for Trump...


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This speech is the start of the real campaign. He is setting the boundaries for which Bidens team will have a very difficult time countering.

Biden will basically go with "anyone but Trump". It will sell well in Cali, NY and D.C...anywhere else?
It's not outside the realm of possibility that we will see a lopsided Trump win the likes of which has not been seen since Reagan-Mondale.

I don't know, but I do think Biden did himself a real disservice by stating before he even won the nomination that he would choose a female as V.P. It screams to pandering.

Now after his "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" followed by the racial division pushed by the MSM and he is forced to choose a black female V.P which just further devalues the choice as a token choice, not one based on merit, even if that person is fully qualified.

The same Obama voters will vote for Trump again and he will expand his reach. I don't believe the polls for one moment. If they would have said, "Biden is ahead by 2-3 points" I'd at least think it was possible. 12 Points? Now for the rest of the campaign I will basically disregard the polls and listen to the two candidates and how they argue their policies.
This speech is the start of the real campaign. He is setting the boundaries for which Bidens team will have a very difficult time countering.

Biden will basically go with "anyone but Trump". It will sell well in Cali, NY and D.C...anywhere else?
It's still early. Those who will decide the election - the independents - pay little attention to partisan bitch-slapping in June, July, or even August. However by September the Dems will need a variety of ways to explain away their un-American and anti-American positions as well as Slo-Joe's obvious age-related probs. I do not envy the task of the campaign and DNC people who will need to employ lots of shiny baubles as distractions. "Quick, don't look there … look here."
It's still early. Those who will decide the election - the independents - pay little attention to partisan bitch-slapping in June, July, or even August. However by September the Dems will need a variety of ways to explain away their un-American and anti-American positions as well as Slo-Joe's obvious age-related probs. I do not envy the task of the campaign and DNC people who will need to employ lots of shiny baubles as distractions. "Quick, don't look there … look here."

I think voters are more sophisticated now. Trump rocked the boat and people prefer a generation of opportunity over subsidizing global socialist economies of the world.

Even Dems are divided, many Bernie Sanders supporters and black voters who suffered under the "Three Strikes and You're Out" justice policies just view Biden as the same Establishment they have been railing against and running from. Trump may not be popular in their social circles or colleges, but they know he is definitely not the Establishment even after four years as president.
One of the key reasons, IMO, that Democrats have been on the warpath is they think THEY alone are the anointed ones to rule over the masses. And it just hasn't been over the last four years. Remember 1994 and the Contract With America? This resulted in the GOP retaking the House after 40 FRIGGING YEARS!. And we all had to endure the 2000 "hanging chad show" brought to us by Al Snore and co, Need I go any further? And now they're still pissed because the Benghazi Bitch isn't in the WH.
I don't know, but I do think Biden did himself a real disservice by stating before he even won the nomination that he would choose a female as V.P. It screams to pandering.

Now after his "if you don't vote for me you ain't black" followed by the racial division pushed by the MSM and he is forced to choose a black female V.P which just further devalues the choice as a token choice, not one based on merit, even if that person is fully qualified.

The same Obama voters will vote for Trump again and he will expand his reach. I don't believe the polls for one moment. If they would have said, "Biden is ahead by 2-3 points" I'd at least think it was possible. 12 Points? Now for the rest of the campaign I will basically disregard the polls and listen to the two candidates and how they argue their policies.

As usual you are completely wrong. It is not pandering to select a woman for VP. Here is the bottom line. Anyone who is selected will be more qualified than Trump. That is not a issue.

Trump is not expanding his reach. He has lost support among suburban voters especially women. They are supporting Democrats in even larger numbers than they did Clinton. I do believe the polls. Even Rasmussen shows Biden has a 12 point lead. The fact is that voters oppose nearly every Trump policy.
It's still early. Those who will decide the election - the independents - pay little attention to partisan bitch-slapping in June, July, or even August. However by September the Dems will need a variety of ways to explain away their un-American and anti-American positions as well as Slo-Joe's obvious age-related probs. I do not envy the task of the campaign and DNC people who will need to employ lots of shiny baubles as distractions. "Quick, don't look there … look here."

And then sometimes the outlines of a campaign never change. This is very likely. Trump is tghe one who will be busy explaining.
This speech is the start of the real campaign. He is setting the boundaries for which Bidens team will have a very difficult time countering.

Biden will basically go with "anyone but Trump". It will sell well in Cali, NY and D.C...anywhere else?

Now that Bolton's book has come out with the story that Trump was prepared to screw over American farmers for help from Xi with the election, Trump can't attack Biden on China since Trump has openly solicited their help - begged for it even, from the White House lawn.

Trump's speech in Tulsa was weak, lacked energy, and his material is old and tired. It was a comedy show, not a campaign rally. Americans are sick, broke and worried about the future, and Trump gave them jokes about Air Force One.

You fools seem to think that this is 2016 and Trump is the Washington outsider attacking the elite establishment. Trump is the sitting President of the United States of America, and the leader of the Republican Party. Trump IS the Washington Establishment, and this election will be a referrendum on his work as President, and what he is offering the American people to rebuild and restore the economy.

He has a 4 year record of chaos, mismanagement, corruption and incompetence, and that is what the election will be run on. What Trump has done for the country since he was elected? After taking over a strong and stable economy, Trump crashed it utterly, creating the worst economy since the Great Depression, and he's not offering any plans to safely re-open and rebuild.

And that's just the first election issue: There is the corona virus, and Trump's clusterfuck of a response which focussed exclusively on ensuring maximum profits for the Medical Industrial Complex and saving the economy, and ignored testing, PPE's and reducing the death and disease raging throughout the country. 2.3 million people sick, 122,000 dead. 30 million unemployed and the economy cratered.

Then there's the whole civil rights issue which Trump never speaks to. And here's another "unforced error". Remember when Hillary called Trump supporters "Deplorables". Trump calling the civil rights protestors "thugs" is worse. Trump's entire antipathy to civil rights abuses, and his warm embrace of white supremacists is straight out of Selma, Alabama, 1962.

Last but not least, Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton. Republicans haven't spent the past 25 years vilifying and slandering Biden's reputation they way they have Hillary Clinton. Biden has never been the brunt of a Republican disinformation campaign. Lindsay Graham called Joe Biden one of the "finest human beings that God ever made".

Trump's attempts to smear Joe Biden have fallen flat. Burisma was Russian propaganda, and one only has to produce the Senate's letter to the President of the Ukraine signed by the Republican Senate, demanding Shokin's removal is proof of that. Biden boasted of doing this because he was given a job to do and he got it done.

Tara Reade has no lawyer, no interviews, and has been exposed as a scam artist and a liar. No one backs up her story, which has more holes than Swiss cheese. Her law firm dumped her and not even one of the big Republican firms has picked up the case. Reade posted her story to FaceBook because no legitimate news source would publish it, and the troll farm amplified it for her.

Trump needs to tell the American people how he's going to get them out of this mess, instead of attacking Biden. Joe Biden has experience re-starting the economy. That was his role in the Obama Administration when Democrats had to rebuild the economy after the last Republican crash.

40 years of Republican economic policies have made the USA the richest nation in the world, but has left the American people sick, broke and unemployed. 3 economic crashes, each worse than the last. When Reagan was elected, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. While to top 10% have seen their incomes rise by more than 200%, the bottom 20% are now dependent on earned income credits and government handouts.

They elected Donald Trump because he promised them that he would get workers a better deal. He hasn't. He's made it worse, much, much worse.

So instead of taking his comedy schtick on the road, it's time for Donald Trump to tell America why he deserves a second chance.
Now that Bolton's book has come out with the story that Trump was prepared to screw over American farmers for help from Xi with the election, Trump can't attack Biden on China since Trump has openly solicited their help - begged for it even, from the White House lawn.

Trump's speech in Tulsa was weak, lacked energy, and his material is old and tired. It was a comedy show, not a campaign rally. Americans are sick, broke and worried about the future, and Trump gave them jokes about Air Force One.

You fools seem to think that this is 2016 and Trump is the Washington outsider attacking the elite establishment. Trump is the sitting President of the United States of America, and the leader of the Republican Party. Trump IS the Washington Establishment, and this election will be a referrendum on his work as President, and what he is offering the American people to rebuild and restore the economy.

He has a 4 year record of chaos, mismanagement, corruption and incompetence, and that is what the election will be run on. What Trump has done for the country since he was elected? After taking over a strong and stable economy, Trump crashed it utterly, creating the worst economy since the Great Depression, and he's not offering any plans to safely re-open and rebuild.

And that's just the first election issue: There is the corona virus, and Trump's clusterfuck of a response which focussed exclusively on ensuring maximum profits for the Medical Industrial Complex and saving the economy, and ignored testing, PPE's and reducing the death and disease raging throughout the country. 2.3 million people sick, 122,000 dead. 30 million unemployed and the economy cratered.

Then there's the whole civil rights issue which Trump never speaks to. And here's another "unforced error". Remember when Hillary called Trump supporters "Deplorables". Trump calling the civil rights protestors "thugs" is worse. Trump's entire antipathy to civil rights abuses, and his warm embrace of white supremacists is straight out of Selma, Alabama, 1962.

Last but not least, Joe Biden is not Hillary Clinton. Republicans haven't spent the past 25 years vilifying and slandering Biden's reputation they way they have Hillary Clinton. Biden has never been the brunt of a Republican disinformation campaign. Lindsay Graham called Joe Biden one of the "finest human beings that God ever made".

Trump's attempts to smear Joe Biden have fallen flat. Burisma was Russian propaganda, and one only has to produce the Senate's letter to the President of the Ukraine signed by the Republican Senate, demanding Shokin's removal is proof of that. Biden boasted of doing this because he was given a job to do and he got it done.

Tara Reade has no lawyer, no interviews, and has been exposed as a scam artist and a liar. No one backs up her story, which has more holes than Swiss cheese. Her law firm dumped her and not even one of the big Republican firms has picked up the case. Reade posted her story to FaceBook because no legitimate news source would publish it, and the troll farm amplified it for her.

Trump needs to tell the American people how he's going to get them out of this mess, instead of attacking Biden. Joe Biden has experience re-starting the economy. That was his role in the Obama Administration when Democrats had to rebuild the economy after the last Republican crash.

40 years of Republican economic policies have made the USA the richest nation in the world, but has left the American people sick, broke and unemployed. 3 economic crashes, each worse than the last. When Reagan was elected, the working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation. While to top 10% have seen their incomes rise by more than 200%, the bottom 20% are now dependent on earned income credits and government handouts.

They elected Donald Trump because he promised them that he would get workers a better deal. He hasn't. He's made it worse, much, much worse.

So instead of taking his comedy schtick on the road, it's time for Donald Trump to tell America why he deserves a second chance.
More fucking lies from dragonlady. Please provide credible links to prove your points.
Biden is a ship headed at flank speed for a very big iceberg, aka the coming 3-debates.
Trump is a known quantity, Biden is a senile old school democrat, not an AOC "progressive".
Everyone knows that Trump's economy before COVID helped everyone, that is reason enough to re-elect Trump in November.
More fucking lies from dragonlady. Please provide credible links to prove your points.
Biden is a ship headed at flank speed for a very big iceberg, aka the coming 3-debates.
Trump is a known quantity, Biden is a senile old school democrat, not an AOC "progressive".
Everyone knows that Trump's economy before COVID helped everyone, that is reason enough to re-elect Trump in November.

Google them A$$hat.

Biden is also a known quantity. 40 years of sane, sensible governance. Reviving the economy after the 2008 crash. No real scandals, or corruption. Taking responsibility of mistakes and owning up to them. Versus 4 more years of chaos, dysfunction and mismanagement, and blaming others. Disease, death and destruction have been the trade marks of the Trump Presidency.

3 debates. Trump's insult comedy act is old and its tired. We saw that Saturday night. The debates will be all about Trump's record. People don't want to hear Trump slagging the Democrats, and their fellow Americans. They want to hear how Trump is going to unify the country, defeat the disease, and revive the economy.

Doctors Without Borders has set up testing in Florida. This is an outfit that works in Third World Countries with inadequate medical services.

The USA is quickly turning into a shithole country under what passes for Republican leadership in Washington. Thank God that not all of the Republican governors are idiots.
This speech is the start of the real campaign. He is setting the boundaries for which Bidens team will have a very difficult time countering.

Biden will basically go with "anyone but Trump". It will sell well in Cali, NY and D.C...anywhere else?
The left coast, Colorado (sad that a once great state is now occupied by Illinois and California Democrats) Virginia, Illinois and New Mexico, Minneapolis,To be even more precise, it will sell well in Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, LA, Denver, Richmond, Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, and with all the illegals voting across the blue states.
Google them A$$hat.

Biden is also a known quantity. 40 years of sane, sensible governance. Reviving the economy after the 2008 crash. No real scandals, or corruption. Taking responsibility of mistakes and owning up to them. Versus 4 more years of chaos, dysfunction and mismanagement, and blaming others. Disease, death and destruction have been the trade marks of the Trump Presidency.

3 debates. Trump's insult comedy act is old and its tired. We saw that Saturday night. The debates will be all about Trump's record. People don't want to hear Trump slagging the Democrats, and their fellow Americans. They want to hear how Trump is going to unify the country, defeat the disease, and revive the economy.

Doctors Without Borders has set up testing in Florida. This is an outfit that works in Third World Countries with inadequate medical services.

The USA is quickly turning into a shithole country under what passes for Republican leadership in Washington. Thank God that not all of the Republican governors are idiots.
Democratic Party vision for the United States...see CHOP in Seattle. Trump wins again because Democrats can't run a city, a state, and certainly not a country.
If by sensible governance you mean doing nothing of merit for the benefit of the Republic, he would get the award, yes.

The phrase "do no harm" comes to mind.

With noteable exceptions (the Crime Bill), most of Biden's work was very good for the Republic. The Violence Against Women Act, his work with Obama.

At least Biden didn't unleash a pandemic, crash the economy, and put 30 million Americans out of work. And he has experience in restarting the economy since he did it last time for Obama.

I want all of the old farts to get out of the way and let younger ideas take over. Trump needs to retire so he can spend ALL of his time watching TV and playing golf, instead of just 1/2 of it.
The phrase "do no harm" comes to mind.

Well, he sure palpates like a doctor. :auiqs.jpg:

With noteable exceptions (the Crime Bill), most of Biden's work was very good for the Republic. The Violence Against Women Act, his work with Obama.

How did that benefit the Republic?

At least Biden didn't unleash a pandemic, crash the economy, and put 30 million Americans out of work. And he has experience in restarting the economy since he did it last time for Obama.

Tell us who you think did, just for laughs. And the only thing he's ever re-started was his practice of jumping nekkid into his pool when the female Secret Service agents were on duty.

I want all of the old farts to get out of the way and let younger ideas take over.

The old farts got the guns and the money. Pray they don't become too angry.

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