Can we last till the election?

Even as he fights for a second term in November, President Donald Trump already has his eye on extending his stay in the White House for a lot longer.
"We are going to win four more years," Trump said at a rally in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on Monday. "And then after that, we'll go for another four years because they spied on my campaign. We should get a redo of four years."
Hey retard, have an adult explain the word "should" to you.
You are upset at being the butt of a joke you didn’t get.

Move on.
No, you're just a dullard who thinks he's funny.
You're pretending to be a mind reader while I'm stating a fact that anyone can see by reading this thread.
Move along.
No, you're just a dullard who thinks he's funny.
You're pretending to be a mind reader while I'm stating a fact that anyone can see by reading this thread.
Move along.
You’re a lunatic that thinks it’s “possible” that a dozen or more Democrats are going to help Republicans remove Biden and Harris so that Trump becomes president.

That right there is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while.
You’re a lunatic that thinks it’s “possible” that a dozen or more Democrats are going to help Republicans remove Biden and Harris so that Trump becomes president.

That right there is the dumbest shit I’ve heard in a while.
Delusional, and intentionally so.

What's amazing to me is that if the election officials in Miami Dade hadn't screwed up how they listed candidates on the ballot in 2000, we might have avoided the Iraq war, and ISIS and Syria and Libya. And the Trumpanzees whine about a guy losing an election after saying sunlite and bleach were alternatives to coved?
Ummmmmmmmmmm, the country is far, far worse than it ever was under Trump. Hell, the Virus is even more out of control now than then, just for one thing. If you look at recent elections and the upcoming midterms where many dems are jumping off the Titanic before it goes down, you will see that voters believe the country is on the wrong track, around 70% of them, in spite of what Biden, Psaki, and Tom Hanks say.

So, if you are saying that Biden's doing his best while Trump was purposely trying to sabotage the country, you have lost complete touch with reality. If Biden's best is worse than Trump's worst, the country definitely is going in the wrong direction.

So much that isn't true in your post.

The virus is out of control because you continue to refuse to be vaccinated.

Take a look at the Graph. The USA and Russia are alone among first world countries in refusing to be vaccinated. The two first world countries where the virus is out of control - The USA and Russia. Canada is reopening today.

Omnicron is dropping like a stone here. Canada had 55,000 new cases on January 10th, and 13,900 yesterday. We had 408,000 active infections on January 8th, and 260,000 people sick yesterday, of which, only 1250 seriously ill.

Yes we had 180 deaths yesterday. But its still lower than we had in either April of 2020, and December of 2020, when we had fewer than 20,000 infections per day. Virtually all of the deaths and serious illness have been among the unvaccinated. The numbers of people getting covid through the omicron surge have been the highest numbers of sick people we've ever seen. But the peak numbers of deaths and hospitalizations in this surge are a fraction of what we saw in previous surges.

As we move past omnicron, the rest of the first world, with our high vaccination rates, is moving into the endemic phase of the pandemic. Learning to live with covid. Schools reopened this week. Restaurants, bars and gyms are re-opening today.

Vaccines will soon be required in all first world countries, except the two nations who are determined to shoot themselves in the foot - the USA and Russia. Stupid is as stupid does.


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When a nation had the greatest workforce ever known, ad we currently do, things will be fine. It isn't wealthy men that do any work. It's the average worker.
You obviously don't read your own posts, then, dullard.

Bitch! Please!!!
Where did I mention the capital gains tax rate? I was talking about the current rate of inflation. If you are making 7% on your money you net gain zero of real buying power if the inflation rate is at 7%. Capital gains is another discussion.

No you were talking about stock market growth and the capital gains tax. Stock market growth has no effect on inflation whatsoever since the price of stocks only matters when you sell them and take a profit. And even if it did the same principle applies.

Obama's growth rate held fast until Trump's tax cuts were passed, and he moved on to starting trade wars. Close to 20% in Trump's first year in office while he tried to repeal and replace Obamacare, and get his tax cuts passed.

The tax cuts went into effect January 1, 2018, and Trump started his trade wars in January 2018. Thereafter, the stock market was permanently stalled. What growth in prices there was was primarily due to stock buybacks increasing equity for the remaining stock holders, not because of growth in sales or markets.

Whether you want to go with inflation or capital gains, a 20% growth with 7% inflation gives you net profit of 13%. That's better than 10% growth and 1% inflation.
Whether you want to go with inflation or capital gains, a 20% growth with 7% inflation gives you net profit of 13%. That's better than 10% growth and 1% inflation.

The growth will not be nearly 20% going forward because of inflation. You are in for a rude awakening in the upcoming quarters. The 20% growth was stimulus money and people getting back out from COVID. The only hope for Biden is a quick shot of adrenaline from another stimulus like Build Back Better, but only to fall yet again and even harder. Lefties are like drug addicts when it comes to stimulus and free stuff. The more they get they more they need to get their high.
Democrats believe that a war with Russia Russia will save them in 2022.
The only people now constantly screaming RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA are you Trump cult commie-symps. You're doing that because it's what your masters are ordering you to do.

You'll stop soon. Your masters will give orders to hyperventilate about something else, causing you to instantly forget you were ever ranting RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA.

One of the primary benefits of being conservative is being so blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. If you can't remember what position you held yesterday, then in your mind, you haven't flipflopped when you hold the opposite position the next day.
The only people now constantly screaming RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA are you Trump cult commie-symps. You're doing that because it's what your masters are ordering you to do.

You'll stop soon. Your masters will give orders to hyperventilate about something else, causing you to instantly forget you were ever ranting RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA.

One of the primary benefits of being conservative is being so blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. If you can't remember what position you held yesterday, then in your mind, you haven't flipflopped when you hold the opposite position the next day.
It wasn't conservatives that spent four years on a Russia hoax. It isn't conservatives prepping an unprepared and untrained American military to fight vastly superior Russian forces. Nope. This is all democrats who think Russian fighters will run at the sight of our crack army babes..
The growth will not be nearly 20% going forward because of inflation. You are in for a rude awakening in the upcoming quarters. The 20% growth was stimulus money and people getting back out from COVID. The only hope for Biden is a quick shot of adrenaline from another stimulus like Build Back Better, but only to fall yet again and even harder. Lefties are like drug addicts when it comes to stimulus and free stuff. The more they get they more they need to get their high.

Your assumption that either growth or inflation will remain unchanged would seem to be foolish at best. Obama had consistent growth throughout the whole 8 years of his Administration and low inflation, but then he also had stagnant wages.

Growth in stock market prices should be based on increased sales and equity. But under the Trump Administration, the growth in stock prices and dividends was based on using reduced taxes and repatriation of overseas profits to buy out minority shareholders, thereby increasing the equity of the remaining shareholders, without increasing either sales or profits.

American corporations have been awash in cash since W was in office, with no where to put it. They really did not need the tax cut as much as workers have needed wage increases.
It wasn't conservatives that spent four years on a Russia hoax. It isn't conservatives prepping an unprepared and untrained American military to fight vastly superior Russian forces. Nope. This is all democrats who think Russian fighters will run at the sight of our crack army babes..

Yes it was. In fact, you're still obsessed with the Russia Investigation. We moved on after the Mueller Report was released but you're still screaming "HOAX", even though it's been proved in spades that Russian interference really happened and Trump was the beneficiary.

Vastly superior Russian forces????? Are you fucking deranged. The Russian army is so weak that they haven't been able to defeat the Ukrainians, in the past 7 years. American forces wiped out the Russian forces which attacked them in Syria, killing 200 Russians without suffering a single casualty.
The only people now constantly screaming RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA are you Trump cult commie-symps. You're doing that because it's what your masters are ordering you to do.

You'll stop soon. Your masters will give orders to hyperventilate about something else, causing you to instantly forget you were ever ranting RUSSIARUSSIARUSSIA.

One of the primary benefits of being conservative is being so blessedly free of the curse of long-term memory. If you can't remember what position you held yesterday, then in your mind, you haven't flipflopped when you hold the opposite position the next day.

Your assumption that either growth or inflation will remain unchanged would seem to be foolish at best. Obama had consistent growth throughout the whole 8 years of his Administration and low inflation, but then he also had stagnant wages.

Growth in stock market prices should be based on increased sales and equity. But under the Trump Administration, the growth in stock prices and dividends was based on using reduced taxes and repatriation of overseas profits to buy out minority shareholders, thereby increasing the equity of the remaining shareholders, without increasing either sales or profits.

American corporations have been awash in cash since W was in office, with no where to put it. They really did not need the tax cut as much as workers have needed wage increases.

Yes it was. In fact, you're still obsessed with the Russia Investigation. We moved on after the Mueller Report was released but you're still screaming "HOAX", even though it's been proved in spades that Russian interference really happened and Trump was the beneficiary.

Vastly superior Russian forces????? Are you fucking deranged. The Russian army is so weak that they haven't been able to defeat the Ukrainians, in the past 7 years. American forces wiped out the Russian forces which attacked them in Syria, killing 200 Russians without suffering a single
Our crack troops

Russians will know what to do with American cracks.
Unless the Russians want a good laugh

War is not won by the woke.

Wipe your mouth, you have a bit of smegma on your upper lip.
Hey retard, have an adult explain the word "should" to you.
Sure, you should have included ALL of my comment.
Conveniently, I'm sure.
Hey, moron, have a grade school kid explain the word think to you.

Trump didn't think so.
His cult approved.

August 18 2020
Even as he fights for a second term in November, President Donald Trump already has his eye on extending his stay in the White House for a lot longer.
Because Trump was deliberately destroying the country and that was obvious to anyone who watched. Manufacturing was already in a recession. His tax cuts did NOTHING for 40% of working Americans. He didn't know how to legislate his agenda so he tried to push everything through on executive orders.

Trump's much vaunted negotiation skills are non-existent. He got screwed over on every deal he made on behalf of the American people. He tore up your trade deals and told your manufacturers to find different supply chains. That's why the supply chain crisis is so much worse in the USA today, than in the rest of the world.

Food prices in the USA are rising because of Trump policies on the Southern Border. You have no illegals to pick or process your food. With wages rising, and having no illegals to hire, meat processors and truck farmers have no one to do the work. When you build your economy around 11 million unpaid illegals working the fields, you're gonna need to keep the illegals coming. That's the REAL reason why Republicans won't reform immigration. The current disaster is working for them.

Trump was the worst President in my lifetime. I always wondered how Trump lost so much money in business, but watching him in action for four years, I now understand completely. Chaos, dysfunction, and a revolving door in hiring. Spend, spend, spend, with no idea where the money is coming from. You can't run things well when 25% of your staff are gone in the first year.

Trump was so busy attacked his "enemies" that he forgot that the first job of government is to keep the country running smoothly. From the moment he took office, jobs numbers started dropping. So did GDP, but the deficit soared. That means dealing with police violence against citizens. Trump ended all of the police reform programs and told officers not to be "so gentle" arresting suspects. Four years later you have race riots over the level of police violence against people they're arresting.

Last but not least, you don't cut taxes in a boom economy unless you have a balanced budget. You raise them to cover the deficit. From the moment Trump signed the tax cut into law, the crash was inevitable. The first two times Republicans cut taxes and increased the deficit, the economy crashed. The third time was not going to be the charm.

Republicans have proven themselves incapable of running the country, responsibly. They keep crashing the economy every time they're in office, and your infrastructure has gone to hell in an handbasket. People are rioting in the streets and you blame the leftists for this.

When you ignore the problems the people are facing, and beat them up for complaining about you doing nothing, you're going to have trouble. The government is supposed to be working in partnership with business and the people, to give both their best chance of succeeding. Republicans pit the people against the corporations, and the government, and then bitch about the people being out of control, when they protest.
Dragon you are delusional---blaming Trump for BIDENS overspending leading to massive inflation.

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