Canadian court grants injunction to stop truckers


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2017
Now try enforcing it....The tow truck drivers have already told the RCMP to pound sand.


Lock 'em up! It's what they deserve for being so selfish!
Bring out the tanks, you’re going to need them.

Can’t wait to see this Tiananmen Square showdown.

Lock 'em up! It's what they deserve for being so selfish!

At some point, the Karens and Kevins are going to have to be shut down. Many communities have started.

That’s the point. It’s all about power to these assholes, not science or “health”. The Establishment doesn’t like the people rising up on their own. Only far left state approved astroturfing protests are allowed.

I seem to recall people getting arrested then also.

Lock 'em up! It's what they deserve for being so selfish!

So it's selfish that these truck drivers don't want to have to get injected with some unknown concoction or wear a face diaper to do their jobs?

Well then call me selfish too. You people are too fucking stupid to realize that truck drivers actually interact with the public far less than most professions do. So why make US get jabbed when doing so wouldn't stop us from catching it or spreading it anyway?

You do realize the only reason you have a pot to piss in, clothes on your back or food in your fat ass is because of truck drivers. We are the BACKBONE of this country and Canada, when we shut shit down, we SHUT SHIT DOWN. Now people are listening to us, aren't they?

You want to lock them up? Fine. But don't bitch to me about empty shelves. All that shit you buy doesn't get there by a magic wand.
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Canada looks sad right now.
I'd say a lot of them are righteously pissed off. If force is used to remove them, especially if some of them are wounded or killed, the folks in Canada may well wish they'd backed the protest rather than sat back while a few good people got brutalized for trying to stop government overreach.

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