Campaign ad about Biden accuser

Biden says it never happened. Trump says his sexual assaults never happened. Did you believe Trump?
Biden lied about the personnel records. He claimed they aren’t at the university and with the Senate. He lied. Five weeks to prepare for this interview and he lied. So why won’t he release the records?

Funny how you two-faced asswipes who lambasted Kavanaugh with zero evidence now look the other way.
The hypocrisy is mind-numbing.... and quite predictable. The shameless marxist shitstains just can't help themselves. They can't think past the next 2 minutes.... like fucking insects.

Yes, we're going to rub your face in your own sanctimonious shit at the first opportunity.
Yes, we're going to use the nuclear option since you insisted on weaponizing it.
Yes, we're going to impeach the first mother fucker you get elected..... if that ever happens.
And more..... so much more....

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