Civilization Is At War: Guerrilla Warfare


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won by the Just, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.
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"3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image"

You fail miserably. Again. Read what you posted. Edit.
"3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image"

You fail miserably. Again. Read what you posted. Edit.

Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.
The copy&paste Queen is at it again. Is that what they taught you in hom skooll? Not to be able to think for yourself?

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

"3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image"

You fail miserably. Again. Read what you posted. Edit.

Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.
"We can see the two views "
Speak for yourself. What an asshole you are. In addition, your Weltanschauung is warped. Hear that sound of toilets flushing, PC? That's all your comments on USMB wiped and flushed.
The copy&paste Queen is at it again. Is that what they taught you in hom skooll? Not to be able to think for yourself?
Always interesting to observe the behaviors, though.

The troubling thing here, however, is how the simplistic faithful on both ends of our spectrum have been convinced that they/we are at "war". The people doing the convincing, of course, have a vested professional interest in dividing us as much as possible.

And the brilliance of convincing others that they're at "war" is that it gives you full and proper license to lie, obfuscate, distort and fabricate. It allows you and them to lie by omission -- ignoring and distorting facts that don't fit your "war" narrative. So you can provide accurate facts and accurately that you're telling "the truth" to motivate and justify the faithful, but you're really not telling the WHOLE truth. Hey, it's "war", no rules.

Sad to watch Americans being talked into the notion that they are literally "at war" with each other.

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Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image

......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world.

6. “…the 15th Century, the West is Christendom … . Paganism was in many ways both overcome and receding, … Any philosopher who would propose a system of thought would have to contend to some degree with Christian thought and writings. The Church truly did stand alongside kings, indeed in some ways over them.

This Christendom was not perfect, ….But it was truly a golden age of enquiry, of discovery, of extension of the Church. As with other golden ages, it had its drawbacks, but it was a time where Europeans were ardently working out how to live as Christians in this fallen world, not just as individual churches, or even Christian movements, but as a whole society.
…intellectual thought was flourishing. Universities, founded in the 12th century were dedicated to higher education, and unlike eastern academies, were places of innovation. Scholars did not just hand down received wisdom, they investigated new and exciting avenues of knowledge.

The first two universities appeared in Paris and Bologna, in the middle of the twelfth century. Then, Oxford and Cambridge were founded about 1200, followed by a flood of new institutions during the remainder of the thirteenth century: Toulouse, OrlĂŠans, Naples, Salamanca, Seville, Lisbon, Grenoble, Padua, Rome, Perugia, Pisa, Modena, Florence, Prague, Cracow, Vienna, Heidelberg, Cologne, Ofen, Erfurt, Leipzig, and Rostock.

These were the institutions where science was born….it was actually an age where progress was being made in many of the scientific disciplines that would make our modern world possible.” The Wicked Decided That The West Needed To Change · Caldron Pool
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.
The copy&paste Queen is at it again. Is that what they taught you in hom skooll? Not to be able to think for yourself?

It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

Actually, I don't read copy&paste, so have no idea what bullshit you're pushing today. And see? I made you answer me without a copy&paste. You can do it, just go for it, put down your own thoughts.

No vulgarity.

Grow up.
7. History makes answering this question very easy: which is better for society, living under the principles of religion, or living under Millitant Secularism, totalitarianism?

“…it was not heaven on earth, many aspects of science and medicine were in their infancy, it was still a very violent era. But it was a kingdom based on the principle that on earth as it is in heaven, with different expressions varied among the nations, and definitely the 20th century, the era of “secular liberal democracy” has more blood on its hands than any other era, outside of maybe the Mongol conquests.” Op.Cit.

Something happened during the 19th century that led to the century of slaughter, the 20th century, the ascendancy of communism, Nazism, Fascism, and the latest iteration of Progressivism and Liberalism. Militant Secularism happened.

The well orchestrated attack on religion and morality took place.

The attack was well directed:
The Social Gospel enthusiasts switched the aim from labor rights to attacks on the “profit motive,” …capitalism.

“The church, therefore, in the opinion of the federation, must accept
the Marxist point of view
…The federation, therefore, wants the religious leaders to preach a religious creed, not based upon the Bible and in defense of the American way of life, but one that is based upon the atheistic foundations of the philosophy of Marx. The federation wants the ministers to declare their judgment against the social economic system under which Americans live and prosper today in favor of the Socialist system, which in Russia and the satellite countries has brought the peoples.”

A full-court press.....and it is largely successful.
8. Long before the atom could actually be seen, it’s structure had to be imagined, and then these sorts of questions answered…’if it is as we theorize, what actions prove or disprove that visualization.’
The same plan need be processed about good and evil.

If God represents ‘good,’ then the entity one isn’t allowed to say exists, the Devil, would be the embodiment of evil.

Does it exist?

See if you can come up with an alternative explanation for this: The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism, socialism, infanticide, opposition to free speech, substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry, support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists, and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

And when you can't, consider the force that is behind the attack on the principles that made Western Civilization superior to any other.
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won by the Just, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.
..which guerrilla war are you talking about? guerrilla warfare concerns military actions
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won by the Just, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.
..which guerrilla war are you talking about? guerrilla warfare concerns military actions

You're serious?

The meaning of the thread is beyond you?

Perhaps this is not a thread meant for you.

Please, buy a ticket on the clue train…
"3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image"

You fail miserably. Again. Read what you posted. Edit.

Haha. You took out of context because you didn't read.

"Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. "

Anyway, let's talk about how we look like Jesus and what rational conclusions we made initially about the world. I'm sure you didn't read that part either. This was only about 600 years ago as, " Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence."

What's happened is since the 1850s, the atheists seized control and we have the science of atheism and religion of atheism permeating our society today. Look at yourself in the mirror. You disregard traffic laws and drug laws easily and without a second thought. You would lie, cheat, and steal if you didn't think you would get caught. Today, your form of protest is taking the law into your own hands and commit looting, fire bombings, destruction of property, vandalism, violence, and worse things in order to get socialism and Joe Biden elected. Anything goes, practically.
It appears that only Leftists feel comfortable referring to the Devil.....Saul Alinsky, mentor of Obama and Hillary, dedicated his book to Lucifer.

9. Now….if evil, and the embodiment of same, exists….

… there could be no better human spokesperson for this movement than Karl Marx. He accepted the real power behind communism, Marxism.

“He began life in a God-fearing family. It is documented that he was once a Christian. But a drastic change at some point in his life led Karl Marx to a deep personal rebellion against God and all Christian values. Eventually, he became a Satan worshipper who regularly participated in occult practices and habits….. Marx's own statements expose him as a hater of God, and therefore, a hater of God 's creatures- those who have suffered under Marxism and communism.”
Richard Wurmbrand, “Marx and Satan.”

When one looks as the actions of the Bolshevik nation, one can attribute them to personal flaws, or poor judgement, or to evil itself. What other explanation is there?
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won by the Just, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.
Just false witness bearing hypocrites! Our First Amendment is First not Second. Only the parrots on the Right Wing have a problem with it.
10. “… if you speak to many Christians they don’t want the Church to have political power. It is common for Christians to say something like this: “Do you want to return to the witch burnings of Middle Ages, the Church persecuted many people, it is better for the state to be non-religious, or at least secular in its approach to religion.”… history shows that much of our Western culture has been degraded and deliberately so…. is our culture now more like the Christian one that proceeded us, or like the Satanic one that sought to push us in a new direction? I think the answer is resounding; we live in Satandom.” The Wicked Decided That The West Needed To Change · Caldron Pool

11. And the reason for the above is that evil has been able to use our own freedom against us. And it was admitted... and we ignored it.

Barack Obama got his start as a community organizer in Chicago,saying it was "the best education I ever had, better than anything I got at Harvard Law School." And while he downplays his connections to ACORN, claiming he worked for churches, he was trained by (Saul) Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation and then spent years in the 1980s teaching the Alinsky method to others through several Alinsky offshoots such as Project Vote and Developing Communities Project in Chicago.

Alinsky dedicated his book to none other than the fallen angel Lucifer, yes that Lucifer, whom he describes as "the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment (that would be God) and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom."
The Late Saul Alinsky, Obama's Radical Community Organizer Inspirer-in-Chief

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. People know themselves much better than you do. That's why it's important to stop expecting them to be something other than who they are. - Maya Angelou.
1.There are numerous examples of a small, well organized faction defeating a larger and stronger one. The greatest explanation for the defeat is when the larger force either doesn’t realize it is under attack, or fails to recognize the enemy in mufti, not in a uniform.

Guerrilla warfare is a form of irregular warfare in which small groups of combatants, such as paramilitary personnel, armed civilians, or irregulars, use military tactics including ambushes, sabotage, raids, petty warfare, hit-and-run tactics, and mobility, to fight a larger and less-mobile traditional military.
Guerrilla warfare - Wikipedia

Western Civilization is in just such war….and well on the way to losing.

2. The first clue to the enemy and their plan is the attack on teaching about Western Civilization in universities…you know, the “why learn about old dead white men” movement.

"Why did I have to listen in music humanities to this Mozart?" she groused in a discussion of the curriculum reported by David Denby in "Great Books," his 1997 account of re-enrolling in Columbia's core curriculum. "My problem with the core is that it upholds the premises of white supremacy and racism. It's a racist core. Who is this Mozart, this Haydn, these superior white men? There are no women, no people of color." These are not the idiosyncratic thoughts of one disgruntled student; they represent the dominant ideology in the humanities today.”
: A response to Rebecca Schuman |

Rather than ignore or accept this attack on the greatest, most successful culture ever to grace the planet, the weak progenitors of knowledge, acquiesced.

They failed to see it for the opening salvo that it was.

3. Western civilization was built on two ideas: God created every human in His image
......and human beings are able to investigate and make rational conclusions about the world. First, Judaism believed, as Greek thought did, in a God who stood behind creation; but unlike Greek reason, Judaism also saw God’s presence in human events,….God was intimately involved, in this view, with man’s actions.”
Ben Shapiro, “The Right Side Of History,” p. 55-56

We can see the two views incorporated from the very start of America’s creation. Our Founders were steeped in the classics… fact, education usually required Latin before it slipped to the current level….but chose religion, the Bible, the Judeo-Christian faith, as their primary influence. These first Americans saw our break with the King as the Jews escaping the Pharaoh.

4. In order to destroy civilization, and re-chain mankind in the law of the jungle, where might makes right, that ‘primary influence’ needed to be weakened, and ultimately, eliminated. And the war began.

The name of the entity that the enemy of our civilization means to put on the throne of justification cannot be voiced….and instead, a less emotion-tinged entity is advanced: government. All kneel.

5. “How did our Western Culture become what it is today? Let’s wind back a little bit in time. You are in the 15th Century, the West is Christendom. No, not everyone in Europe is a pious Christian, but many, many are. The Church, being both the structure of leadership and the people, is an integral part of the culture. All aspects of life are informed by the Scriptures and the long body of tradition of past saints understanding of those Scriptures. Christianity has advanced from its origins in the outskirt Roman province of Palestine to be the dominant religion in the regions of the ancient Roman Empire and beyond.”

The first round was won by the Just, and the mistake was to believe it represented perpetuity. You can see the same pattern in WWI and WWII. Same mistake.

The enemy of civilization was weaker…but far more persistent.


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