Clint Like Romney! "Can Vet Me! Don't Know What I'm Going To Say(?)!"


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Talk about your empty chairs! And So He Did!

Clint Eastwood explains his chair speech to the Carmel Pine Cone

Famously, in the link, When Clint Eastwood was about to have his remarks vetted, he so states his reply, "You Can't Vet Me. I don't know what I'm going to say!"

Now likely he may have even been called to help Governor Romney prepare for the Debates!

Certain no one vets Governor Romney, when discussing the "victims" of the Bush-Cheney Administration, who got TARP bail-outs. Like Wealthy Republicans generally, Romney likely knows a lot about "Legitimate Rape(?)!"

So far, apparently, no one is even going to be vetting any of the Republicans, running for Congress. As for the Senate, Missouri GOP candidate Aiken has already admitted to it(?)!

Anyone notices that even the Republicans are wondering when their part of the presidential campaign actually starts. Governor Christie said in so many words, on Sunday--more or less--that it will probably start right after lunch(?)! Pundits may note that He himself actually stated next Thursday. Being a timely, due diligent Republican, however: Anyone may notice that actually could mean Friday, or. . . .maybe sometime soon. . . .after that(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Republicans famously, allegedly, hear empty things growling: 24/7!)

sorry, don't care...but it's pretty funny they are still talking about the empty chair..

It hit it's mark...

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Just mark Romney-Ryan down as "undecided" about the whole thing!

According to Romney-Ryan, right after the election there will be a giant "Happening" of Democrats and Republicans already elected--to decide the whole thing(?)!

That is basis one of the Ryan explanation, and the Romney explanation: Even of the "No Taxation Without Representation" kind of concept. No is discussing it, so that makes it all representative(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Dumping Tea, into the harbor, dressed up just like who(?)! "The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, Dumping Substance and Other Treasure Into the Sea: Essentially dressed up like Warriors on Horseback(?)! Not even horses would like that! Is the Senator from there even running(?)! He is one of their favorites(?)!)
Just mark Romney-Ryan down as "undecided" about the whole thing!

According to Romney-Ryan, right after the election there will be a giant "Happening" of Democrats and Republicans already elected--to decide the whole thing(?)!

That is basis one of the Ryan explanation, and the Romney explanation: Even of the "No Taxation Without Representation" kind of concept. No is discussing it, so that makes it all representative(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Dumping Tea, into the harbor, dressed up just like who(?)! "The Old Fat White People, Cavorting About Naked On Other People's Yachts, Dumping Substance and Other Treasure Into the Sea: Essentially dressed up like Warriors on Horseback(?)! Not even horses would like that! Is the Senator from there even running(?)! He is one of their favorites(?)!)

Can someone translate this into something remotely cogent?
Romney On The Economy: "Well, actually I'm running with Paul, and Paul says that's it's just criminal that the Democrats did budget savings in Medicare, that can be used for newer health care services that we never even asked for!"

"You mean new services for cures that can suddenly now be covered?"

"After the election is over, we'll have a big bi-partisan meeting--in honor of Ross Perot(?)--and settle everything right after lunch. . . .or so. . . .all things considered. When we get around to it, then even RNC will know.

Someone could compare that to an empty chair!

Mostly, the idea is to get people like Governor Christie out of the mainstream, and get back to health services, rather than executive paychecks, and insurance company profits, and medical investment conventions in Dubai! "Suck. . .hmpf. . . .hmpf. . .hmpf. . .cess! Suck-Cess! Suck--Cess!" GOP-style--(religious-based)--now means even fewer Iranian tourists to Dubai, now, after all. The Iranian currency is becoming worthless.

Which brings up the subject of the medical conventions(?)! None, of course, would be considered for Iran--presuming a Bain Business Model, especially. Like Reagan before all GOP: The idea is to take what deficit there is, and send it to the already prosperous, instead!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Sometimes a Great Notion. . .make a big splash. . .that empties the entire pool for everyone!)

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