Chris Wallace deserves a medal


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(
For the next debate, the moderator should be the ugliest, meanest, and toughest member in the entire Hells Angels organization.

When he tells the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe they have two minutes to expand on each topic, and NOT to interrupt the other speaker (or the moderator) the rules WILL be followed by both parties.

Any infraction will earn the offending speaker a backhand smack across the mouth.

FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(

Trump supporters...tell you guy to not tell violent white supremacists groups to "stand by"

Its a low point for the Presidency.
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(

Wallace deserves a medal? The guy was a useless fuck. All the questions were steered towards Trump, the whole debate was about Trump, almost nothing really about looking into the kind of guy Joe was or his past.

What little was brought out was brought out by Trump! Under Wallace's constant complaints and interruptions.

It was a set up: Wallace would first ask Trump to justify (defend) his policies. While he spoke, Biden constantly made derisive remarks and comments. Wallace never complained to Joe. Then Wallace turned to Joe and asked him to CRITIQUE what Trump just said! And of course, Biden lied through his teeth. Then when Trump tried to refute the lies and expound on things, Wallace would cut him off. Wallace not ONCE excoriated Joe for his name-calling, personal attacks or derisive remarks. It was an orchestrated TRUMP-BASH. So of course it made Trump look like the bully: he was fighting a debate of 2 against 1.

At one point, Trump correctly asked Wallace who he was really debating.

Debates should be about delving into topics and getting meaningful information, not about buzzers and time limits. If this were any legit debate, they should have stuck to only FOUR categories and given the parties time to expound on their claims and make refutations, then there wouldn't have been the need to shout over each other.

And find a moderator without his head up his ass sucking Joe's dick without even enough sense to know that there are at least a HALF-DOZEN documented cases now of mail ballot fraud as Joe lies it's never happened. Not that Wallace is ever man enough to defend the truth.
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I thought it was appropriate that Donald Trump interrupt Joe Biden since Chris Wallace abused his own "no interruption policy" every time he asked Trump a question. When asking Biden a question, little if any interruption from Wallace was heard. Nothing but crickets!
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(
I said he was a good journalist, that tries to do a good job, and he tried to do a good job tonight, but it was a $hit show, thanks to trump. That man is pure white trash.
For the next debate, the moderator should be the ugliest, meanest, and toughest member in the entire Hells Angels organization.

When he tells the impeached president trump and Status Quo Joe they have two minutes to expand on each topic, and NOT to interrupt the other speaker (or the moderator) the rules WILL be followed by both parties.

Any infraction will earn the offending speaker a backhand smack across the mouth.

Joe Rogan offered, he could crush either one physically
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(

No he doesn't. That whole debate was a disaster. Trump was interrupting Biden, while Wallace seemingly held water for Biden throughout the debate (if you can call it one). NOBODY IN THAT ROOM deserves a medal. Except for the janitors.
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(
Rules are fine if they are enforced equally. Wallace clearly favored Bidumb!
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(

FUCK YOU, BILL. You deserve to have Chris Wallace sit on your face. You'd love it.
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(

Wallace deserves a medal? The guy was a useless fuck. All the questions were steered towards Trump, the whole debate was about Trump, almost nothing really about looking into the kind of guy Joe was or his past.

What little was brought out was brought out by Trump! Under Wallace's constant complaints and interruptions.

It was a set up: Wallace would first ask Trump to justify (defend) his policies. While he spoke, Biden constantly made derisive remarks and comments. Wallace never complained to Joe. Then Wallace turned to Joe and asked him to CRITIQUE what Trump just said! And of course, Biden lied through his teeth. Then when Trump tried to refute the lies and expound on things, Wallace would cut him off. Wallace not ONCE excoriated Joe for his name-calling, personal attacks or derisive remarks. It was an orchestrated TRUMP-BASH. So of course it made Trump look like the bully: he was fighting a debate of 2 against 1.

At one point, Trump correctly asked Wallace who he was really debating.

Debates should be about delving into topics and getting meaningful information, not about buzzers and time limits. If this were any legit debate, they should have stuck to only FOUR categories and given the parties time to expound on their claims and make refutations, then there wouldn't have been the need to shout over each other.

And find a moderator without his head up his ass sucking Joe's dick without even enough sense to know that there are at least a HALF-DOZEN documented cases now of mail ballot fraud as Joe lies it's never happened. Not that Wallace is ever man enough to defend the truth.

Hey little guy--- If you go back and read my post, you'll notice I said I think Chris Wallace deserves a medal. Not Joe Biden.

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?? :bye1:
FOX News' Chris Wallace deserves a medal for his referee's part in the 1st presidential debate. Personally, both camps should be ashamed at this pathetic performance.

Biden Supporters: Tell your guy to get his temper under control. If Biden's goal was to act presidential, I'd give him a C-. Yes, Trump broke the rules and interrupted a lot, but Joe needs to consider the source keep his emotions in check.

Trump Supporters: Tell your guy, debates have rules...presidential debates are not verbal pissing matches between 8 year olds. Trump took up all his allotted speaking slots and 30% of Joe's. His constant interruptions were just plain juvenile.

Both camps will claim a big win of course, but those 14% of uncommitted voters that will decide this election were not impressed with what they witnessed. :(

Wallace deserves a medal? The guy was a useless fuck. All the questions were steered towards Trump, the whole debate was about Trump, almost nothing really about looking into the kind of guy Joe was or his past.

What little was brought out was brought out by Trump! Under Wallace's constant complaints and interruptions.

It was a set up: Wallace would first ask Trump to justify (defend) his policies. While he spoke, Biden constantly made derisive remarks and comments. Wallace never complained to Joe. Then Wallace turned to Joe and asked him to CRITIQUE what Trump just said! And of course, Biden lied through his teeth. Then when Trump tried to refute the lies and expound on things, Wallace would cut him off. Wallace not ONCE excoriated Joe for his name-calling, personal attacks or derisive remarks. It was an orchestrated TRUMP-BASH. So of course it made Trump look like the bully: he was fighting a debate of 2 against 1.

At one point, Trump correctly asked Wallace who he was really debating.

Debates should be about delving into topics and getting meaningful information, not about buzzers and time limits. If this were any legit debate, they should have stuck to only FOUR categories and given the parties time to expound on their claims and make refutations, then there wouldn't have been the need to shout over each other.

And find a moderator without his head up his ass sucking Joe's dick without even enough sense to know that there are at least a HALF-DOZEN documented cases now of mail ballot fraud as Joe lies it's never happened. Not that Wallace is ever man enough to defend the truth.

Hey little guy--- If you go back and read my post, you'll notice I said I think Chris Wallace deserves a medal. Not Joe Biden.

You're not the sharpest tool in the shed, are you?? :bye1:
I couldn’t watch the whole thing due to my disgust for both candidates and Wallace’s ridiculous questions.
I thought it was appropriate that Donald Trump interrupt Joe Biden since Chris Wallace abused his own "no interruption policy" every time he asked Trump a question. When asking Biden a question, little if any interruption from Wallace was heard. Nothing but crickets!

This was indeed the case in the little I watched of it, Wallace stepping all over Trump's responses to Gou Pi Biden's false ranting lies.

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