CEO's Donate to Hillary More Than Any GOP Candidate

Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you
They know who they can buy to get special favors. Look at the Unions, they have bought and paid for them for Years. this Democrat party is selling us out to the highest bidder. And not just here at home. All Foreigners will be considered. The thing is their base doesn't want to see it or admit it.
They know who they can buy to get special favors. Look at the Unions, they have bought and paid for them for Years. this Democrat party is selling us out to the highest bidder. And not just here at home. All Foreigners will be considered. The thing is their base doesn't want to see it or admit it.

They know who they can buy to get special favors. Look at the Unions, they have bought and paid for them for Years. this Democrat party is selling us out to the highest bidder. And not just here at home. All Foreigners will be considered. The thing is their base doesn't want to see it or admit it.
And the republicans don't? They are fuckin globalists.
Did you see who the republicans are running?

They better start embracing Trump as a business man to get the CEO's vote or they will have to bite the dust again.

Trump is a protectionist..

Bush is out in San Francisco yesterday/ today trying hard to get the new rich money from the CEO's who are popping up everywhere, this is something his brother never did...not enough money here back then.
It is really the Campaign Runner follows the money..

Well the lefties turn this thread into a big ball of dumbfuckery.

Did you mean "will" the lefties? Or, "well the lefties turned..."

The fact as I noted above is the right has cheered the Supreme Court in their 5-4 decision to find campaign finance restrictions unconstitutional.
I agree and it is bullshit. Im an equal opportunity hater. I got Stephanie too :)
Did you see who the republicans are running?

They better start embracing Trump as a business man to get the CEO's vote or they will have to bite the dust again.

Trump is a protectionist..

Bush is out in San Francisco yesterday/ today trying hard to get the new rich money from the CEO's who are popping up everywhere, this is something his brother never did...not enough money here back then.
It is really the Campaign Runner follows the money..

He is the same as Hillary; just not as repugnant.

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