Operation Save America: Christians to Confront Largest Mosque in Colorado
To: State Desk
Contact: Pat McEwen, media liaison for Operation Save America, 321-431-3962 cell, [email protected]
DENVER, July 15 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Operation Rescue / Operation Save America will bring the Gospel of Christ to the largest Mosque in Colorado. We are compelled to bring this message to those lost in the murderous bondage of Islam because of the worldwide persecution and murder of Christians. The recent resurgence of terrorist activities in London is nothing less than the lie of Islam!
Who is the true God? The one who call us to love our enemies and overcome evil with good (Jesus), or one who calls us to hate our enemies and murder them in the name of Allah?
This is the battle of the ages: Christianity vs. Islam; Gospel of Life vs. Gospel of Death
Press Conference Details---
Where: Colorado Muslim Society, 2071 South Parker Road, Denver, Colorado
When: Saturday, July 16, 2005, 10:30 AM
Contact: Pat McEwen, Media Liaison, to schedule Interviews 321-431-3962 or send crew directly to mosque.
To: State Desk
Contact: Pat McEwen, media liaison for Operation Save America, 321-431-3962 cell, [email protected]
DENVER, July 15 /Christian Wire Service/ -- Operation Rescue / Operation Save America will bring the Gospel of Christ to the largest Mosque in Colorado. We are compelled to bring this message to those lost in the murderous bondage of Islam because of the worldwide persecution and murder of Christians. The recent resurgence of terrorist activities in London is nothing less than the lie of Islam!
Who is the true God? The one who call us to love our enemies and overcome evil with good (Jesus), or one who calls us to hate our enemies and murder them in the name of Allah?
This is the battle of the ages: Christianity vs. Islam; Gospel of Life vs. Gospel of Death
Press Conference Details---
Where: Colorado Muslim Society, 2071 South Parker Road, Denver, Colorado
When: Saturday, July 16, 2005, 10:30 AM
Contact: Pat McEwen, Media Liaison, to schedule Interviews 321-431-3962 or send crew directly to mosque.