(CNN) CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'....

Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'..

The first debate between Biden and Trump takes place on June 27.

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza believes that CNN's rules for the upcoming presidential debate are skewed to help President Joe Biden.
On Saturday, CNN announced the rules for the June 27 debate, including: muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes.

Biden] is older ... I do think he struggles more with these live performance kind-of-things than does Trump.'

Previous presidential debates, traditionally hosted by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, featured live audiences and did not mute candidates' microphones.

Cillizza said he is "surprised" Trump's campaign agreed to the rules because, in his view, they benefit Biden.

Muted microphones​

To limit interruptions, CNN will only unmute the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

It's not clear how CNN plans to enforce this rule — whether the moderators will manually control the microphones or if an offstage producer will toggle the on/off switches — but Cillizza believes this rule clearly helps Biden.

Have not watched Presidential debates since the early 2000's. Its worthless kabuki political theatre. Idiot reporters and candidates calling each other names.
The microphone's should be unmuted so as to allow shit gibbon Dotard to go off on his rants, tangents, & whining like a little bitch so that voter's can see what a deranged fucktwit jerkoff that he really is.

The rules benefit your boy, Cleetus.
The entire thing is a bag idea.
This is not going to challenge the status of Baldwin-Buckley in the annals of debating. This is tantamount to an obese octogenarian bikini contest.

I pity America.

Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'..

The first debate between Biden and Trump takes place on June 27.

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza believes that CNN's rules for the upcoming presidential debate are skewed to help President Joe Biden.
On Saturday, CNN announced the rules for the June 27 debate, including: muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes.

Biden] is older ... I do think he struggles more with these live performance kind-of-things than does Trump.'

Previous presidential debates, traditionally hosted by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, featured live audiences and did not mute candidates' microphones.

Cillizza said he is "surprised" Trump's campaign agreed to the rules because, in his view, they benefit Biden.

Muted microphones​

To limit interruptions, CNN will only unmute the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

It's not clear how CNN plans to enforce this rule — whether the moderators will manually control the microphones or if an offstage producer will toggle the on/off switches — but Cillizza believes this rule clearly helps Biden.

I’m just curious as to there reasoning for no opening statements. I mean, I have MY theories as to why that is, but I want to know their reasoning. Isn’t it typical of all debates to have opening statements.

I’m also wondering why they didn’t agree to the drug test…it would have been simple, quick, and would have answered everyone’s questions.

Now, people are going to see a stark, spry biden, which is not tylical of his normal demeanor, and people will ask questions.

The Biden camp could have answered all of that by agreeing to it.
This is not going to be an honest debate. The limp wrist slackers of the MSM will do everything to make Biden look good and Trump look bad. I wouldn't be surprised if they have all of Biden's answers already taped and ready to run. Let's face facts. If you're stupid enough to vote for Biden today, no logic that anyone can put in your pea brain is going to change your mind. MAGA

Especially if his gag order from the judge remains in place limiting what he can say.

Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'..

The first debate between Biden and Trump takes place on June 27.

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza believes that CNN's rules for the upcoming presidential debate are skewed to help President Joe Biden.
On Saturday, CNN announced the rules for the June 27 debate, including: muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes.

Biden] is older ... I do think he struggles more with these live performance kind-of-things than does Trump.'

Previous presidential debates, traditionally hosted by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, featured live audiences and did not mute candidates' microphones.

Cillizza said he is "surprised" Trump's campaign agreed to the rules because, in his view, they benefit Biden.

Muted microphones​

To limit interruptions, CNN will only unmute the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

It's not clear how CNN plans to enforce this rule — whether the moderators will manually control the microphones or if an offstage producer will toggle the on/off switches — but Cillizza believes this rule clearly helps Biden.

Of course not having Trump talking over him or cutting him off is going to benefit Biden.

Biden isn't the one who struggles in a debate format and he's had 50 years of experience doing policy debates. Trump is the guy who can't even discuss policy in interviews, much less debate it.

Biden won both debates last time, and Trump came off as a maniac. Trump is already suggesting that Biden will be "jacked up on drugs" to beat him this time. Always the Loser that Donnie.
I’m just curious as to there reasoning for no opening statements. I mean, I have MY theories as to why that is, but I want to know their reasoning. Isn’t it typical of all debates to have opening statements.

I’m also wondering why they didn’t agree to the drug test…it would have been simple, quick, and would have answered everyone’s questions.

Now, people are going to see a stark, spry biden, which is not tylical of his normal demeanor, and people will ask questions.

The Biden camp could have answered all of that by agreeing to it.

What questions would it answer? The only person suggesting one is needed is Donald Trump, and he's batshit crazy these days.

Why doesn't Trump offer to take a live competency test on the air to prove HE'S not senile. Because he can't finish a thought or a sentence these days, and he's so fucking paranoid. Everything is rigged.
What questions would it answer? The only person suggesting one is needed is Donald Trump, and he's batshit crazy these days.

There has always been opening statements as far as I’m aware, and now this CNN debate is saying there won’t be one. That only points to trying to make things easier for Biden. That’s what this looks like.

Again, agreeing to let CNN, whose already been shown to have been a part of rigging debates, moderate this one, is shaping up to appear they are trying to tilt the scales for Biden also.
There has always been opening statements as far as I’m aware, and now this CNN debate is saying there won’t be one. That only points to trying to make things easier for Biden. That’s what this looks like.

Again, agreeing to let CNN, whose already been shown to have been a part of rigging debates, moderate this one, is shaping up to appear they are trying to tilt the scales for Biden also.

I was referring to the drug tests being unnecessary.

I have no opinion on opening statements. I’d rather just get to the questions personally, but if others want one I’m good with that.

I’d like them to have the questions in advance so the can prepare answers on policy.

But Trump is just going to go on an unhinged attack regardless of what the format is because that’s all he has left.
I was referring to the drug tests being unnecessary.

I have no opinion on opening statements. I’d rather just get to the questions personally, but if others want one I’m good with that.

I’d like them to have the questions in advance so the can prepare answers on policy.

But Trump is just going to go on an unhinged attack regardless of what the format is because that’s all he has left.
You can bet that someone at debate central has already Donna Braziled the questions over to Biden. Obama or another totalitarian extremist, whoever is controlling Biden, is probably working with CNN-MSM right now, preparing the answers that will be able to be spun into a debate winner. Smart people will see through this charade, but smart people don't watch CNN, MSNBC or The View. MAGA

Former CNN employee spills the beans on how CNN's debate rules benefit Biden: 'That's a good thing for Biden'..

The first debate between Biden and Trump takes place on June 27.

Former CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza believes that CNN's rules for the upcoming presidential debate are skewed to help President Joe Biden.
On Saturday, CNN announced the rules for the June 27 debate, including: muted microphones, commercial breaks, no live audience, no opening statements, and no use of pre-written notes.

Biden] is older ... I do think he struggles more with these live performance kind-of-things than does Trump.'

Previous presidential debates, traditionally hosted by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates, featured live audiences and did not mute candidates' microphones.

Cillizza said he is "surprised" Trump's campaign agreed to the rules because, in his view, they benefit Biden.

Muted microphones​

To limit interruptions, CNN will only unmute the microphone of the candidate whose turn it is to speak.

It's not clear how CNN plans to enforce this rule — whether the moderators will manually control the microphones or if an offstage producer will toggle the on/off switches — but Cillizza believes this rule clearly helps Biden.

Trump didn’t have to accept. It’s disingenuous to blame CNN.

Trump didn’t have to accept. It’s disingenuous to blame CNN.

Yeah, so CNN and the rest of the MSM can tell you useful idiots Trump is an afraid to debate Wandering *Joe. And you’ll believe it.
Yeah, so CNN and the rest of the MSM can tell you useful idiots Trump is an afraid to debate Wandering *Joe. And you’ll believe it.
If Trump doesn’t show, it’ll prove he’s the coward we’ve been saying he is. All he and his minions are doing is looking for excuses to escape his blunder.

So, you're admitting that rigging the debate is a deliberate mAnUvEr?


I’m saying Trump was stupid to agree, if the debate rules weren’t to his liking. Now he risks looking like a scared punk. :auiqs.jpg:

That’s not a narrative. Biden challenged and Trump accepted. Just acknowledge that he got got. :cool-45:

Biden IS a puppet, yes.
Be careful what you wish for; Biden will be a DISASTER for 1.5 HOURS.


If Trump doesn’t show, it’ll prove he’s the coward we’ve been saying he is. All he and his minions are doing is looking for excuses to escape his blunder.

I was referring to the drug tests being unnecessary.

I have no opinion on opening statements. I’d rather just get to the questions personally, but if others want one I’m good with that.

I’d like them to have the questions in advance so the can prepare answers on policy.

But Trump is just going to go on an unhinged attack regardless of what the format is because that’s all he has left.
Ah yes, the drug test would answer everyone’s questions about if Biden is being administered some kind of cocktail to give him a boost for these types of events.

Everyone can see that he has difficulties in everyday things, we can see this on tv quite often. Then, like the sotu address, he shows up and does over an hour fairly well. There are accusations that he was given something to give him that boost.
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