Is Harry Reid and 340 cities promoting "Secession" à La Confederate Rebels?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
S. 1814: Stop Sanctuary Cities Act legislation that not in my words...
The legislation would have made it illegal for local governments to ignore immigration-related detainers -- federal requests to notify them before releasing an illegal immigrant so they can take custody -- and to bar local officials from sharing immigration information with federal agents.
The bill called for withholding certain federal funding to any local governments that flout the policy.

Senate Dems block anti-sanctuary city bill

BUT Harry Reid and Democrats say:
"This vile legislation might as well be called the Donald Trump Act, like the disgusting outrageous language championed by Donald Trump," the Democratic leader said. "Republicans are not really proposing this bill to solve any problems within our immigration system. This Donald Trump Act was designed to demonize immigrants and spread the myth that they are criminals and threats to the public."
Reid derides sanctuary cities bill as the 'Donald Trump Act'

So Are Sanctuary Cities the New Confederates?
Are Sanctuary Cities the New Confederates?

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