Can you imagine if Obama or Hillary demanded an end to their investigations?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

Emotion boi strikes again!
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

You are assuming they are innocent.

You are assuming they are unaware they are guilty.

The reality is they know they broke the law and they did it willingly and knowingly.
Solyndra was under investigation because they repeatedly misled federal officials and omitted information about the firm’s financial prospects as they sought to win a major government loan. Benghazi was investigated because of the lack of security leading up to the attack and the explanation given for the attack by the adminstration after it happened neither Obama or Hillary were directly being investigated for either.
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

This multimillion dollar investigation was started with nothing and two years later, still nothing. You are crediting process crimes with some sort of accomplishment.

While Mueller is a Republican, he's also an anti-trumper. That's why he hired all leftists for his team.

Mueller promised us a conclusion right after the midterms. Now it seems he's trying to stretch it out until 2020.

Hillary was investigated by the FBI headed by a tainted Comey. DumBama politicized the FBI ruining their reputation for decades to come. Even today, they call CNN first to witness and tape the apprehension of a 66 year old man with long rifles and dozens of agents. Like what is this guy going to do, spill his urinal on them?
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

This multimillion dollar investigation was started with nothing and two years later, still nothing. You are crediting process crimes with some sort of accomplishment.

While Mueller is a Republican, he's also an anti-trumper. That's why he hired all leftists for his team.

Mueller promised us a conclusion right after the midterms. Now it seems he's trying to stretch it out until 2020.

Hillary was investigated by the FBI headed by a tainted Comey. DumBama politicized the FBI ruining their reputation for decades to come. Even today, they call CNN first to witness and tape the apprehension of a 66 year old man with long rifles and dozens of agents. Like what is this guy going to do, spill his urinal on them?
“This multimillion dollar investigation was started with nothing and two years later, still nothing.”

Using the Ken Starr guidelines, Mueller still has 1 to 3 more years to go, depending on when Trump leaves the White House.
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

This multimillion dollar investigation was started with nothing and two years later, still nothing. You are crediting process crimes with some sort of accomplishment.

While Mueller is a Republican, he's also an anti-trumper. That's why he hired all leftists for his team.

Mueller promised us a concluding right after the midterms. Now it seems he's trying to stretch it out until 2020.

Hillary was investigated by the FBI headed by a tainted Comey. DumBama politicized the FBI ruining their reputation for decades to come. Even today, they call CNN first to witness and tape the apprehension of a 66 year old man with long rifles and dozens of agents. Like what is this guy going to do, spill his urinal on them?
Lol still nothing? The indictments and guiltily pleas are nothing? Seriously? The investigation isn’t over yet so it’s reasonable to assume there will be more indictments.

Where is the evidence that Mueller is an anti-Trumper before the investigation started? Do you see how you make assumptions based on nothing?

What, exactly, is Mueller’s motive for fucking over Trump? What does he get out of it?

A tainted Comey huh? The same Comey who wrote a letter to Congress about investigating Hillary more before the Nov election?
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.
They were never investigated by anyone who could put them up on charges, were they?....When was any special council or grand jury empaneled during the entire eight years of your immaculate Boiking?

You don't really think that Holder or Lynch would actually do their jobs, when it involved members of their team, do you?
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.
Can you imagine factions loyal to the outgoing president setting up Obama with false manufactured evidence in order to
embroil him in endless investigations and drag his administration down in constant turmoil?
Lol still nothing? The indictments and guiltily pleas are nothing? Seriously? The investigation isn’t over yet so it’s reasonable to assume there will be more indictments.

Where is the evidence that Mueller is an anti-Trumper before the investigation started? Do you see how you make assumptions based on nothing?

What, exactly, is Mueller’s motive for fucking over Trump? What does he get out of it?

A tainted Comey huh? The same Comey who wrote a letter to Congress about investigating Hillary more before the Nov election?
Who was going to bring the charges, dickweed?....Holder?....Lynch?....Yeah, RIGHT!

You, sir, are a hack among hacks.
Lol still nothing? The indictments and guiltily pleas are nothing? Seriously? The investigation isn’t over yet so it’s reasonable to assume there will be more indictments.

Where is the evidence that Mueller is an anti-Trumper before the investigation started? Do you see how you make assumptions based on nothing?

What, exactly, is Mueller’s motive for fucking over Trump? What does he get out of it?

A tainted Comey huh? The same Comey who wrote a letter to Congress about investigating Hillary more before the Nov election?
Who was going to bring the charges, dickweed?....Holder?....Lynch?....Yeah, RIGHT!

You, sir, are a hack among hacks.
Lol bring the charges? The republicans didn’t even offer evidence. You do realize that them doing that would matter right?
I don't because Hillary has something to hide.

In Trump's case he's calling the investigation what it is, a politically motivated witch hunt compliments the Democrat deep state, and possibly some Republicans as well. It's that simple.
Lol bring the charges? The republicans didn’t even offer evidence. You do realize that them doing that would matter right?
They had enough evidence to hold Holder in contempt, hackboi....Who was going to do the criminal investigation and file any charges, if appropriate?

G'head and answer that....C'mon, dazzle me.
Keep in mind that the GOP itself investigated Obama and Hillary and still turned up no legal wrong doing regarding Benghazi or Solydra.

Trump is being investigated by a registered republican who doesn’t even answer to the GOP. The result, is a ridiculous amount of indictments in Trump’s circle.

Now Trump, like the whiny little bitch he is, is calling for the end of the investigations into them. Trump denies they have any validity so of course republicans just blindty beiieve him.

You're assuming he was talking about Mueller and not the 85 partisan which hunts promised by the commiecrats. You would be wrong.

Lol bring the charges? The republicans didn’t even offer evidence. You do realize that them doing that would matter right?
They had enough evidence to hold Holder in contempt, hackboi....Who was going to do the criminal investigation and file any charges, if appropriate?

G'head and answer that....C'mon, dazzle me.
Lol why would anyone bother filing charges that were never presented?
I don't because Hillary has something to hide.

In Trump's case he's calling the investigation what it is, a politically motivated witch hunt compliments the Democrat deep state, and possibly some Republicans as well. It's that simple.

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