Church Attendance Declining


Platinum Member
Jul 25, 2018
“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
Leftism is the new religion, the most successful modern day religion.

With the media and schools and academia working together to brain wash people, it's amazing the numbers are not higher.

I guess it's easy to blame others instead of reflecting on your own shortcomings.
What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

Look at the Religious Left, they were doing Gay Marriage long before the Supreme Court decision.

The problem was that after the pastors told families to "beat it", the LGBTQ that they were seeking never filled the pews, and never gave sacrificially to support the churches.

Basically, Organized Religion followed the footsteps of the Dixie Chicks. At the insistence of the left, they told conservatives to get lost. And then the left threw them under the bus.
What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

Look at the Religious Left, they were doing Gay Marriage long before the Supreme Court decision.

The problem was that after the pastors told families to "beat it", the LGBTQ that they were seeking never filled the pews, and never gave sacrificially to support the churches.

Basically, Organized Religion followed the footsteps of the Dixie Chicks. At the insistence of the left, they told conservatives to get lost. And then the left threw them under the bus.

I went to church for my entire childhood. It was the busybody hypocritical judgemental church ladies that made me drop out. Nasty gossipy bitches just use the bible as a blunt object to hit people over the head. Churches are full of these miserable creatures anymore who make faith look like a horrible chore.
“U.S. church membership has fallen below 50% for the first time, according to a Gallup poll published Monday, continuing a decades-long decline in membership driven by growing numbers of Americans who express no religious affiliation.”

People who attend church has steadily declined as the number of non-religious has continued to grow.

Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?

COVID will do that. Movie attendance is declining as well.
Christians can’t be happy with this. Our country is rapidly becoming more secular.

What do Christians think about this? Why is your religion dwindling away?
Actually, why do you think Christians can't be happy with this? Throughout Biblical history there have been the ebbs and flows and talk about the 25% remnant. Perhaps we are waiting for the other 25% to drift away so the remnant can begin a new growth. :)
The biggest reason for the fall is the fact that modern religious denominations have decided to abandon families and pursue homosexuals and trannies for membership.

I can see this to an extent. I think Christianity has been in a very uncomfortable place as the LGBT has gotten more widely accepted.

Seems like it was a lose-lose situation for them. They could either double down on discriminating against these people which was already resulting in them losing members, or they could try to embrace these people and lose some of their more conservative members.
Actually, why do you think Christians can't be happy with this? Throughout Biblical history there have been the ebbs and flows and talk about the 25% remnant. Perhaps we are waiting for the other 25% to drift away so the remnant can begin a new growth. :)

Are you happy with this?
Churches and church people have done more to damage the appeal of organized religion than any militant atheist could dream of doing. Jesus said examine your own moral failings before you point them out in others but the religious right apparently didn't get the memo.
Another likely explanation is that adults can't seem to find the time for adult religious education classes. Too many feel that they learned everything by the time they hit their teens. People are unclear on how much there is left to learn.

Another thing to consider: Church attendance is not the only thing falling off. There has been a clear drop of people watching the News. It will be interesting when people start declaring "No affiliation" to our political parties.
Another thing to consider: Church attendance is not the only thing falling off. There has been a clear drop of people watching the News.

Has there?

Do you have something readily available to support that? I find that hard to believe considering that we recently had a record turnout in voters.
Has there?

Do you have something readily available to support that? I find that hard to believe considering that we recently had a record turnout in voters.
It is an easy enough search. You might also check on people who trust the news media.

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