Cardinal Pell

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue. Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.
Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

Guilty or not knows no one. A jury decided 2:1 that he had to go in prison. And to protect him the Australians decided to torture him with solitary confinement.

The reason why he is in prison is it that he is not trustworthy in the eyes of the Australian judges - but the man, who accused him, is trustworthy in their eyes. Why they see it in this way, this I don't know. In case of one person's word against another person's word it's normally impossible to find out who's right or wrong after 25 years, because every memorizing changes the memory too. Human beings don't remember like books or machines - we bring our memories always in a senseful psychological balance, which let us survive or correspond with our personal logic of consistency. This process is unconscious. So when the judges say this only witness gives the feeling he says the truth, then this what he says is able not to be true too. This what he remembers, is not necessessarily this what really had happened. It is this what his psychological structure made in about 25 years out of something what had happened (or not) - or what was suggerated in him in a later time from others.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue.


Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.


Whatever. Solitary confinement is torture. The Australian penal system has to stop this torture.
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Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

Guilty or not knows no one. A jury decided 2:1 that he had to go in prison. And to protect him the Australians decided to torture him with solitary confinement.

The reason why he is in prison is it that he is not trustworthy in the eyes of the Australian judges - but the man, who accused him, is trustworthy in their eyes. Why they see it in this way, this I don't know. In case of one person's word against another person's word it's normally impossible to find out who's right or wrong after 25 years, because every memorizing changes the memory too. Human beings don't remember like books or machines - we bring our memories always in a senseful psychological balance, which let us survive or correspond with our personal logic of consistency. This process is unconscious. So when the judges say this only witness gives the feeling he says the truth, then this what he says is able not to be true too. This what he remembers, is not necessessarily this what really had happened. It is this what his psychological structure made in about 25 years out of something what had happened (or not) - or what was suggerated in him in a later time from others.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue.


Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.


Whatever. Solitary confinement is torture. The Australian penal system has to stop this torture.
There was more than one victim and I believe that an appeal court has just upheld the original verdict.
Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

Guilty or not knows no one. A jury decided 2:1 that he had to go in prison. And to protect him the Australians decided to torture him with solitary confinement.

The reason why he is in prison is it that he is not trustworthy in the eyes of the Australian judges - but the man, who accused him, is trustworthy in their eyes. Why they see it in this way, this I don't know. In case of one person's word against another person's word it's normally impossible to find out who's right or wrong after 25 years, because every memorizing changes the memory too. Human beings don't remember like books or machines - we bring our memories always in a senseful psychological balance, which let us survive or correspond with our personal logic of consistency. This process is unconscious. So when the judges say this only witness gives the feeling he says the truth, then this what he says is able not to be true too. This what he remembers, is not necessessarily this what really had happened. It is this what his psychological structure made in about 25 years out of something what had happened (or not) - or what was suggerated in him in a later time from others.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue.


Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.


Whatever. Solitary confinement is torture. The Australian penal system has to stop this torture.
There was more than one victim

No. One of the two boys is dead. Only the other one told this story. The whole story is from my personal point of view not very plausible. Sounds extremely absurde.

and I believe that an appeal court has just upheld the original verdict.

Aha. You seem to believe in the moral of human beings and the justice of human institutions. But I believe only in god and in his truth - and nothing else. We will see. But Australia has to stop the torture to keep Cardinal Pell in solitary confinement. And it's more than laughable when the Australian officials see in hand written message from Cardinal Pell a violation of the conditions of detention, where he wrote something like "I am innocent" with a pencil and had reffered to the life of Jesus. I don't know what's going on in Australia - but the whole story is very strange. He's an old man. So "use it or lose it" is the main potential for his health. He needs physical activity. He needs intellectual challenges. He needs communication with other people. He gets "justice" - what's often only another word for hate on no reason to hate.

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Any guy who says he's willing to give up sex shouldn't be trusted

A nice racist statement against all Catholics and Buddhists.

You do understand that Catholic and Buddhist are not races don't you?

You don't understand what racism is. It exist nothing what we could call "human races" - there's only one human race.

"Sex" is today an ideological factor in the western world. I would say not everyone has to follow the rules of the strange behavior pubescent city dwellers in times of pairing season. For some people sex is the center of their life - for others not.

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Any guy who says he's willing to give up sex shouldn't be trusted

A nice racist statement against all Catholics and Buddhists.

You do understand that Catholic and Buddhist are not races don't you?

You don't understand what racism is. It exist nothing what we could call "human races" - there's only one human race.

"Sex" is today an ideological factor in the western world. I would say not everyone has to follow the rules of the strange behavior pubescent city dwellers in times of pairing season. For some people sex is the center of their life - for others not.

You don't get it.

A person has no choice what race he is

Anyone who joins a religion has the choice to join

hence the term racism is not valid in this instance

And I never said anything about sex being the "center of my life" I said I don't trust a guy who says he gave up sex because he is probably lying
Any guy who says he's willing to give up sex shouldn't be trusted

A nice racist statement against all Catholics and Buddhists.

You do understand that Catholic and Buddhist are not races don't you?

You don't understand what racism is. It exist nothing what we could call "human races" - there's only one human race.

"Sex" is today an ideological factor in the western world. I would say not everyone has to follow the rules of the strange behavior pubescent city dwellers in times of pairing season. For some people sex is the center of their life - for others not.

You don't get it.

A person has no choice what race he is

The word "race" is an empty phrase. Best way to see this is for example when a typical man from Japan and a typical "white" man from the USA have a best compatibility in histology for organ donation. Every racist is using such an organ because he likes to survive - but only in case of a brain transplantation he will change his mind.

Anyone who joins a religion has the choice to join

In this case everyone would be a Catholic or a Buddhist, after they had studied both religions for 30 years or longer.

hence the term racism is not valid in this instance

Lots of Catholics give up sex, lots of Buddhists give up sex. The reasons are different teachings of both religions. So what you said is equivalent as to say no one should trust in Catholics or Buddhists. The reason you say so is to eliminate [trust in] all Catholics and all Buddhists.

And I never said anything about sex being the "center of my life" I said I don't trust a guy who says he gave up sex because he is probably lying

Keeps the question why it should be for any Catholic or Buddhist important, whether you trust in him or not. And you said not "I do not trust" - you said "no one should trust". So you "discriminate" the world in two parts of people. The peopel who are like you - and the people, who are not like you. People like you are good - others are not trustworthy. Do you trust in yourselve?

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Any guy who says he's willing to give up sex shouldn't be trusted

A nice racist statement against all Catholics and Buddhists.

You do understand that Catholic and Buddhist are not races don't you?

You don't understand what racism is. It exist nothing what we could call "human races" - there's only one human race.

"Sex" is today an ideological factor in the western world. I would say not everyone has to follow the rules of the strange behavior pubescent city dwellers in times of pairing season. For some people sex is the center of their life - for others not.

You don't get it.

A person has no choice what race he is

The word "race" is an empty phrase. Best way to see this is for example when a typical man from Japan and a typical "white" man from the USA have a best compatibility in histology for organ donation. Every racist is using such an organ because he likes to survive - but only in case of a brain transplantation he will change his mind.

Anyone who joins a religion has the choice to join

In this case everyone would be a Catholic or a Buddhist, after they had studied both religions for 30 years or longer.

hence the term racism is not valid in this instance

Lots of Catholics give up sex, lots of Buddhists give up sex. The reasons are different teachings of both religions. So what you said is equivalent as to say no one should trust in Catholics or Buddhists. The reason you say so is to eliminate [trust in] all Catholics and all Buddhists.

And I never said anything about sex being the "center of my life" I said I don't trust a guy who says he gave up sex because he is probably lying

Keeps the question why it should be for any Catholic or Buddhist important, whether you trust in him or not. And you said not "I do not trust" - you said "no one should trust". So you "discriminate" the world in two parts of people. The peopel who are like you - and the people, who are not like you. People like you are good - others are not trustworthy. Do you trust in yourselve?

So it's an empty word yet you used as some sort of criticism.

I and I don't care why anyone gives up sex all I said was I don't trust a man who says he gave up sex

For one he is probably lying and 2 if he really believed in god then god gave sex to men and women as a gift not only to show their love for each other but to also have children

Why would a man who loves god refuse such a gift from his creator?

For all we know god is pissed at these guys for offending him by not accepting his gift
Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

Guilty or not knows no one. A jury decided 2:1 that he had to go in prison. And to protect him the Australians decided to torture him with solitary confinement.

The reason why he is in prison is it that he is not trustworthy in the eyes of the Australian judges - but the man, who accused him, is trustworthy in their eyes. Why they see it in this way, this I don't know. In case of one person's word against another person's word it's normally impossible to find out who's right or wrong after 25 years, because every memorizing changes the memory too. Human beings don't remember like books or machines - we bring our memories always in a senseful psychological balance, which let us survive or correspond with our personal logic of consistency. This process is unconscious. So when the judges say this only witness gives the feeling he says the truth, then this what he says is able not to be true too. This what he remembers, is not necessessarily this what really had happened. It is this what his psychological structure made in about 25 years out of something what had happened (or not) - or what was suggerated in him in a later time from others.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue.


Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.


Whatever. Solitary confinement is torture. The Australian penal system has to stop this torture.
There was more than one victim

No. One of the two boys is dead. Only the other one told this story. The whole story is from my personal point of view not very plausible. Sounds extremely absurde.

and I believe that an appeal court has just upheld the original verdict.

Aha. You seem to believe in the moral of human beings and the justice of human institutions. But I believe only in god and in his truth - and nothing else. We will see. But Australia has to stop the torture to keep Cardinal Pell in solitary confinement. And it's more than laughable when the Australian officials see in hand written message from Cardinal Pell a violation of the conditions of detention, where he wrote something like "I am innocent" with a pencil and had reffered to the life of Jesus. I don't know what's going on in Australia - but the whole story is very strange. He's an old man. So "use it or lose it" is the main potential for his health. He needs physical activity. He needs intellectual challenges. He needs communication with other people. He gets "justice" - what's often only another word for hate on no reason to hate.

Solitary confinement is used to keep nonces safe from other prisoners. It isnt necessarily a punishment.
Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

Guilty or not knows no one. A jury decided 2:1 that he had to go in prison. And to protect him the Australians decided to torture him with solitary confinement.

The reason why he is in prison is it that he is not trustworthy in the eyes of the Australian judges - but the man, who accused him, is trustworthy in their eyes. Why they see it in this way, this I don't know. In case of one person's word against another person's word it's normally impossible to find out who's right or wrong after 25 years, because every memorizing changes the memory too. Human beings don't remember like books or machines - we bring our memories always in a senseful psychological balance, which let us survive or correspond with our personal logic of consistency. This process is unconscious. So when the judges say this only witness gives the feeling he says the truth, then this what he says is able not to be true too. This what he remembers, is not necessessarily this what really had happened. It is this what his psychological structure made in about 25 years out of something what had happened (or not) - or what was suggerated in him in a later time from others.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue.


Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.


Whatever. Solitary confinement is torture. The Australian penal system has to stop this torture.
There was more than one victim

No. One of the two boys is dead. Only the other one told this story. The whole story is from my personal point of view not very plausible. Sounds extremely absurde.

and I believe that an appeal court has just upheld the original verdict.

Aha. You seem to believe in the moral of human beings and the justice of human institutions. But I believe only in god and in his truth - and nothing else. We will see. But Australia has to stop the torture to keep Cardinal Pell in solitary confinement. And it's more than laughable when the Australian officials see in hand written message from Cardinal Pell a violation of the conditions of detention, where he wrote something like "I am innocent" with a pencil and had reffered to the life of Jesus. I don't know what's going on in Australia - but the whole story is very strange. He's an old man. So "use it or lose it" is the main potential for his health. He needs physical activity. He needs intellectual challenges. He needs communication with other people. He gets "justice" - what's often only another word for hate on no reason to hate.

Solitary confinement is used to keep nonces safe from other prisoners. It isnt necessarily a punishment.

The typical argument of Nazis, Commies and other tyrants and criminals: "We torture you, because we love you".

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A nice racist statement against all Catholics and Buddhists.

You do understand that Catholic and Buddhist are not races don't you?

You don't understand what racism is. It exist nothing what we could call "human races" - there's only one human race.

"Sex" is today an ideological factor in the western world. I would say not everyone has to follow the rules of the strange behavior pubescent city dwellers in times of pairing season. For some people sex is the center of their life - for others not.

You don't get it.

A person has no choice what race he is

The word "race" is an empty phrase. Best way to see this is for example when a typical man from Japan and a typical "white" man from the USA have a best compatibility in histology for organ donation. Every racist is using such an organ because he likes to survive - but only in case of a brain transplantation he will change his mind.

Anyone who joins a religion has the choice to join

In this case everyone would be a Catholic or a Buddhist, after they had studied both religions for 30 years or longer.

hence the term racism is not valid in this instance

Lots of Catholics give up sex, lots of Buddhists give up sex. The reasons are different teachings of both religions. So what you said is equivalent as to say no one should trust in Catholics or Buddhists. The reason you say so is to eliminate [trust in] all Catholics and all Buddhists.

And I never said anything about sex being the "center of my life" I said I don't trust a guy who says he gave up sex because he is probably lying

Keeps the question why it should be for any Catholic or Buddhist important, whether you trust in him or not. And you said not "I do not trust" - you said "no one should trust". So you "discriminate" the world in two parts of people. The peopel who are like you - and the people, who are not like you. People like you are good - others are not trustworthy. Do you trust in yourselve?

So it's an empty word yet you used as some sort of criticism.

I and I don't care why anyone gives up sex all I said was I don't trust a man who says he gave up sex

You said not "I do not trust" - you said "no one should trust". And you spoke not about your concrete life and your concrete experiences within your personal life with Catholics or Buddhists - you speak about abstracta. And you use this abstracta for discrimination. By the way: Síngles are in statistics much more harmless than married men in context of the crime "child abuse".

For one he is probably lying and 2 if he really believed in god then god gave sex to men and women as a gift not only to show their love for each other but to also have children

Why would a man who loves god refuse such a gift from his creator?

For all we know god is pissed at these guys for offending him by not accepting his gift

Very short: Who is not able to control the own sexuality is also not able to marry. In all cultures exist rules in context sexuality. One of the most strange cultures of the world in everything what has to do with sexuality is the anglo-american culture. I remember for example that you (=the USA) had arrested once a boy from Switzerland, because he had helped his very little sister to pee. In the eyes of us Germans this boy did something what's totally normal - a very well educated boy - and your nation had arrested him, beause of a totally perverted concept of sexuaity in your laws (and brains). I would say it's not only difficult to speak with anglo-Americans about sexuality - it's impossible.

Sexuality is in general in the Catholic church very important and not negative. Example:

2332 Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others.

2333 Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity. Physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life. The harmony of the couple and of society depends in part on the way in which the complementarity, needs, and mutual support between the sexes are lived out.

2334 "In creating men 'male and female,' God gives man and woman an equal personal dignity."119 "Man is a person, man and woman equally so, since both were created in the image and likeness of the personal God."1

source: Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sixth commandment

The reasons for to live without a sexual partner - or without sex within a partnership - but not without love or tenderness (hugs and kisses for example) - are perhaps totally different from this, what you think about.

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Cardinal Pell guilty of child sexual abuse

Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty in Australia of sexual offences against children, making him the highest-ranking Catholic figure to receive such a conviction.

Pell abused two choir boys in Melbourne's cathedral in 1996, a jury found. He had pleaded not guilty.

As Vatican treasurer, the 77-year-old Australian was widely seen as the Church's third most powerful official.

Pell, due to face sentencing hearings from Wednesday, has lodged an appeal.

The third ranking Catholic, the Popes finance chief, guilty of fucking chldren in the cathedral.

Guilty or not knows no one. A jury decided 2:1 that he had to go in prison. And to protect him the Australians decided to torture him with solitary confinement.

The reason why he is in prison is it that he is not trustworthy in the eyes of the Australian judges - but the man, who accused him, is trustworthy in their eyes. Why they see it in this way, this I don't know. In case of one person's word against another person's word it's normally impossible to find out who's right or wrong after 25 years, because every memorizing changes the memory too. Human beings don't remember like books or machines - we bring our memories always in a senseful psychological balance, which let us survive or correspond with our personal logic of consistency. This process is unconscious. So when the judges say this only witness gives the feeling he says the truth, then this what he says is able not to be true too. This what he remembers, is not necessessarily this what really had happened. It is this what his psychological structure made in about 25 years out of something what had happened (or not) - or what was suggerated in him in a later time from others.

When the abuse goes to the top it makes it easier to understand why little has been done on this issue.


Pell was criticised for his reaction to abuse scandals and now it all makes sense.


Whatever. Solitary confinement is torture. The Australian penal system has to stop this torture.
There was more than one victim

No. One of the two boys is dead. Only the other one told this story. The whole story is from my personal point of view not very plausible. Sounds extremely absurde.

and I believe that an appeal court has just upheld the original verdict.

Aha. You seem to believe in the moral of human beings and the justice of human institutions. But I believe only in god and in his truth - and nothing else. We will see. But Australia has to stop the torture to keep Cardinal Pell in solitary confinement. And it's more than laughable when the Australian officials see in hand written message from Cardinal Pell a violation of the conditions of detention, where he wrote something like "I am innocent" with a pencil and had reffered to the life of Jesus. I don't know what's going on in Australia - but the whole story is very strange. He's an old man. So "use it or lose it" is the main potential for his health. He needs physical activity. He needs intellectual challenges. He needs communication with other people. He gets "justice" - what's often only another word for hate on no reason to hate.

Solitary confinement is used to keep nonces safe from other prisoners. It isnt necessarily a punishment.

The typical argument of Nazis, Commies and other tyrants and criminals: "We torture you, because we love you".

Ok, you really schooled me there.
You do understand that Catholic and Buddhist are not races don't you?

You don't understand what racism is. It exist nothing what we could call "human races" - there's only one human race.

"Sex" is today an ideological factor in the western world. I would say not everyone has to follow the rules of the strange behavior pubescent city dwellers in times of pairing season. For some people sex is the center of their life - for others not.

You don't get it.

A person has no choice what race he is

The word "race" is an empty phrase. Best way to see this is for example when a typical man from Japan and a typical "white" man from the USA have a best compatibility in histology for organ donation. Every racist is using such an organ because he likes to survive - but only in case of a brain transplantation he will change his mind.

Anyone who joins a religion has the choice to join

In this case everyone would be a Catholic or a Buddhist, after they had studied both religions for 30 years or longer.

hence the term racism is not valid in this instance

Lots of Catholics give up sex, lots of Buddhists give up sex. The reasons are different teachings of both religions. So what you said is equivalent as to say no one should trust in Catholics or Buddhists. The reason you say so is to eliminate [trust in] all Catholics and all Buddhists.

And I never said anything about sex being the "center of my life" I said I don't trust a guy who says he gave up sex because he is probably lying

Keeps the question why it should be for any Catholic or Buddhist important, whether you trust in him or not. And you said not "I do not trust" - you said "no one should trust". So you "discriminate" the world in two parts of people. The peopel who are like you - and the people, who are not like you. People like you are good - others are not trustworthy. Do you trust in yourselve?

So it's an empty word yet you used as some sort of criticism.

I and I don't care why anyone gives up sex all I said was I don't trust a man who says he gave up sex

You said not "I do not trust" - you said "no one should trust". And you spoke not about your concrete life and your concrete experiences within your personal life with Catholics or Buddhists - you speak about abstracta. And you use this abstracta for discrimination. By the way: Síngles are in statistics much more harmless than married men in context of the crime "child abuse".

For one he is probably lying and 2 if he really believed in god then god gave sex to men and women as a gift not only to show their love for each other but to also have children

Why would a man who loves god refuse such a gift from his creator?

For all we know god is pissed at these guys for offending him by not accepting his gift

Very short: Who is not able to control the own sexuality is also not able to marry. In all cultures exist rules in context sexuality. One of the most strange cultures of the world in everything what has to do with sexuality is the anglo-american culture. I remember for example that you (=the USA) had arrested once a boy from Switzerland, because he had helped his very little sister to pee. In the eyes of us Germans this boy did something what's totally normal - a very well educated boy - and your nation had arrested him, beause of a totally perverted concept of sexuaity in your laws (and brains). I would say it's not only difficult to speak with anglo-Americans about sexuality - it's impossible.

Sexuality is in general in the Catholic church very important and not negative. Example:

2332 Sexuality affects all aspects of the human person in the unity of his body and soul. It especially concerns affectivity, the capacity to love and to procreate, and in a more general way the aptitude for forming bonds of communion with others.

2333 Everyone, man and woman, should acknowledge and accept his sexual identity. Physical, moral, and spiritual difference and complementarity are oriented toward the goods of marriage and the flourishing of family life. The harmony of the couple and of society depends in part on the way in which the complementarity, needs, and mutual support between the sexes are lived out.

2334 "In creating men 'male and female,' God gives man and woman an equal personal dignity."119 "Man is a person, man and woman equally so, since both were created in the image and likeness of the personal God."1

source: Catechism of the Catholic Church - The sixth commandment

The reasons for to live without a sexual partner - or without sex within a partnership - but not without love or tenderness (hugs and kisses for example) - are perhaps totally different from this, what you think about.

Keep trying

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