Calling All Green Peacniks! Obama Plan To Poison The Whales!


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Feb 12, 2007
Obama's dismal failure to deal with Assad has resulted in a PLAN B to put his chemical weapons on a ship and then destroy the chemicals in the ocean.


We can't irrigate the Central Valley due to a smelt, but we're going to risk poisoning the oceans with Assad's Chemical Weapons Stash.


The Wall Street Journal this week reported an update on the Obama-Putin deal to destroy Assad's murderous chemicals. It made one blink in disbelief. No country in the world is willing to dispose of Assad's chemical weapons on its territory. Too dangerous. So on Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend the Obama White House put out Plan B.

It's somehow going to move the most lethal chemicals—mustard gas, sarin, VX—to a ship outfitted "with field deployable hydrolysis system technology," sail out onto the ocean somewhere and destroy the stuff with neutralizing caustic chemicals. Where are the save-the-whales people when you need them? Even the ocean has to take the fall for another Obama policy lurch.

Henninger: Obama's Red-Line Presidency -
Why does Obama hate The Whales?
Obama hates Golden Eagles, too.

The Obama administration is about to approve a rule that will ensure the death of golden and bald eagles for the next 30 more years.

Hundreds of thousands of birds die each year flying into the deadly turbine blades atop the soaring towers that compose wind farms. The rule will give wind farms thirty year permits for the “non purposeful take of eagles-that is where the take is associated with but not the purpose of, the activity.’’ The take of eagles is also a euphemism for the slaughter of them.

The wind farms fulfill Obama’s ambitious pursuit of developing renewable energy sources. Unfortunately, some bird species being destroyed by the turbines are not renewable. As a result, Obama finds himself wedged between the ire of opposing green groups. In July, wildlife groups met with administration officials and lobbied against the granting of 30 year permits for energy companies that own the wind farms. ...

Obama to Give Wind Farms 30-Year Pass on Eagle Deaths

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