Canada pays 10.5 million dollar settlement with Al-Qaeda Terrorist


Diamond Member
May 17, 2013
Canada settles out of court in a Civil suit from a Canadian who fought with Al-Qaeda Terrorist as a teenager.

He killed an American Soldier. Was put in Gitmo.......and now is a Millionaire paid for by the Taxpayers of Canada.

Federal government officially apologizes to Omar Khadr

The federal government officially apologized to Omar Khadr on Friday for the role Canadian security officials played in the abuses he suffered as a teenage prisoner of the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

The written apology came after Ottawa paid $10.5-million to the former child soldier to settle a $20-million civil lawsuit over violations of Mr. Khadr’s rights as a Canadian citizen.

The Khadr $10.5 Million and Ruling Class Rot

The Canadian government will pay $10.5 million to Omar Khadr, 30, a Canadian-born al-Qaeda militant who killed an American soldier, Sgt. Christopher Speer in a 2002 firefight in Afghanistan. In addition to the $10.5 million, Khadr will get an apology from the Canadian government. The case marks a stark contrast to the Canadian experience.

Speer Kids' Fund
In 2010, a jury sentenced Khadr to 40 years in prison for his war crimes. But after serving less than two years of that sentence, Khadr was released to Canada, where liberal parole laws mean he will be free to walk out of prison within months.

We must not forget the real victims in this terrible story: the children of Sgt. Speer, Taryn and Tanner, who had their father stolen away from them.

This campaign is a way for Canadians, and people around the world, to do something constructive in the face of the horror of Khadr's act of murder and the injustice of his early release.
Hillary Clinton Cheered his release. Released by Obama.

In Emails, Hillary Clinton Praised the Release of Guantanamo Detainee Omar Khadr | VICE News

The Clinton emails reveal that top Clinton officials called then–Canadian foreign minister John Baird to work out terms of Khadr's transfer. (Khadr is a Canadian citizen.)

"Hooray! Thanks for the call to FM [foreign minister] Baird!" Koh wrote to Clinton and advisers Jacob Sullivan and Cheryl Mills.

The emails, under the subject line, "Omar Khadr is going home to Canada from Guantanamo," celebrated Khadr's release.

"Gtmo is 1 down!! Yayy [sic]!!" Koh wrote after he was sent a Miami Herald news report from Alan Kessel, then the legal adviser for the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade in Ontario, alerting him about Khadr's release.

"Good work all around," responded Daniel Fried, then-State Department special envoy for Guantanamo closure.
The Canadian Government tried to block Obama`s decision to transfer the convicted murderer Omar Khadr to a prison in Canada to serve his sentence.
However a liberal appeals court judge overturned the then conservative Canadian Government's attempt to refuse the repatriation of this scumbag.
Thus on Sept 29 2012 Khadr was flown to Canada where he filed a 20 million $ law suit against the Canadian Government for "failing to protect his constitutional rights" after his father a Taliban affiliate took him to Afghanistan to carry out his wishes.
There he succeeded in killing US Sgt. Christopher Speer but was captured in the process and wound up in Guantanamo Bay.
He accepted an eight-year sentence, not including time served, with the possibility of a transfer to Canada after at least one year to serve the remainder of the sentence
That deal was struck between this scumbag and the other scumbags, the Obama administration . The then conservative Government of Canada had no say in it.
Along came the Liberal's Justin Trudeau. His first act was to quadruple the federal budget deficit and soon after the 10 million $ payout to Khadr.
While the widow of Christopher Speer is still in limbo waiting for now liberal Government to enforce a US$134 million Utah judgment in Canada......and while the fake news media in both countries dowses their audience in hard luck stories how we are mistreating our Islamic minority and other assorted ethnic minority groups who shield those who murder even whole batches of people that happen to be a majority in the countries that gave them a home.
No the Bush admin refused.
He sure did....refuse to shut down Guantanamo Bay where Khadr would still be if it were not for Obama
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Obama: We need to close Guantanamo Bay
WASHINGTON—President Obama said Tuesday that his administration would re-engage Congress on closing the U.S. military-run detention center at Guantanamo Bay, calling the facility a "recruitment tool for extremists" and suggesting it is undermining U.S. security.
"It needs to be closed," Obama said at a White House news conference marking the first 100 days of his second term. "I'm going to go back at this."
Obama had vowed in his 2008 presidential campaign to close Guantanamo during his first year in office but failed to get it done in his first term.

on Sept 29 2012 Khadr was flown to Canada where he filed a 20 million $ law suit against the Canadian Government for "failing to protect his constitutional rights"
And who was President on Thursday , July 02, 2015 - 5:32 PM ?
Utah judge awards $134M in suit over death of soldiers
And now Obama's darling :

Is smiling from ear to ear :

While the Taliban and the rest of this scum slits throats from ear to ear
Trump would have settled this case in a more cost effective way.
A Tomahawk Cruise missile costs about 1.5 million and a Hellfire missile only $115 000.
The MOAB he dropped costs about $ 170 000 and took out a whole clusterfuck of Khadrs

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For me – I reported on the case from the time of my first trip to Guantanamo in February 2008 to the former terror suspect’s sentencing hearing in October 2010 – Khadr owes more to Bill than to any other advocate.

Together with supporting counsel Rebecca Snyder, currently Commander in U.S. Navy Reserves, Bill filed motion after motion aimed at seeing the court proceedings outlast the former Republican administration of President George W. Bush, which he considered to be unsympathetic to Khadr’s cause. He achieved that, and Khadr eventually got a plea deal that returned him to Canada and saved him from facing decades more behind bars.

Bill Kuebler, Pentagon-appointed lawyer who fought for Omar Khadr, has died at 44
Probably the US should fund the lawsuit itself:

"Any alien unlawful enemy combatant is subject to trial by military commission under chapter 47A — Military Commissions (of the Military Commissions Act of 2006 (10 U.S.C. 948a (Section 1, Subchapter I))). The definition of unlawful and lawful enemy combatant is given in Chapter 47A—Military commission: Subchapter I--General provisions: Sec. 948a. Definitions

:"The term 'unlawful enemy combatant' means —

(i) a person who has engaged in hostilities or who has purposefully and materially supported hostilities against the United States or its co-belligerents who is not a lawful enemy combatant (including a person who is part of the Taliban, al-Qaida, or associated forces); or

(ii) a person who, before, on, or after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, has been determined to be an unlawful enemy combatant by a Combatant Status Review Tribunal or another competent tribunal established under the authority of the President or the Secretary of Defense."


"The term 'lawful enemy combatant' means a person who is —

(A) a member of the regular forces of a State party engaged in hostilities against the United States;

(B) a member of a militia, volunteer corps, or organized resistance movement belonging to a State party engaged in such hostilities, which are under responsible command, wear a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance, carry their arms openly, and abide by the law of war; or

(C) a member of a regular armed force who professes allegiance to a government engaged in such hostilities, but not recognized by the United States."

— Law No: 109-366 (summary)

The Act also defines an alien as "a person who is not a citizen of the United States", and a co-belligerent to mean "any State or armed force joining and directly engaged with the United States in hostilities or directly supporting hostilities against a common enemy."

Military Commissions Act of 2006 - Wikipedia

In Boumediene v. Bush (2008), the US Supreme Court held that the MCA was unconstitutional as it restricted detainees' use of habeas corpus and access to the federal courts. It determined that detainees could have access to federal courts to hear habeas corpus petitions, to restore the protection of the Constitution.
Christopher Speer widow like any widow should understand that their spouses life is in danger whenever he/she goes into another country to try and overrun their government. There are thousands of widows due to the Afghanistan and Iraq war. As far as I know we have not had the draft for decades. I am sure she is being taken care of like the other widows and children who become fatherless.
No the Bush admin refused.
He sure did....refuse to shut down Guantanamo Bay where Khadr would still be if it were not for Obama
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Obama: We need to close Guantanamo Bay
WASHINGTON—President Obama said Tuesday that his administration would re-engage Congress on closing the U.S. military-run detention center at Guantanamo Bay, calling the facility a "recruitment tool for extremists" and suggesting it is undermining U.S. security.
"It needs to be closed," Obama said at a White House news conference marking the first 100 days of his second term. "I'm going to go back at this."
Obama had vowed in his 2008 presidential campaign to close Guantanamo during his first year in office but failed to get it done in his first term.

on Sept 29 2012 Khadr was flown to Canada where he filed a 20 million $ law suit against the Canadian Government for "failing to protect his constitutional rights"
And who was President on Thursday , July 02, 2015 - 5:32 PM ?
Utah judge awards $134M in suit over death of soldiers
And now Obama's darling :

Is smiling from ear to ear :

While the Taliban and the rest of this scum slits throats from ear to ear
Trump would have settled this case in a more cost effective way.
A Tomahawk Cruise missile costs about 1.5 million and a Hellfire missile only $115 000.
The MOAB he dropped costs about $ 170 000 and took out a whole clusterfuck of Khadrs

If T does anything like that , the world is watching, and maybe someone will drop one on us. We invade other countries and expect none of our military to get killed or mained. Are you for real?
For me – I reported on the case from the time of my first trip to Guantanamo in February 2008 to the former terror suspect’s sentencing hearing in October 2010 – Khadr owes more to Bill than to any other advocate.

Together with supporting counsel Rebecca Snyder, currently Commander in U.S. Navy Reserves, Bill filed motion after motion aimed at seeing the court proceedings outlast the former Republican administration of President George W. Bush, which he considered to be unsympathetic to Khadr’s cause. He achieved that, and Khadr eventually got a plea deal that returned him to Canada and saved him from facing decades more behind bars.

Bill Kuebler, Pentagon-appointed lawyer who fought for Omar Khadr, has died at 44
It takes a liberal bitch like you to pin Obama's policy fuckups on someone way down the chain of command.
I assume it's quite alright to call you a bitch because you were quick to come to Schumer's defense when he called a flight attendant a bitch because she asked him to switch off his cellphone:
Schumer calls flight attendant who told him to turn off cell phone ‘bitch’
And he didn't exactly call her a bitch did he, maybe she was bitchy.
But you can't hack it if someone calls you a bitch. Bitches like you sit here enjoying the protection while dragging the very people who make sure you are protected through the dirt.
It is hilarious to see a bitch like you defending another bitch, Frau Merkel who has seen to it that anyone who downplays the ordeal of Jews is sent to prison.
Here is why you would be in jail if you were living inside the EU instead of inside the borders Trump vowed to protect
Your post:
The Manson family was really a story about Jesus
There was no grand scheme to get rid of the Jews, but the rich religious jews in Poland started a trade war with Germany, the German Jews liked Germany.
There are dozens of revisionists sitting in Germany's jails and outstanding arrest warrants for British and American citizens who claimed what you claim...that the Wannsee Conference resolution the "final solution of the Jewish problem" was not a grand scheme to get rid of Jews...and in addition to that; your comment about the rich Jews having started a trade almost exactly the same thing Adolf Hitler said in his speeches
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No the Bush admin refused.

Omar Khadr will die as will his entire terrorist family as will the entire Trudeau government who just gave financial aid to enemies of the United States, they are all legitimate targets now and none of them are safe.
For me – I reported on the case from the time of my first trip to Guantanamo in February 2008 to the former terror suspect’s sentencing hearing in October 2010 – Khadr owes more to Bill than to any other advocate.

Together with supporting counsel Rebecca Snyder, currently Commander in U.S. Navy Reserves, Bill filed motion after motion aimed at seeing the court proceedings outlast the former Republican administration of President George W. Bush, which he considered to be unsympathetic to Khadr’s cause. He achieved that, and Khadr eventually got a plea deal that returned him to Canada and saved him from facing decades more behind bars.

Bill Kuebler, Pentagon-appointed lawyer who fought for Omar Khadr, has died at 44
It takes a liberal bitch like you

She's not a bitch she's a terrorist cock sucking kunt.
No the Bush admin refused.
He sure did....refuse to shut down Guantanamo Bay where Khadr would still be if it were not for Obama
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Bush Decides to Keep Guantánamo Open
Obama: We need to close Guantanamo Bay
WASHINGTON—President Obama said Tuesday that his administration would re-engage Congress on closing the U.S. military-run detention center at Guantanamo Bay, calling the facility a "recruitment tool for extremists" and suggesting it is undermining U.S. security.
"It needs to be closed," Obama said at a White House news conference marking the first 100 days of his second term. "I'm going to go back at this."
Obama had vowed in his 2008 presidential campaign to close Guantanamo during his first year in office but failed to get it done in his first term.

on Sept 29 2012 Khadr was flown to Canada where he filed a 20 million $ law suit against the Canadian Government for "failing to protect his constitutional rights"
And who was President on Thursday , July 02, 2015 - 5:32 PM ?
Utah judge awards $134M in suit over death of soldiers
And now Obama's darling :

Is smiling from ear to ear :

While the Taliban and the rest of this scum slits throats from ear to ear
Trump would have settled this case in a more cost effective way.
A Tomahawk Cruise missile costs about 1.5 million and a Hellfire missile only $115 000.
The MOAB he dropped costs about $ 170 000 and took out a whole clusterfuck of Khadrs

If T does anything like that , the world is watching, and maybe someone will drop one on us. We invade other countries and expect none of our military to get killed or mained. Are you for real?

His surrogates will act on his behalf no member of the Khadr terror family or Trudeau government is safe, they are all legitimate targets for extrajudicial assassination.
Christopher Speer widow like any widow should understand that their spouses life is in danger whenever he/she goes into another country to try and overrun their government.

They attacked us not once but several times you stupid bitch. The Taliban was just as responsible for 9-11 as AQ, AQ was part of the Taliban government they had a seat on the Taliban ministry of defense, AQ formed the Taliban 055 brigade, and the Taliban gave AQ a base of operations from which to plan, train for, and launch attacks against the United States.

Khadr is not long for this world and hopefully Trudeau's widow is well taken care of as well.
Probably the US should fund the lawsuit itself:

In Boumediene v. Bush (2008), the US Supreme Court held that the MCA was unconstitutional as it restricted detainees' use of habeas corpus and access to the federal courts. It determined that detainees could have access to federal courts to hear habeas corpus petitions, to restore the protection of the Constitution.

You are one dumb bitch the MCA of 2009 amended the original MCA allowing it to pass Constitutional mustard, the Boumendeine V. Bush case did not allow for or mandate federal trial of suspected unlawful alien combatant detainees it only mmandated habeaus corpus reviews by federal courts to insure there was adequate evidence to continue military detention which in Omar Khadrs case there was. His trial by military commission occurred 2 years after the Boumendeine decision and was perfectly Constitutional.

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