Sitting this one out


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
So the options are once again bad vs bad. Great, the party leaders, through the media, have made it seem as if we're given a choice. They influenced our elections to the point that most voters are satisfied with the choices simply because they have a choice. And since one candidate is super bad, then thank goodness everyone has the choice to vote for someone who's not as bad.
And how gracious of them to let us decide, right.

A few years ago, I made my own decision to not allow any party or media outlet to convince me of which candidate was better or worse. This time around, it's easy, since both presidential candidates are incumbents. Both have a 4 year record to judge. So I don't really need to media to tell me anything. I can create my own limits and expectations. And judge their records for myself. I can do this without being fear mongered into voting. (lesser of 2 evils voting).

The choices given this time around are just as bad, if not worse, than the last time. Even if the candidates are the same. And so using my own litmus test, it seems neither Biden or Trump have earned my vote. In fact, with all their lying, borrowing & spending, wars, all the money they've sent to benefit other countries, their hand in devaluing our currency........ And the long list of other things they did wrong, It's clear that this is simply their rigged game and their rigged rules.
No matter if Trump wins or the Biden, the government, the establishment, the deep state all win.

I, and several others, are like those that went to Vegas and lost a lot of money. Then we sat back and watched how & why we lost. We seen the crooked dealers dealing from the bottom of the deck. We watched the floor guys reset the slots. We seen the roulette guy pushing the button with his toe. Sort of speak. All of this is their political game, played by their rules.

We've all seen the biggest liberal of our time, Romney, get the nomination. Did the RNC leadership take notice when we didn't replace Obama with Romney because then, the republican voters didn't want a republican that leaned left. They coughed it up to something ridiculous, like messaging or corrupt democrats. One excuse after another. And the proof is that someone who just as left leaning as Romney, now has the RNC nomination for the 3rd time in a row.

We seen our house GOP majority, the dems in the senate and the president justify hundreds of billions of our $$$$ go to countries we don't really benefit from. In fact, their only existence is possible because of the money and munitions we supply them with.

Once you sit back and just observe this political charade, it all seems like an episode of the twilight zone.

Republicans saying Biden is anti oil, when US oil producers are at record high levels. And democrats who used to pride themselves on being the border security party, (because it protects the American working class) getting over ran by immigrants who at this point, will take a job at $5hr. Robbing an American of a job. Because he's used to making $10 per day. Now he's going to be making $40 to $60 per day.
There are many choices but they dont have a chance. But the majority of voters in this country are easily manipulated. Stupid mother fuckers, basically.

As long as they think they are given a choice, they don't even care about the end results. I've asked a few here what they wanted from a president. And honest answers I got weren't even close to the one they were voting for.
As long as they think they are given a choice, they don't even care about the end results. I've asked a few here what they wanted from a president. And honest answers I got weren't even close to the one they were voting for.
It never is...
The sad thing is, when you lay out reality, they claim its not true or just ignore it. Its sad.
Hopefully we will grow up one day.
It would be fantastic if no one votes in this election. So much for that bs about consent of the governed.
Republicans unanimously voted against the Border Bill.

What you call a border bill that was never allowed to be discussed.

Even the Democratic Sponsor voted against it the last time calling you assholes nothing more that political opportunists.

Americans have a choice between a Giant Douche or a Turd Sandwich in 2024. Way to go people.

330,000,000 people in the country and this is the best we can do.

I'd vote for Ben Shapiro in a heartbeat.

I'd love to see the left run that jackass Stephen Colbert.
330,000,000 people in the country and this is the best we can do.

I'd vote for Ben Shapiro in a heartbeat.

I'd love to see the left run that jackass Stephen Colbert.

A celebrity game show is about what our elections equate to now.
Imagine, the democrats who have historically ran with the rhetoric that they were for the American working class and not too long ago, were the secure border party, letting thousands of migrants in every day.

And the GOP, who'd always ran with the rhetoric that they're against socialism & big government, is going to nominate for the 3rd time in a row, a candidate who tried to get a national healthcare plan passed. And give blacks $500 billion just for being black. (race based socialism)

One of the down sized to all this, is that comedians are scared to write jokes about it for fear of being cancelled. This would be comedy gold if it wasn't for the left & rights cancel cultist.
Weak sister OP is weak......I plan on toting many right-leaning voters to the polls during the 45-day in-person voting period that the dems passed into law here in Virginia.....I look forward to hanging them with their own fuckin' rope.
So the options are once again bad vs bad. Great, the party leaders, through the media, have made it seem as if we're given a choice. They influenced our elections to the point that most voters are satisfied with the choices simply because they have a choice. And since one candidate is super bad, then thank goodness everyone has the choice to vote for someone who's not as bad.
And how gracious of them to let us decide, right.

A few years ago, I made my own decision to not allow any party or media outlet to convince me of which candidate was better or worse. This time around, it's easy, since both presidential candidates are incumbents. Both have a 4 year record to judge. So I don't really need to media to tell me anything. I can create my own limits and expectations. And judge their records for myself. I can do this without being fear mongered into voting. (lesser of 2 evils voting).

The choices given this time around are just as bad, if not worse, than the last time. Even if the candidates are the same. And so using my own litmus test, it seems neither Biden or Trump have earned my vote. In fact, with all their lying, borrowing & spending, wars, all the money they've sent to benefit other countries, their hand in devaluing our currency........ And the long list of other things they did wrong, It's clear that this is simply their rigged game and their rigged rules.
No matter if Trump wins or the Biden, the government, the establishment, the deep state all win.

I, and several others, are like those that went to Vegas and lost a lot of money. Then we sat back and watched how & why we lost. We seen the crooked dealers dealing from the bottom of the deck. We watched the floor guys reset the slots. We seen the roulette guy pushing the button with his toe. Sort of speak. All of this is their political game, played by their rules.

We've all seen the biggest liberal of our time, Romney, get the nomination. Did the RNC leadership take notice when we didn't replace Obama with Romney because then, the republican voters didn't want a republican that leaned left. They coughed it up to something ridiculous, like messaging or corrupt democrats. One excuse after another. And the proof is that someone who just as left leaning as Romney, now has the RNC nomination for the 3rd time in a row.

We seen our house GOP majority, the dems in the senate and the president justify hundreds of billions of our $$$$ go to countries we don't really benefit from. In fact, their only existence is possible because of the money and munitions we supply them with.

Once you sit back and just observe this political charade, it all seems like an episode of the twilight zone.

Republicans saying Biden is anti oil, when US oil producers are at record high levels. And democrats who used to pride themselves on being the border security party, (because it protects the American working class) getting over ran by immigrants who at this point, will take a job at $5hr. Robbing an American of a job. Because he's used to making $10 per day. Now he's going to be making $40 to $60 per day.

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