CEO's Donate to Hillary More Than Any GOP Candidate

Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
Hillary could eat a live kitten on national TV and many libs would go right on sniffing her ass so don't expect Hillary's lies and hypocrisy regarding corporate donations to effect them.
isn't that just like republican want a be's, when cornered they go off the deep end ...
Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
as I figured ... when cornered the try to laugh their way out of their stupidity... in your case you just proved your ignorance ...
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

that's nice....

who should they give money to? jeb! who's goose is cooked? thedonald who doesn't want $$ (or says he doesn't... which is a lie) ben carson who's so stupid he thinks the president is like hitler? or one of the other losers one display in righgtwingnuthackworld?

hint: they give Hillary money because they think she'll win. it's called playing the odds.

you know normal people laugh at your winger ijits, right?

but thanks for yet another troll thread.
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

that's nice....

who should they give money to? jeb! who's goose is cooked? thedonald who doesn't want $$ (or says he doesn't... which is a lie) ben carson who's so stupid he thinks the president is like hitler? or one of the other losers one display in righgtwingnuthackworld?

hint: they give Hillary money because they think she'll win. it's called playing the odds.

you know normal people laugh at your winger ijits, right?

but thanks for yet another troll thread.
Yep, Hillary and those big evil corporations are joined at the hip.
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

that's nice....

who should they give money to? jeb! who's goose is cooked? thedonald who doesn't want $$ (or says he doesn't... which is a lie) ben carson who's so stupid he thinks the president is like hitler? or one of the other losers one display in righgtwingnuthackworld?

hint: they give Hillary money because they think she'll win. it's called playing the odds.

you know normal people laugh at your winger ijits, right?

but thanks for yet another troll thread.
Yep, Hillary and those big evil corporations are joined at the hip.

jeeze you're stupid.

go back and read with comprehension, loony toon.
Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
as I figured ... when cornered the try to laugh their way out of their stupidity... in your case you just proved your ignorance ...
Im not a republican by a long shot, idiot.
Assuming gets you NOwhere :)
BTW, you are a complete moron. Hack jobs usually are.
So lefties are always screaming inequality and other shit, yet, they will SPIN SPIN SPIN to make it seem like their corporatist isn't a big deal? LOL
Ideologues are beyond stupid.
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

that's nice....

who should they give money to? jeb! who's goose is cooked? thedonald who doesn't want $$ (or says he doesn't... which is a lie) ben carson who's so stupid he thinks the president is like hitler? or one of the other losers one display in righgtwingnuthackworld?

hint: they give Hillary money because they think she'll win. it's called playing the odds.

you know normal people laugh at your winger ijits, right?

but thanks for yet another troll thread.
Yep, Hillary and those big evil corporations are joined at the hip.

jeeze you're stupid.

go back and read with comprehension, loony toon.
I'm laughing too hard at Leftard hypocrisy.
Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
There is a book written that tells of her selling herself and her husband

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Jeb will get the GOP nomination ...

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. — There are signs that Jeb Bush’s fundraising juggernaut is losing some momentum, after banking a stunning $120 million for his campaign and super PAC in the first half of the year.

A prominent Florida donor backing Bush said the former Sunshine State governor and his supporting super PAC are having to work even harder to keep up the pace, as hard-money contributions have been harder to come by in recent weeks.

it's early....
I am anti-establishment.
Rookie! if you were actually committed you'd self identify as anti- anti- anti-establishment, like the REAL pros do. :)


Rule #1: Always rebel against authority even if you happen to agree with what authority is demanding of you at the time, after all who the fuck does authority think it is ordering YOU around like that.

Rule #2: When politicians promise you something they always mean the exact opposite of what they're saying


Now go forth an drink the blood of establishment bootlickers young Jedi. :)
I am anti-establishment.
Rookie! if you were actually committed you'd self identify as anti- anti- anti-establishment, like the REAL pros do. :)


Rule #1: Always rebel against authority even if you happen to agree with what authority is demanding of you at the time, after all who the fuck does authority think it is ordering YOU around like that.

Rule #2: When politicians promise you something they always mean the exact opposite of what they're saying


Now go forth an drink the blood of establishment bootlickers young Jedi. :)

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