Canaris, criminal traitor and shame for the German uniform


Nov 14, 2012
Germany will never forget this traitor. All German values and virtues were besmeared and ridiculed by his insufferable existence that ended up way too late in a concentration camp. His crimes even overshadow Stauffenberg´s naive treason and led to Germany´s defeat in 1945. An unforgivable treason!

As chief of the German military intelligence service, Canaris used his position to misinform the troops and government and to inform the enemies. "Thanks" largely to Canaris, Stalin knew about almost every German plan, positions and establishment of German troops. It is said, that only six hours after the Führer made a decision, Stalin knew about that! On the other hand, the Germans got false information or nothing at all.

The blood of countless brave Landsers sticks on his filthy hands. Never underestimate the inner enemy!

Today, the many Canarises that rule our once strong country, are surely praising and emulating him. The day will come and they will share his fate.

Picture "Treason":
Germany will never forget this traitor. All German values and virtues were besmeared and ridiculed by his insufferable existence that ended up way too late in a concentration camp. His crimes even overshadow Stauffenberg´s naive treason and led to Germany´s defeat in 1945. An unforgivable treason!

As chief of the German military intelligence service, Canaris used his position to misinform the troops and government and to inform the enemies. "Thanks" largely to Canaris, Stalin knew about almost every German plan, positions and establishment of German troops. It is said, that only six hours after the Führer made a decision, Stalin knew about that! On the other hand, the Germans got false information or nothing at all.

The blood of countless brave Landsers sticks on his filthy hands. Never underestimate the inner enemy!

Today, the many Canarises that rule our once strong country, are surely praising and emulating him. The day will come and they will share his fate.

Picture "Treason":
There is none lower, than he who would betray his brothers in arms..
If defeat is emminent, how does one lead their nation to death?
This thread is an example of just how strange a sense of humor can be. Nazism 'betrayed'? What is there to betray in the very embodiment of anti-human action?
Nazis are no one's people; they set themselves apart. Only another Nazi would defend them.
This thread is an example of just how strange a sense of humor can be. Nazism 'betrayed'? What is there to betray in the very embodiment of anti-human action?
He betrayed his own people.
And so did Hitler..
I don´t think so. Hitler was also misinformed. Besides the mistakes he made, many decisions based on false intel. For example in Stalingrad where Paulus was the local traitor. Hitler believed, Stalingrad was firmly in German hands and didn´t order the withdrawal when it was due. In fact, the Germans in Stalingrad were outnumbered by a multitude.
Hitler's first mistake ...


Pretty much all down hill from there.
The only possible regret as to what happened to Hitler and Nazism is that the same thing didn't happen to Stalin and Stalinism.
Another thread too far 'out there' to be encouraged by participation. Adieu!

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