CEO's Donate to Hillary More Than Any GOP Candidate

The moral of the story is Democrat talking points are full of cow dung. Business cares nothing about either side. They only exist to make money. Businesses work with Stalin, Hitler, Ayatollah, and Obama all equally well.
Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
as I figured ... when cornered the try to laugh their way out of their stupidity... in your case you just proved your ignorance ...
Im not a republican by a long shot, idiot.
Assuming gets you NOwhere :)
BTW, you are a complete moron. Hack jobs usually are.
lets se here, how did Barnie Franks say it ??? progressives are really liberals in disguise and anti-establishment independents are republicans in disguise ... we get it .... your not a republican ... your a so-called anti-establishment republican incognito ... a republican want a be
Hillary has already shown she is for sale so of course the CEOs want put in a bid.... it is how they think business is done. It is also why they hate Cruz and tolerate sanders

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
as I figured ... when cornered the try to laugh their way out of their stupidity... in your case you just proved your ignorance ...
Im not a republican by a long shot, idiot.
Assuming gets you NOwhere :)
BTW, you are a complete moron. Hack jobs usually are.
lets se here, how did Barnie Franks say it ??? progressives are really liberals in disguise and anti-establishment independents are republicans in disguise ... we get it .... your not a republican ... your a so-called anti-establishment republican incognito ... a republican want a be
Why would I want to be one of those idiots?
I don't have a set ideology, so no branding is necessary. Although, if I had to brand my self ANYTHING it would be "classic liberal". Not that bullshit, commie, false meaning of liberals we see today.
I will get called a liberal and conservative 20 different times in a day. Fuckin idiots :thup:
So lefties are always screaming inequality and other shit, yet, they will SPIN SPIN SPIN to make it seem like their corporatist isn't a big deal? LOL
Ideologues are beyond stupid.
the ranting of a complete fool you do it well ... Every time you post, you prove to one and all what a moron you are
just because she gets money from CEO's doesn't mean she's for sale ...I realize you so-called anti-establishment republican want a be's feel that if she gets donation she's bought and paid for... if you really took the time to look at factual history on hillary you would know that there has been CEO who donated to her campaign in the past and she didn't support their agenda ... These CEO know this ... its a crap shoot with her... they all know that the repub-lie-clowns running for office hasn't chance in hell of winning
as I figured ... when cornered the try to laugh their way out of their stupidity... in your case you just proved your ignorance ...
Im not a republican by a long shot, idiot.
Assuming gets you NOwhere :)
BTW, you are a complete moron. Hack jobs usually are.
lets se here, how did Barnie Franks say it ??? progressives are really liberals in disguise and anti-establishment independents are republicans in disguise ... we get it .... your not a republican ... your a so-called anti-establishment republican incognito ... a republican want a be
Why would I want to be one of those idiots?
I don't have a set ideology, so no branding is necessary. Although, if I had to brand my self ANYTHING it would be "classic liberal". Not that bullshit, commie, false meaning of liberals we see today.
I will get called a liberal and conservative 20 different times in a day. Fuckin idiots :thup:
yeah, yeay, yeah, we get it ... you're a ashamed republican ... they call themselves independents or anti-establishment republican incognito ... we getting it stop getting panties in a not
So lefties are always screaming inequality and other shit, yet, they will SPIN SPIN SPIN to make it seem like their corporatist isn't a big deal? LOL
Ideologues are beyond stupid.
the ranting of a complete fool you do it well ... Every time you post, you prove to one and all what a moron you are

instead of being a pussy crying that he's being a fool, why dont you say what part of what he posted isnt true??
Filthy gay depravity is the lefts hobby lib.
can you say puff!!! puff!!!! bluespuffer??? not polite to type when your mouth is full

LOL what are you 12? Run along I think your mom is calling you.
what are you 7 ??? really !!!! you said "I take it you are a Hillary ass sniffer" that was your best 7 year old remark ??? well I guess I have to speak to you in moron so you'll understand it ... puff puff bluepuffer

Your feeble attempts to troll are laughable. Go clean up your pigsty room.
go wash your mouth out troll, you got white shit all over your teeth and lips and running down your chin ... you're a mess

lol look at this angry loser lefty about to blow a gasket because corporations are giving more to Democrats than Republicans; thus destroying another idiotic left-wing talking point!!


go cry angry left-wing loser!
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

that's nice....

who should they give money to? jeb! who's goose is cooked? thedonald who doesn't want $$ (or says he doesn't... which is a lie) ben carson who's so stupid he thinks the president is like hitler? or one of the other losers one display in righgtwingnuthackworld?

hint: they give Hillary money because they think she'll win. it's called playing the odds.

you know normal people laugh at your winger ijits, right?

but thanks for yet another troll thread.
Yep, Hillary and those big evil corporations are joined at the hip.

They were with Obama too. who the hell got the business of his Insurance Scam.?
and who got the business off Mabells poking her nose into our school lunches? these Democrats have been in bed with Big Corporations forever. that their base would believe other wise. that's what's scary
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you
Business is discovering the country does better when Republicans are not in office. We have seen it again and again.
Hillary could eat a live kitten on national TV and many libs would go right on sniffing her ass so don't expect Hillary's lies and hypocrisy regarding corporate donations to effect them.
isn't that just like republican want a be's, when cornered they go off the deep end ...

I take it you are a Hillary ass sniffer?
I take it you're Trump dick smoker
How very homophobic of you

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you

that's nice....

who should they give money to? jeb! who's goose is cooked? thedonald who doesn't want $$ (or says he doesn't... which is a lie) ben carson who's so stupid he thinks the president is like hitler? or one of the other losers one display in righgtwingnuthackworld?

hint: they give Hillary money because they think she'll win. it's called playing the odds.

you know normal people laugh at your winger ijits, right?

but thanks for yet another troll thread.
Yep, Hillary and those big evil corporations are joined at the hip.

They were with Obama too. who the hell got the business of his Insurance Scam.?
and who got the business off Mabells poking her nose into our school lunches? these Democrats have been in bed with Big Corporations forever. that their base would believe other wise. that's what's scary

Money follows the winner

What a disappointing post. I would have expected you to join in by painting a clever dilemma. Instead, you come up with this asinine apology worthy of the very worst idiots around here.

why? do you think democrats are so stupid that they'd let the wacky right fill their coffers with corporate money while dems sit back and say "no thanks".

typical righte hypocrisy.
Money follows the winner

What a disappointing post. I would have expected you to join in by painting a clever dilemma. Instead, you come up with this asinine apology worthy of the very worst idiots around here.

why? do you think democrats are so stupid that they'd let the wacky right fill their coffers with corporate money while dems sit back and say "no thanks".

typical righte hypocrisy.

Um, what? I was responding to the quality of RW's post. Never said anything implying that it was wrong for Clinton to receive these donations.
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you
Business is discovering the country does better when Republicans are not in office. We have seen it again and again.

ur right nutjob; under Progressives the very richest got richer and the very poorest got poorer
Money follows the winner

What a disappointing post. I would have expected you to join in by painting a clever dilemma. Instead, you come up with this asinine apology worthy of the very worst idiots around here.

why? do you think democrats are so stupid that they'd let the wacky right fill their coffers with corporate money while dems sit back and say "no thanks".

typical righte hypocrisy.

dems are taking in more than the others, typical left-wing loser losing the debate on the facts trying to twist things around
Narrative fail.

The GOP is often considered the party of business — but it looks like the nation’s CEOs may not agree.

Hillary Clinton has received more donations from CEOs than any Republican candidate so far this year, according to a Big Crunch analysis of the last complete batch of individual Federal Election Commission records.

More than 760 people have given to Clinton’s campaign and identified their occupations as “CEO” or a variation of “chief executive” — that’s about as many CEO backers as Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz combined.

CEOs' political favorite might surprise you
Business is discovering the country does better when Republicans are not in office. We have seen it again and again.
When Carter was in office I had a home loan at 18%, unemployment in double digits, and our enemies openly mocked America without fear.
Then came Ronnie. One million jobs gained in a month, interest rates dropped to reasonable levels, and our enemies disappeared.

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