CEO's Donate to Hillary More Than Any GOP Candidate

Well the lefties turn this thread into a big ball of dumbfuckery.

Did you mean "will" the lefties? Or, "well the lefties turned..."

The fact as I noted above is the right has cheered the Supreme Court in their 5-4 decision to find campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional.

And now the left (like it did under Obama) is thrilled to sell out to the 1% as fast as possible.... I mean hey, yer gonna elect another 1%er to tax 1%ers right?


This will likely tax your brain, but if one side accepts the largess of the 1%, and the other side does not, the former will win because the voting public is 50% below the average level of intelligence, and easily fooled by propaganda.

The real problem with democracy in Americz is two-fold: The Supreme Court's foolish decision to rewrite campaign finance laws; and, the media which benefits from the money spent to influence voters.

Ideas and past experience no longer factor into the mind of too many voters, those who vote on single issues and the latest 30-second TV ad or tabloid fantasy are too lazy or not capable of sagacious thinking.

SAGACIOUS: Acute mental discernment and keen practical sense.

I generally agree, my brain is not taxed. The question is, do you support a candidate (in this case Hillary) being owned by Special interest, corporations and 1%ers?

A. Did you read and comprehend my comment? It appears not.

Did you support Obama when he was bought and paid for by these groups?

A. Only Obama, be serious! I supported Obama's ideas on health care, regulating Wall Street and many other policy statements. Romney is and remains a Plutocrat and was supported by other Plutocrats.

Are you happy with how things turned out under Obama? Do you really believe that Obama couldn't help the middle class and poor because of Republicans? Do you believe that Obama being bought played no part in the middle class shrinking, the poor getting poorer and the rich getting incredibly more wealthy? Or was it all because of the minority of Reps in the house that magically expanded the Bush era policies by forging Obama's signature repeatedly?

A. I believe you are a partisan hack; that had Obama not been opposed on every single issue we would have recovered from the Great Recession of 2007 - 2009 much faster.

Do you feel Hillary will do things differently that Obama/Bush with the same people who bought them buying her?

I believe HRC is the most experienced person running for the nomination in both parties. My one concern is the Crazy Right Wing will continue to act out what might be a scene from Monty Python, much like the Benghazi witch hunt and the current Republcan Party will continue to put their party and its lust for power before our nation and its citizens.
Money follows the winner

What a disappointing post. I would have expected you to join in by painting a clever dilemma. Instead, you come up with this asinine apology worthy of the very worst idiots around here.

why? do you think democrats are so stupid that they'd let the wacky right fill their coffers with corporate money while dems sit back and say "no thanks".

typical righte hypocrisy.

Um, what? I was responding to the quality of RW's post. Never said anything implying that it was wrong for Clinton to receive these donations.
that's republicans ... they read into it what ever the want ... its how they are ... then when they can't refute what you say, they start with the sexual innuendos ... thats when you have to step into of their world of reality ... they hate it...

Except that Jillian isn't a Republican....
ya think???? idiots everywhere ya go !!!
isn't that just like republican want a be's, when cornered they go off the deep end ...

I take it you are a Hillary ass sniffer?
I take it you're Trump dick smoker
How very homophobic of you

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how is stating blueballs desires is homophobic??? after it is he who talks about sexual desires here ... I just reinforced his desires for him to let him know he needs to clean up after one of his sexual encounters ... that makes one homophobic ??? interesting
Do you think you are helping? I find you racist bigots of then left funny. it shows what we conservatives already knew that progressives are full of hate and stupidity

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what it shows here is you try to deal your sexual iinnuendos towards us liberals, they when sombody gets down in the gutter, just like you rep;ublicans do, you haven't a clue in what to say ... you're confused ... you can't believe that a liberal will get down and dirty like you republicans do .. so you come here in puzzlement and say stupid shit like you did here ...
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Money follows the winner

Point one: If a Republican got this much money you would be posting what your emailed to post and it would be how much of a sell out the GOP is.

Point two: Dems have 2 candidates that anyone even knows of, so the money is not split to such a degree and if anything "big money" is holding off until the field is smaller for Republicans.

Point three: Bernie Sanders won't take their money because he like most people believe candidates that do are selling themselves to corporations, like Hillary in this case.

Point four: you owned yourself, I just pointed out how.

Point five: Hillary will not be President, people simply don't trust her or like her.... She's got a name, like Bush, and that's all she's got going for her. Oh and she was born with a Vagina, some care about that when voting.
example of a total clueless republican... what are you going to vote for trump over a dem??? really???
Money follows the winner

Point one: If a Republican got this much money you would be posting what your emailed to post and it would be how much of a sell out the GOP is.

Point two: Dems have 2 candidates that anyone even knows of, so the money is not split to such a degree and if anything "big money" is holding off until the field is smaller for Republicans.

Point three: Bernie Sanders won't take their money because he like most people believe candidates that do are selling themselves to corporations, like Hillary in this case.

Point four: you owned yourself, I just pointed out how.

Point five: Hillary will not be President, people simply don't trust her or like her.... She's got a name, like Bush, and that's all she's got going for her. Oh and she was born with a Vagina, some care about that when voting.
example of a total clueless republican... what are you going to vote for trump over a dem??? really???
A successful business man over a lying traitor who sells her office ...... how is it you see the traitor as a good choice?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Well the lefties turn this thread into a big ball of dumbfuckery.

Did you mean "will" the lefties? Or, "well the lefties turned..."

The fact as I noted above is the right has cheered the Supreme Court in their 5-4 decision to find campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional.

And now the left (like it did under Obama) is thrilled to sell out to the 1% as fast as possible.... I mean hey, yer gonna elect another 1%er to tax 1%ers right?

1%er ??? hillary????? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGHAHAHA you are stupid
Well the lefties turn this thread into a big ball of dumbfuckery.

Did you mean "will" the lefties? Or, "well the lefties turned..."

The fact as I noted above is the right has cheered the Supreme Court in their 5-4 decision to find campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional.

And now the left (like it did under Obama) is thrilled to sell out to the 1% as fast as possible.... I mean hey, yer gonna elect another 1%er to tax 1%ers right?

1%er ??? hillary????? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGHAHAHA you are stupid
You are a idiot. Go look up how much hillary is worth. ...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

This was the same thing that happened with Obama in 2008. He received 75% of the donations coming from Wall Street, but Obamabots will continue to parrot their old "the Republican are the party of the rich and the Democrats are the party of the working man" ignorance.
Money follows the winner

Point one: If a Republican got this much money you would be posting what your emailed to post and it would be how much of a sell out the GOP is.

Point two: Dems have 2 candidates that anyone even knows of, so the money is not split to such a degree and if anything "big money" is holding off until the field is smaller for Republicans.

Point three: Bernie Sanders won't take their money because he like most people believe candidates that do are selling themselves to corporations, like Hillary in this case.

Point four: you owned yourself, I just pointed out how.

Point five: Hillary will not be President, people simply don't trust her or like her.... She's got a name, like Bush, and that's all she's got going for her. Oh and she was born with a Vagina, some care about that when voting.
example of a total clueless republican... what are you going to vote for trump over a dem??? really???
A successful business man over a lying traitor who sells her office ...... how is it you see the traitor as a good choice?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

and you want a successful business man, who thinks If I were to run, I'd run as a republican ... they're the dumbest group of voters in the country... they love anything on Fox news... I could lie and they'd still eat it up ... I bet my numbers would be terrific... over a woman who has been maligned by the republicans ... who know they can't beat her unless he gets your types to believe she's lying to you, who have called her time and time again a liar without one bit of proof.. where you fall for the republican liars over a fool who has said that you republicans are stupid ... really you want to go there??? PRICELESS
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Well the lefties turn this thread into a big ball of dumbfuckery.

Did you mean "will" the lefties? Or, "well the lefties turned..."

The fact as I noted above is the right has cheered the Supreme Court in their 5-4 decision to find campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional.

And now the left (like it did under Obama) is thrilled to sell out to the 1% as fast as possible.... I mean hey, yer gonna elect another 1%er to tax 1%ers right?

1%er ??? hillary????? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGHAHAHA you are stupid
You are a idiot. Go look up how much hillary is worth. ...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
whats does that got to do with anything ... are you really this stupid ??? what you need to do is look at what hillary has ... then look up what the republicans have done for the middle class and the poor ... the fact that you're fixated on her wealth and you haven't look who has done what, says you are clueless at best .. . she has written and got laws passed for the middle class and the poor ... she has helped the hungry children that you claim needs to be born ... she has helped the people to find work ... what has your republicans done ??? filibuster everything she has done to help people get a head... the best you can come up with is she has wealth ??? you are a idiot
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

This was the same thing that happened with Obama in 2008. He received 75% of the donations coming from Wall Street, but Obamabots will continue to parrot their old "the Republican are the party of the rich and the Democrats are the party of the working man" ignorance.
show us your proof you liar??? show us where he got 75% from wall street... you can't you just come here make up a number then l\ie you ass off ... you have no Idea in what you're talking about . .. I dare you to come back with 1 ounce of truth to you lie here ...
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

the one democrat has more donations than 15 republicans, wow, that says a lot, not. Both because the current money is spread out and donors want to know who the nominee is.

The same thing happened with The Hildabeast and Uncle Joe, a lot of Democrat donors waited to see who is favored before throwing cash in
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

This was the same thing that happened with Obama in 2008. He received 75% of the donations coming from Wall Street, but Obamabots will continue to parrot their old "the Republican are the party of the rich and the Democrats are the party of the working man" ignorance.
show us your proof you liar??? show us where he got 75% from wall street... you can't you just come here make up a number then l\ie you ass off ... you have no Idea in what you're talking about . .. I dare you to come back with 1 ounce of truth to you lie here ...

Goldman Sachs and its workers, for instance, made more than $6 million in political contributions in 2008, according to the CRP, which based its research on data provided by the Federal Election Commission. Some 75 percent of that loot went to the Democratic Party or one of its candidates, and 25 percent went to Republicans.

Wall Street Turncoats: The Money Guys Loved Obama in ’08—This Year, Romney’s Their Man
Well the lefties turn this thread into a big ball of dumbfuckery.

Did you mean "will" the lefties? Or, "well the lefties turned..."

The fact as I noted above is the right has cheered the Supreme Court in their 5-4 decision to find campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional.

And now the left (like it did under Obama) is thrilled to sell out to the 1% as fast as possible.... I mean hey, yer gonna elect another 1%er to tax 1%ers right?

1%er ??? hillary????? BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAGHAHAHA you are stupid
You are a idiot. Go look up how much hillary is worth. ...

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
whats does that got to do with anything ... are you really this stupid ??? what you need to do is look at what hillary has ... then look up what the republicans have done for the middle class and the poor ... the fact that you're fixated on her wealth and you haven't look who has done what, says you are clueless at best .. . she has written and got laws passed for the middle class and the poor ... she has helped the hungry children that you claim needs to be born ... she has helped the people to find work ... what has your republicans done ??? filibuster everything she has done to help people get a head... the best you can come up with is she has wealth ??? you are a idiot
You are a lying scumbag with no honor.

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