CDC Back Pedals again


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA

So now it is purely person to person. Open up the damn country and have people wear masks for a bit. JEEEZUS!

That didn't say it is "purely person to person."
So now it is purely person to person. Open up the damn country and have people wear masks for a bit. JEEEZUS!
Your cite doesn't say "purely person-to-person", only that it's less likely from surface contamination. JEEEZUS!!! Lying doesn't help your case.

So now it is purely person to person. Open up the damn country and have people wear masks for a bit. JEEEZUS!

I read an article from a doctor in Germany back in March who said exactly the same thing.

So now it is purely person to person. Open up the damn country and have people wear masks for a bit. JEEEZUS!

Fake disease, fake coverage of a fake disease, faked pandemonium over a faked pandemic. All fake, all synthetic, all political and politicized. Real job loss. Real permanent loss of hope, future, family businesses, family dreams. Real deaths from staying locked up at home, from terror over the faked pandemonium.
So now it is purely person to person. Open up the damn country and have people wear masks for a bit. JEEEZUS!
Your cite doesn't say "purely person-to-person", only that it's less likely from surface contamination. JEEEZUS!!! Lying doesn't help your case.
Not spread easily...meaning risk is manageable. What does it mean to you?
well the meat packer nonsense is now truly nonsense. As I stated at the time. I'm growing very tired of all the sheep holding on to nonsense as fact and then arguing about it when they haven't a fking fact. truly aggravating. Hey fks, you own the economic issues. not me.

So now it is purely person to person. Open up the damn country and have people wear masks for a bit. JEEEZUS!

Fake disease, fake coverage of a fake disease, faked pandemonium over a faked pandemic. All fake, all synthetic, all political and politicized. Real job loss. Real permanent loss of hope, future, family businesses, family dreams. Real deaths from staying locked up at home, from terror over the faked pandemonium.
thank you!
In major reversal, CDC now says coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces

In major reversal, CDC now says coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces

Yeah...ummm.....we were wrong.

The models were wrong.
There won't be MILLIONS of deaths.
The most susceptible are the elderly and those with pre-existing Immune deficiencies and reparatory issues
The virus CAN'T be easily spread via surfaces
The REAL mortality rate is about the same as the seasonal flu after all
States are massively OVER-counting infections/death to cover our / their asses for destroying our economy
Draconian, Un-Constitutional Lockdowns were NEVER really needed
Cops arresting hair stylists outside of state capitals, going on right now, is dumb as hell
'What can we say...we f*ed up....our bad. No harm no foul, right? Right? Right?'


In major reversal, CDC now says coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces

In major reversal, CDC now says coronavirus does NOT spread easily via surfaces

Yeah...ummm.....we were wrong.

The models were wrong.
There won't be MILLIONS of deaths.
The most susceptible are the elderly and those with pre-existing Immune deficiencies and reparatory issues
The virus CAN'T be easily spread via surfaces
The REAL mortality rate is about the same as the seasonal flu after all
States are massively OVER-counting infections/death to cover our / their asses for destroying our economy
Draconian, Un-Constitutional Lockdowns were NEVER really needed
Cops arresting hair stylists outside of state capitals, going on right now, is dumb as hell
'What can we say...we f*ed up....our bad. No harm no foul, right? Right? Right?'



They are going to backpedal on the PLANdemic bullshit like Deion Sanders in Cover 1.

You know, this is a brand new virus, and nobody has ever seen it before. So, it's understandable that they will get some things wrong about it and correct themselves later when they discover new information.

I also remember that when this thing first came out, people were saying to disinfect stuff you buy, but masks aren't really required. Then, a group of people got together for choir practice, and most of them came down with the virus. That is when doctors and scientists finally figured out that it was an airborne virus and that masks should be worn.

I'm guessing there are going to be other things about this virus that will come out as this goes on.
You know, this is a brand new virus, and nobody has ever seen it before. So, it's understandable that they will get some things wrong about it and correct themselves later when they discover new information.

I also remember that when this thing first came out, people were saying to disinfect stuff you buy, but masks aren't really required. Then, a group of people got together for choir practice, and most of them came down with the virus. That is when doctors and scientists finally figured out that it was an airborne virus and that masks should be worn.

I'm guessing there are going to be other things about this virus that will come out as this goes on.
You're a diligent excuse maker/apologist, aren't you?

Surely, you will give the same benefit of the doubt to Trump, won't you?

The CDC has too many never Trumpers with TDS to be worth a shit....

Wrong. The problem is that they keep discovering new things about this virus that contradicts what they first thought. And, when the new information is presented, if it helps Trump, he agrees with it, if not, he denounces it via tweet, and all his supporters start spewing the same b.s.

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