CO2 emissions +2.2% in 2012, driven by China and coal


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
CO2 emissions +2.2% in 2012, driven by China and coal

Nov 19, 2013

Emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and cement production reached a new high in 2012, rising 2.2 percent over 2011 due chiefly to an increase in coal-burning China, scientists said Tuesday.

Output of CO2 from these sources was a record 35 billion tonnes, 58 percent above 1990, the benchmark year for calculating greenhouse-gas levels, according to the annual analysis by an international group called the Global Carbon Project.

"Based on estimates of economic activity in 2013, emissions are set to rise 2.1 percent in 2013 to reach 36 billion tonnes of CO2," it said in a report coinciding with the UN climate talks in Warsaw.

The 2012 and 2013 rates are slightly below the average growth of 2.7 percent annually over the last 10 years.

Carbin dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas, and fossil fuels—coal, oil and gas—along with cement production account for nearly all its man-made emissions. Around four billion tonnes of CO2 come from other sources, including changes to land use, the report said.

China, the world's number one carbon emitter, accounted for 70 percent of the global increase in 2012, it said.

Chinese emissions grew 5.9 percent in 2012, lower than the average of 7.9 percent per year over the past decade.

Consumption from renewable sources and hydropower in China grew by a quarter in 2012.

But that growth came from a low baseline, and was more than offset by an increase of 6.4 percent in coal, which has a higher baseline. Coal accounted for 68 percent of Chinese energy consumption in 2012.

Other significant CO2 increases occurred in Japan (+6.9 percent) and Germany (+1.8 percent), pushed by a switch to coal to offset dependence on nuclear.

Indian emissions increased by a whopping 7.7 percent, with those from coal growing 10.2 percent
Read more at: CO2 emissions +2.2% in 2012, driven by China and coal
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Hydro, geo-thermal, solar, wind and nuclear are the choices we have....


2012= 35 gt

This is every year....The world isn't reducing.

The attachment is my attempt to show 2011, 2012 and possibly 2013 on the under 2c graph. We're currently higher then the 2020 graph where if we don't peak in 2020 = more then 9% yearly reduction.


  • $emission_reductions.jpg
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Mathew, there is no chance that we will not cross that threshold. And quite a bit higher. The feedbacks are kicking in with the methane and CO2 in the Arctic. China, India, and other nations trying to acheive the good life are not going to stop using coal simply because we have used less, switching to natural gas.

There is simply no hope that we will not see major climate change and a much warming world, not by 2100, but by 2050. Going to be interesting times for our grandchildren.
sorry mat, but you've become like the little boy who cried wolf all the time

and you're just now finding all this out?

China, Brazil, etc etc
Q: How much of an increase in temperature will a 2.2% increase in CO2 cause?

A: Hide the decline
Q: How much of an increase in temperature will a 2.2% increase in CO2 cause?

A: Hide the decline

2.2% per year+ increase....

34 2011
35 2012
36 2013

are all added into the climate system. During the 1980s we were adding a combined 20 gt/year and during the 1990s 23-27gt/year.

By 2030 if we don't reduce big time we will see 3c of warming by 2100.
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A few days ago I ran into a graph that shows where we're going....

1gt/year increase over 86 years =86gt+36gt = 122gt per year by 2100.

What needs to be understood is the high end is only 80-100gt per year by that time. This would create 4-5c... They really don't think economic progress will allow for the increase are we seeing today throughout the 21st century. Either from the fact that the developing world cleans up its emissions or we run out.

What's so threatening is the fact that 2014 will reach 2020 emissions 6 years earlier then they expected in 2010.

At our current rate the other graph I posted shows that we could peak in around 2020 but we would need 9%+ global reduction per year....Since we're above even that 6 years before that time = probably 2-3% more or around -12% reduction if we wait another 5-6 years.
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The die is cast lefties. Get your environmentally conscious asses over to Peking and protest. Get yourself arrested by Chinese authorities if that's what it takes. Maybe it will keep you busy enough that Americans can get a breather from you nut cases.
The world needs from NOW a -3.5%/year reduction in co2.

This is china, india, Russia, eu, United states and Japan cutting big time....

We're at 2.1 increase SO in reality it would be -5.6% reduction from current emissions....If we wait until 2020 = -6 + (-2.1) = -8.1% reduction.

China needs to stop all emissions in go to hydro, wind and solar.
India and the rest of the world needs to do the same...

At the very least they need to get to where the US is currently...Next year!
We have to 2041 at contestly at 2011 level
2056 at -2% reduction
and 2035 at 2% per year

As a world to escape 2c of warming by 2100

The difference between what I am saying here and what I said above(post 11#) is how fast we want to reduce...
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Where is all the cold air coming from? The mid west is freezing and it's the beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere and an ice breaker is stuck in the ice. Notice how the warmers don't focus on temperature anymore? It's because the freaking global temperature has been dropping.
CO2 emissions +2.2% in 2012, driven by China and coal

Nov 19, 2013

Emissions of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and cement production reached a new high in 2012, rising 2.2 percent over 2011 due chiefly to an increase in coal-burning China, scientists said Tuesday.

Output of CO2 from these sources was a record 35 billion tonnes, 58 percent above 1990, the benchmark year for calculating greenhouse-gas levels, according to the annual analysis by an international group called the Global Carbon Project.

"Based on estimates of economic activity in 2013, emissions are set to rise 2.1 percent in 2013 to reach 36 billion tonnes of CO2," it said in a report coinciding with the UN climate talks in Warsaw.

The 2012 and 2013 rates are slightly below the average growth of 2.7 percent annually over the last 10 years.

Carbin dioxide is the principal greenhouse gas, and fossil fuels—coal, oil and gas—along with cement production account for nearly all its man-made emissions. Around four billion tonnes of CO2 come from other sources, including changes to land use, the report said.

China, the world's number one carbon emitter, accounted for 70 percent of the global increase in 2012, it said.

Chinese emissions grew 5.9 percent in 2012, lower than the average of 7.9 percent per year over the past decade.

Consumption from renewable sources and hydropower in China grew by a quarter in 2012.

But that growth came from a low baseline, and was more than offset by an increase of 6.4 percent in coal, which has a higher baseline. Coal accounted for 68 percent of Chinese energy consumption in 2012.

Other significant CO2 increases occurred in Japan (+6.9 percent) and Germany (+1.8 percent), pushed by a switch to coal to offset dependence on nuclear.

Indian emissions increased by a whopping 7.7 percent, with those from coal growing 10.2 percent
Read more at: CO2 emissions +2.2% in 2012, driven by China and coal

Where is all the cold air coming from? The mid west is freezing and it's the beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere and an ice breaker is stuck in the ice. Notice how the warmers don't focus on temperature anymore? It's because the freaking global temperature has been dropping.

Cold air being forced into the mid lats through higher aptitude jet streams we're seeing as most of euro-asia is far above normal. Antarctica = more moisture as it is already way below freezing = sea ice.

The reason arctic is melting is during June, July into August most of it gets 32-36f. When a dipole forms = 40f or more.
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Where is all the cold air coming from? The mid west is freezing and it's the beginning of summer in the Southern Hemisphere and an ice breaker is stuck in the ice. Notice how the warmers don't focus on temperature anymore? It's because the freaking global temperature has been dropping.

Cold air being being forced into the mid lats through higher aptitude jet streams we're seeing. Antarctica = more moisture as it is already way believe freezing = sea ice.

The reason arctic is melting is during June, July into August most of it gets 32-36f. When a dipole forms = 40f or more.


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