CEO's Donate to Hillary More Than Any GOP Candidate

OP- Not all CEO's are a-hole megarich Pubs- and the ones who are give to superpacs and lobbyists where they're anonymous. DUH

MANY CEOs recognize that wrecking the nonrich to save on their taxes is STUPID and shortsighted. Kills demand.
Op- Not all CEO's are a-hole megarich Pubs- and the ones who are give to superpacs and lobbyists where they're anonymous. DUH

MANY CEOs recognize that wrecking the nonrich to save on their taxes is STUPID and shortsighted. Kills demand.
Look at this sad little prog trying spin the fact that is is his empress that sold out to the corporations lol

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Ha, and she worked for Walmart. Need i say more?

No, but you might 'say it' better/clearly. Who is she? Post evidence she worked at Wal-Mart and what does that have to do with anything of substance?

Hillary Clinton was a Wal-Mart Director for 6 Years

In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was under pressure to appoint a woman to the company’s 15-member -all male- board of directors. So, Mr. Walton asked a young lawyer, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who just happened to be married to the governor of Arkansas at the time, where Wal-Mart is based, to be the sole female member of the board.

During six years (1986 -1992) as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against the labor unions seeking to represent store workers.

According to an ABC News report, published in 2008, Clinton appears in videotapes of the stockholder meetings where she never appears to defend the role of labor unions. On the contrary, the tapes show Clinton in the role of a loyal company woman. “I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else,” she said at a June 1990 stockholders meeting...

Hillary Clinton was a Wal-Mart Director for 6 Years : The Progressive Press
Ha, and she worked for Walmart. Need i say more?

No, but you might 'say it' better/clearly. Who is she? Post evidence she worked at Wal-Mart and what does that have to do with anything of substance?

Hillary Clinton was a Wal-Mart Director for 6 Years

In 1986, Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart, was under pressure to appoint a woman to the company’s 15-member -all male- board of directors. So, Mr. Walton asked a young lawyer, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who just happened to be married to the governor of Arkansas at the time, where Wal-Mart is based, to be the sole female member of the board.

During six years (1986 -1992) as a member of the Wal-Mart board of directors, Hillary Clinton remained silent as the world’s largest retailer waged a major campaign against the labor unions seeking to represent store workers.

According to an ABC News report, published in 2008, Clinton appears in videotapes of the stockholder meetings where she never appears to defend the role of labor unions. On the contrary, the tapes show Clinton in the role of a loyal company woman. “I’m always proud of Wal-Mart and what we do and the way we do it better than anybody else,” she said at a June 1990 stockholders meeting...

Hillary Clinton was a Wal-Mart Director for 6 Years : The Progressive Press

Thank you.

However, It has no more bearing on her current run for POTUS than GWB's DUI or Romney's Dog carried on the roof of his car, or any belief I might have had in my twenties.

People grow, people change. It's a good idea to watch what people do, not what they say. But taking quotes out of context, and that includes something one might have said 40 years ago, isn't necessarily instructive.

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