Catholic persecution of Christians in America

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

At the root of this story? Is Catholic persecution of a Christian named Kim Davis. Is the woman perfect? No. Neither is she on trial for her personal life but rather because she has refused to grant a marriage license to a same sex couple. Kim Davis enforced the law as it stands in Kentucky. The law in Kentucky is marriage is between a man and a woman. This Catholic judge has just overstepped his authority by ruling according to the Supreme Court judges decision and not the laws of Kentucky. Something is very wrong and the Christians in America had better speak out now about it. This wicked judge is being applauded as one who has guts. What should the Catholic people do? Realize that their religion has been the persecutors of Christians throughout history, having shed the blood of over 58 Million people during 605 years of the Inquistions. America had better wake up. This nation was founded by Christians who wanted to escape such persecution and here it is again at our front door step.

‘He has guts': David Bunning, the same-sex marriage decision’s unlikely enforcer

After hearing both sides inside a federal courtroom in Ashland, Ky., the 49-year-old judge made his decision: The devout Catholic and son of former U.S. senator and Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Bunning became the first U.S. judge to issue a jail sentence to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling that made gay marriage legal across the country.

[Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license]

Bunning’s decision Thursday came at a pivotal juncture in the gay marriage debate that has divided the country along starkly partisan lines.
The irony of this headline - the same sex-marriage decision's "unlikely enforcer". Unlikely? Roman Catholicism has been on the wrong side of God's law from the very beginning! Judge Bunning is the poster child of Catholicism. To a "T".
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WARNING - Graphic Content - in video - art renderings of Christians tortured by Catholics during Inquistion.

WARNING - Disturbing art renderings depicting murder of Christians at the hands of the Catholic Inquisitors.

Warning - Disturbing information about the history of Christians who have suffered persecution at the hands of Roman Catholicism. Learn the true History from an ex - Roman Catholic priest for 22 years. He was a Catholic for 48 years in Dublin, Ireland and educated by the Jesuits. He knows what he speaks of. Listen to this:

Testimony of an ex - Nun - Sister Charlotte - what a beautiful Christian this woman is - please hear her testimony - if you are a Catholic - you'll find that she is very loving and has a deep love for the Catholic people.

How could the decision to legalize same sex marriage come from Roman Catholic judges who sit on the Supreme court? (the majority of them are Roman Catholic) - how could a Roman Catholic Judge jail a Christian for enforcing Kentucky law and refusing to break that law by issuing a marriage license for a same sex couple? The law in Kentucky is marriage is between a man and a woman! Why would a Roman Catholic Judge ignore the law in order to arrest and hold in jail a Christian woman who obeyed the law, enforced Kentucky law on the books and furthermore refused to disobey God's law in participating in such evil?

The answer is that these Catholic judges are not Christians. They do not know Jesus Christ and the history of Roman Catholicism is a vicious assault on the Gospel of Jesus Christ and those who preach and stand up for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Roman Catholic people are precious people and they are lost! They deserve to know the truth. Jesus Christ wants the Catholic people to know that there is no fellowship between darkness and light. There is no salvation in Roman Catholicism. For all who desire to come to Jesus Christ - they must come out from Roman Catholicism and believe on the LORD Jesus Christ for salvation. They must find a bible believing church and follow the teachings in the King James Bible. Not the teachings of man.

If you are a Catholic? Please watch these videos and learn the truth.
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

At the root of this story? Is Catholic persecution of a Christian named Kim Davis. Is the woman perfect? No. Neither is she on trial for her personal life but rather because she has refused to grant a marriage license to a same sex couple. Kim Davis enforced the law as it stands in Kentucky. The law in Kentucky is marriage is between a man and a woman. This Catholic judge has just overstepped his authority by ruling according to the Supreme Court judges decision and not the laws of Kentucky. Something is very wrong and the Christians in America had better speak out now about it. This wicked judge is being applauded as one who has guts. What should the Catholic people do? Realize that their religion has been the persecutors of Christians throughout history, having shed the blood of over 58 Million people during 605 years of the Inquistions. America had better wake up. This nation was founded by Christians who wanted to escape such persecution and here it is again at our front door step.

‘He has guts': David Bunning, the same-sex marriage decision’s unlikely enforcer

After hearing both sides inside a federal courtroom in Ashland, Ky., the 49-year-old judge made his decision: The devout Catholic and son of former U.S. senator and Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Bunning became the first U.S. judge to issue a jail sentence to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling that made gay marriage legal across the country.

[Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license]

Bunning’s decision Thursday came at a pivotal juncture in the gay marriage debate that has divided the country along starkly partisan lines.
The irony of this headline - the same sex-marriage decision's "unlikely enforcer". Unlikely? Roman Catholicism has been on the wrong side of God's law from the very beginning! He's the poster child of Catholicism. To a "T".

This is the most dumbest thread/OP I have ever read....

News flash.......

Catholics are Christian.......
Pray for the Roman Catholic people. When the judgment of God falls upon America it will be too late for those who have not come to Jesus Christ and left Catholicism. Pray for the LORD to save the souls of these people, to open their eyes to see the evil that is being done in God's name. Pray for them to have the courage to come out from Catholicism and leave it for ever. Pray that they find good bible believing churches and Pastors who care for their souls and will teach them the truth of the Word of God.
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

At the root of this story? Is Catholic persecution of a Christian named Kim Davis. Is the woman perfect? No. Neither is she on trial for her personal life but rather because she has refused to grant a marriage license to a same sex couple. Kim Davis enforced the law as it stands in Kentucky. The law in Kentucky is marriage is between a man and a woman. This Catholic judge has just overstepped his authority by ruling according to the Supreme Court judges decision and not the laws of Kentucky. Something is very wrong and the Christians in America had better speak out now about it. This wicked judge is being applauded as one who has guts. What should the Catholic people do? Realize that their religion has been the persecutors of Christians throughout history, having shed the blood of over 58 Million people during 605 years of the Inquistions. America had better wake up. This nation was founded by Christians who wanted to escape such persecution and here it is again at our front door step.

‘He has guts': David Bunning, the same-sex marriage decision’s unlikely enforcer

After hearing both sides inside a federal courtroom in Ashland, Ky., the 49-year-old judge made his decision: The devout Catholic and son of former U.S. senator and Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Bunning became the first U.S. judge to issue a jail sentence to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling that made gay marriage legal across the country.

[Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license]

Bunning’s decision Thursday came at a pivotal juncture in the gay marriage debate that has divided the country along starkly partisan lines.
The irony of this headline - the same sex-marriage decision's "unlikely enforcer". Unlikely? Roman Catholicism has been on the wrong side of God's law from the very beginning! He's the poster child of Catholicism. To a "T".

This is the most dumbest thread/OP I have ever read....

News flash.......

Catholics are Christian.......

If you will listen to the testimonies of these ex - nuns and ex - priests of the Roman Catholic church you'll find that is not true, Bears God loves you and desires for you to come to Jesus Christ and be saved. You are saved by faith. Not by works. Roman Catholicism has taught you a lie. You need to learn the truth. Listen to these testimonies and see for yourself.
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

Guy, the catholics are the original Christians. All you whackjob protestants are the ones who wanted to make up your own rules.

Kim Davis broke the law. If she doesn't want to give licenses to gay folks, she should quit her job. Easy-peasy.
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

At the root of this story? Is Catholic persecution of a Christian named Kim Davis. Is the woman perfect? No. Neither is she on trial for her personal life but rather because she has refused to grant a marriage license to a same sex couple. Kim Davis enforced the law as it stands in Kentucky. The law in Kentucky is marriage is between a man and a woman. This Catholic judge has just overstepped his authority by ruling according to the Supreme Court judges decision and not the laws of Kentucky. Something is very wrong and the Christians in America had better speak out now about it. This wicked judge is being applauded as one who has guts. What should the Catholic people do? Realize that their religion has been the persecutors of Christians throughout history, having shed the blood of over 58 Million people during 605 years of the Inquistions. America had better wake up. This nation was founded by Christians who wanted to escape such persecution and here it is again at our front door step.

‘He has guts': David Bunning, the same-sex marriage decision’s unlikely enforcer

After hearing both sides inside a federal courtroom in Ashland, Ky., the 49-year-old judge made his decision: The devout Catholic and son of former U.S. senator and Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Bunning became the first U.S. judge to issue a jail sentence to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling that made gay marriage legal across the country.

[Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license]

Bunning’s decision Thursday came at a pivotal juncture in the gay marriage debate that has divided the country along starkly partisan lines.
The irony of this headline - the same sex-marriage decision's "unlikely enforcer". Unlikely? Roman Catholicism has been on the wrong side of God's law from the very beginning! He's the poster child of Catholicism. To a "T".

This is the most dumbest thread/OP I have ever read....

News flash.......

Catholics are Christian.......

If you will listen to the testimonies of these ex - nuns and ex - priests of the Roman Catholic church you'll find that is not true, Bears God loves you and desires for you to come to Jesus Christ and be saved. You are saved by faith. Not by works. Roman Catholicism has taught you a lie. You need to learn the truth. Listen to these testimonies and see for yourself.

Give me a break, my uncle is a Catholic priest..I grew up running around the monastery outside of Milwaukee, I have so many great aunts that are Nuns I have been in the greatest cathedrals in the Midwest.
Catholics are Christians. If they aren't then protestants aren't either. After all, you can't reform a non Christian Church into a Christian church.

And your example is bad. Any judge in that position would be required to hold her in contempt. She is in contempt. Their faith has nothing to do with the fact that she is in contempt of a court order.
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

At the root of this story? Is Catholic persecution of a Christian named Kim Davis. Is the woman perfect? No. Neither is she on trial for her personal life but rather because she has refused to grant a marriage license to a same sex couple. Kim Davis enforced the law as it stands in Kentucky. The law in Kentucky is marriage is between a man and a woman. This Catholic judge has just overstepped his authority by ruling according to the Supreme Court judges decision and not the laws of Kentucky. Something is very wrong and the Christians in America had better speak out now about it. This wicked judge is being applauded as one who has guts. What should the Catholic people do? Realize that their religion has been the persecutors of Christians throughout history, having shed the blood of over 58 Million people during 605 years of the Inquistions. America had better wake up. This nation was founded by Christians who wanted to escape such persecution and here it is again at our front door step.

‘He has guts': David Bunning, the same-sex marriage decision’s unlikely enforcer

After hearing both sides inside a federal courtroom in Ashland, Ky., the 49-year-old judge made his decision: The devout Catholic and son of former U.S. senator and Hall of Fame pitcher Jim Bunning became the first U.S. judge to issue a jail sentence to enforce the Supreme Court’s ruling that made gay marriage legal across the country.

[Kentucky clerk ordered to jail for refusing to issue gay marriage license]

Bunning’s decision Thursday came at a pivotal juncture in the gay marriage debate that has divided the country along starkly partisan lines.
The irony of this headline - the same sex-marriage decision's "unlikely enforcer". Unlikely? Roman Catholicism has been on the wrong side of God's law from the very beginning! Judge Bunning is the poster child of Catholicism. To a "T".

You evidently don't understand the American system which is based on the Constitution and Law, not some fundamentalist crackpot opinion as to what the law should be based on their bible.

She not only refused to carry out the law but also orders others under her control not to do it. Funny how after she was placed in the gray bar hotel all her clerks had no problem issuing the licences

Persecution? LOL
Look no further than the case of Kim Davis and the devout Catholic Judge who unjustly imprisoned Kim Davis. This is only the beginning. The same Catholic persecution that we see beginning to take place here in America is the same history that goes back to the Inquisition. There has never been a time in history when this false religion did not err in its judgments. Even as the majority of Supreme Court Judges are Catholic and have over reached their authority by ruling same sex marriage legal.

Guy, the catholics are the original Christians. All you whackjob protestants are the ones who wanted to make up your own rules.

Kim Davis broke the law. If she doesn't want to give licenses to gay folks, she should quit her job. Easy-peasy.

You are mistaken, Joe. The early church began with the book of Acts and Catholicism was not yet invented. Constantine was a sun god worshipper - a Baal worshipper all the way to his death. Read Two Bablyons by Alexander Hislop and learn the truth.

As to Kim Davis? She didn't break any laws. She enforced the laws of Kentucky which clearly state that marriage is between a man and a woman. The Judge is the one who has broken the law. Not once but twice. God's law AND the State of Kentucky law on marriage. Look it up.
Catholics are Christians. If they aren't then protestants aren't either. After all, you can't reform a non Christian Church into a Christian church.

And your example is bad. Any judge in that position would be required to hold her in contempt. She is in contempt. Their faith has nothing to do with the fact that she is in contempt of a court order.

Wrong. Catholics are not Christians, Avatar. Not according to the Bible. They are following the false teachings of the Roman Vatican not the teachings of Jesus Christ.

No honorable Judge who feared the LORD and wanted to obey the laws of Kentucky would have charged her with contempt. She followed the laws of Kentucky. She didn't do anything wrong and even if the laws were changed in Kentucky she would still have the right to refuse based on her Christian faith.

The primary cause of the great sex abuse scandal in the Roman Church is its decades long cover-up of the tremendous number of homosexual priests, bishops, archbishops, seminarians, & even a Pope. Some Roman Catholic authorities have estimated that as many as 50 percent of Roman Catholic priests & seminarians may be homosexuals. It is difficult to give an exact figure. The September 26, 2005 "Newsweek" reported that "The Rev. Donald Cozzen, in his book, "The Changing Face of the Priesthood" estimated that 23 to 58 percent of Catholic clerics have homosexual orientations." Other Roman Catholic books document the same such as RC priest Enrique T. Rueda's book "The Homosexual Network - Private Lives & Public Policy" (1982), Michael S. Rose's "Goodbye, Good Men - How Liberals Brought Corruption into the Catholic Church" (2002), Randy Engel's massive 1310 page "The Rite of Sodomy - Homosexuality and the Roman Catholic Church" (2006) & others. These books were written by Roman Catholics, not Protestants.

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