The Original Tree
Diamond Member
Here is the real run down of what is actually going on, and you will not really hear this from anyone else. This is going to be long, and represents 3 years of personal research of mine. I promise this long winding road will help you connect the dots on exactly how The Obama-Clinton New York - Chicago political alliance operated these last few years and right up until now.
The Clinton-Obama Political Machine is Anti-Semetic & Anti-Israel. They are also Anti-Christian, and Anti-Fossil Fuels They are for some things which I will also list later (Globalism), but to address the Title of this thread, I am going to tell you that what The Democrats are doing has nothing at all to do with Donald Trump and more to do with his policies. The Democrat Party right now if following The UN's blueprint for the world, Israel and The US verbatim. They don't even try to disguise it much. President Trump is opposed to The UN's Agenda, so they oppose and hate him.
Since Obama was elected, and many say there was a lot of voter fraud, and Mitt Romney and John McCain both laid down for this guy to put him in office (another story for another times), one thing is clear: Obama went after Israel's political and regional military power with a vengeance, but he did so on The Low Down.
Obama immediately tried to undermine Israel in The Middle East, by contracting with "Independent Contractors" Terrorists, to do some dirty deeds in The Middle East. He armed them, trained them and financed them. He often used 3rd parties, and laundered money to do this, and worked with his operatives in The CIA to weaken Israel's positions over there, and he allied with Russia,
This is why Joe Biden was put in charge of both China and The Ukraine. China communicated information to Russia and The Ukraine at the time was Russia's proxy. China and Russia also are allied with Iran and North Korea, and both China and Russia have a heavy influence in The ME. In fact, Iran has been testing missiles and nuclear weapons in North Korea, and both China and Russia has been helping them do this. This is why President Trump wanted to put an end to it.
This is also btw, why the Uranium One Deal - Rosatom Bribery Scandal was important, and why Mueller, Comey, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Clinton, and John McCain, and John Kerry worked to keep the fact that Vlad Putin's company Rosatom was bribing politicians to get The Uranium One deal done, because he planned on buying Uranium One. The deal not to export US Uranium outside of Canada and The US involved Uranium One, but once US Uranium Sale was approved, Putin's company Rosatom was set to buy Uranium One, and then no one could stop him from exporting this Uranium to any country he wanted, especially a country like IRAN. And it gets even more interesting than that when you find out Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian Energy Company that THE SONS OF Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and John Kerry all sat on the board of this company, and even John McCain had involvement with it..has ties to Russia. Burisma you will find, had a "Business Relationship" with guessed it...Putin's company, Rosatom.
Funny also was the fact that The Russian Collusion Hoax actually started in The Ukraine with Clinton, Obama, and Biden all operating jointly in that region through The Podesta Group and John Podesta who employed Manafort and Gates to do their bidding. If you do the research, you will find out that this is where The Dossier, that Steele and his Russian Partner, Skirpal made their contacts with other Kremlin agents to kick the entire dossier off. This also included employing Natalia Veselnitskya through Fusion GPS to approach The Trump campaign under false pretenses. Also during that time and during our elections was Maria Butina recruited to come to the US to try to infiltrate and "damage the reputation" of The NRA, just as Veselnitskya was recruited by Fusion GPS (Obama Administration) to "damage the reputation" of The Trump Campaign
Side mot on Manafort:
Paul Manafort was in on that meeting at Trump Tower btw, with his cell phone on which imo allowed The Obama Administration to listen in to the meeting. Whether he was an agent of The CIA, or just a former Podesta Group Employee doing something stupid is immaterial. The Obama Administration was already listening in to Trump Tower communications illegally at that time. They also planted a false beacon ping on a Trump Tower Server and a Russia Alpha Bank Server (planting fake evidence) ti o try to generate a false narrative to allow them to interfere and investigate and spy on The Trump Campaign. It was a Clinton Operative and Cyber Security Expert that touched that off. ( A story all on it's own, I digress).
Just threw out this interesting side note. The other thing to note on Manafort was that The Podesta Group was responsible for registering Manafort and Gates for their work in The Ukraine on behalf of The Obama Administration, Biden, and Clinton. They registered both of them under a "Domestic Lobbying" category, and did so, so they would not have to disclose exactly what they were doing in The Ukraine, and be able to hide this from Watch Dogs, and FOIA requests. Which on a side note is why Clinton had a secret off site server, to conceal communications with The White House. But back to Manafort and Gates, their work in The Ukraine, only became a problem with Trump became a threat to expose many underhanded dealings of both Clinton and Obama. Was Manafort asked to worm his way in to The Trump administration to 'damage it's reputation"? He only worked for a few months on The Campaign until the Obama Administration turned on him.
Even more interesting was the fact that The Obama DOJ allowed The Podesta Group to Retroactively change Manafort's and Gate's registration status to "Foreign Lobbying" classification. That was strange, wouldn't you agree? So technically neither Manafort and Gates were in violation of anything with regards to lobbying. The Podesta Group was. Then mysteriously, Manafort and Gates are investigated after the Status Change, and The Podesta Group is given Immunity from Prosecution. Blanket immunity for John Podesta, and his Board of Russian Directors, and all their financial records, and all of their emails and communications. Manafort claims that The Podesta group received The Money he was accused of taking in the Ukraine, but is not allowed to call any witnesses from The Podesta Group, nor is he allowed to subpoena any financial records, and as soon as The Immunity was granted, Manafort's office was raided, and all of his documents and evidence he had of The Podesta Group laundering money through The Ukraine, Fusion GPS, and working with Steele, Skirpal and Agents of The Kremlin were confiscated, including "Attorney Client Privileged" materials.
They did the same with Michael Cohen. Imagine trying to defend yourself but being denied access to your own documents, notes, emails, your diary and account of events. It becomes "He said, She said" with The Obama Administration Machine have controls of all the levers of justice. Afterall, why would you put an alleged "petty tax cheat" (They never actually proved he accepted any money inappropriately btw.) IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR THE ENTIRE TIME HE AWAITED TRIAL? So he could not talk to anyone.
So what does this have to do with The Election and Israel? The Obama Administration was interfering in Israel's election and was illegally funneling money in to Israeli opposition. They were also working through Russia and The Ukraine, and through the Uranium One deal to get Russia 20% of our Uranium, and then ensure that Iran, Israel's number one enemy was well funded with Obama's Illegal $150 Billion Dollar gift to Iran in the dead of night so that they could buy Russian Weapons, and US Uranium to put in their Nukes to Aim at Israel. Further more, Obama staged COUPs and assassinations, in Egypt and Libya, & paid Al Queda and The Muslim Brotherhood, and armed and financed them to install regimes more hostile towards Israel.
And Benghazi? That was being used ILLEGALLY as a Weapons Depot and a Bank of sorts to fund these 'Terrorists For Hire" and that is why Benghazi was attacked, because Al Queda found out it had a massive cache of weapons and cache. That is a Gross Violation of The Geneva Convention to use a Diplomatic Outpost as a Weapons Depot. Clinton, Obama and Biden are Guilty of War Crimes.
Obama also launched a COUP in Syria that failed because he saw Assad as too friendly towards Israel. In short, Obama tried to interfere in Israel's elections, sent vast amounts of money to terrorist organizations to fight them, propped up the PLO, Hamas, Al Queda, The Muslim Brotherhood, and tried to surround Israel with more hostile regimes and enemies, and increased hostilities against Israel militarily and politically in order to force them to trade land for peace.
But none of this was going to work unless Hillary Clinton won The Election. And Donald Trump was looking more and more formidable every day. The huge crowds and enthusiasm unnerved Obama and Clinton. And then when Seth Rich exposed that Obama, Clinton and The DNC were rigging their primaries against Bernie Sanders, and a real Whistle Blower ratted on Clinton for the Secret Server and Secret communications and emails between Obama, Clinton, and Foreign Actors involved in things like Benghazi, tampering with elections in Israel and The Ukraine, and financing terrorists, and exposed the fact that The DNC and Clinton did things like Hire Pakistani Hackers to pry in to Government files to leverage dirt they could find over Congress and other Bureacrats, they got a little more desperate.
They decided to drop The Russian Collusion Bomb right in to the middle of The Trump Organization. Originally it was intended as a political smear and a 2016 final nail in The Trump Campaign. It was a well crafted lie, but as lies go, it's hard to produce EVIDENCE, to make a lie seem like THE TRUTH.
They colluded with their operatives in The FBI, DOJ, and CIA, and NSA to leak information, continually, even calls to heads of state like Mexico, Thailand and Australia were leaked. Everything possible they could steal, and sneak out of The Intelligence community was leaked to The Press. The minute they lost the election, they turned the heat up even more from Smearing Candidate Trump from trying a Bureaucratic COUP to impeach him. This was all because he threw a monkey wrench in to their plans to force Israel to it's knees, to weaken American Sovereignty, To water down our Currency, and replace it with Clinton's Amero, and push us in to Globalism, and a kind of New Green Tyranny that would be required to force a Sovereign Nation like The US to compromise it's principles and concede. They tried to interfere in Brexit and still are trying to today.
But most of all, the brass ring they were going for was to bring Israel to it's knees, and to do that, they also had to tear down the National Sovereignty of The US, and reduce our influence and power world wide, but when Hillary could not win, despite having massive amounts of help from her allies in The Deep State and Obama Administration, and outspending The Trump Campaign 6-1 with a massive influx of Globalist Cash to the Tune of $1.5 Billion, they had to go on The Offensive and tie The New Administration up for as long as possible while trying to oust The President from Office. They did not want exposed. Not for their plot to hand America over To Globalist Socialists, nor for their plot to bring Israel to it's knees by surrounding it with more enemies. The Russian Collusion Hoax was a counter attack to buy time to "burn evidence" and create alibis, etc. etc.
Coincidentally, regarding Globalism, and Environmentalism, Donald Trump also cock blocked The UN's Green New Deal and plans for Globalist Rule when he was Elected, forcing The UN to abandon Agenda 21, and forced them to push back the time line for that to 2030 and re-title and re-brand their initiative Agenda 2030. This is why All The Marxist Leftists tell you that The World only has 11 years "to be saved". 11 years is 2030, as in Agenda 2030. if you want to see The Left's playbook in it's entirety, from population control, population relocation, banning of fossil fuels, and creating a global equivalent misery, research it, and you will see, that the reason they are so desperate to get rid of Donald Trump who the left once heaped praise upon, is because if he gets re-elected again, Agenda 2030 may be pushed back to Agenda 2040, and The "Israel Problem" as they see it, is standing in the way of implementing their Globalist Peace and Environmental Governance Initiatives.
If he gets re-elected again, to quote Hillary Clinton, if they are exposed, "They Will All Hang Together."
Therefore, they have to MANUFACTURE Impeachment, because if they do not, they are either going to be prosecuted, or their Agenda is going to be delayed, and both are desperate situations for The Marxist Globalist Left who is Hell Bent, literally on installing their AGENDA.
So they will continue on with COUP 3.0 when COUP 2.0 fails, like COUP 1.0 FAILED because for them, it's a matter of life of death in their deluded minds. Win at ALL COSTS, is a Religion for such people and they are deadly serious about their faith. DEADLY SERIOUS!
UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism
Green New Deal Reveals the Naked Truth of Agenda 21 - American Policy Center
The Clinton-Obama Political Machine is Anti-Semetic & Anti-Israel. They are also Anti-Christian, and Anti-Fossil Fuels They are for some things which I will also list later (Globalism), but to address the Title of this thread, I am going to tell you that what The Democrats are doing has nothing at all to do with Donald Trump and more to do with his policies. The Democrat Party right now if following The UN's blueprint for the world, Israel and The US verbatim. They don't even try to disguise it much. President Trump is opposed to The UN's Agenda, so they oppose and hate him.
Since Obama was elected, and many say there was a lot of voter fraud, and Mitt Romney and John McCain both laid down for this guy to put him in office (another story for another times), one thing is clear: Obama went after Israel's political and regional military power with a vengeance, but he did so on The Low Down.
Obama immediately tried to undermine Israel in The Middle East, by contracting with "Independent Contractors" Terrorists, to do some dirty deeds in The Middle East. He armed them, trained them and financed them. He often used 3rd parties, and laundered money to do this, and worked with his operatives in The CIA to weaken Israel's positions over there, and he allied with Russia,
This is why Joe Biden was put in charge of both China and The Ukraine. China communicated information to Russia and The Ukraine at the time was Russia's proxy. China and Russia also are allied with Iran and North Korea, and both China and Russia have a heavy influence in The ME. In fact, Iran has been testing missiles and nuclear weapons in North Korea, and both China and Russia has been helping them do this. This is why President Trump wanted to put an end to it.
This is also btw, why the Uranium One Deal - Rosatom Bribery Scandal was important, and why Mueller, Comey, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch, Clinton, and John McCain, and John Kerry worked to keep the fact that Vlad Putin's company Rosatom was bribing politicians to get The Uranium One deal done, because he planned on buying Uranium One. The deal not to export US Uranium outside of Canada and The US involved Uranium One, but once US Uranium Sale was approved, Putin's company Rosatom was set to buy Uranium One, and then no one could stop him from exporting this Uranium to any country he wanted, especially a country like IRAN. And it gets even more interesting than that when you find out Burisma, a corrupt Ukrainian Energy Company that THE SONS OF Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and John Kerry all sat on the board of this company, and even John McCain had involvement with it..has ties to Russia. Burisma you will find, had a "Business Relationship" with guessed it...Putin's company, Rosatom.
Funny also was the fact that The Russian Collusion Hoax actually started in The Ukraine with Clinton, Obama, and Biden all operating jointly in that region through The Podesta Group and John Podesta who employed Manafort and Gates to do their bidding. If you do the research, you will find out that this is where The Dossier, that Steele and his Russian Partner, Skirpal made their contacts with other Kremlin agents to kick the entire dossier off. This also included employing Natalia Veselnitskya through Fusion GPS to approach The Trump campaign under false pretenses. Also during that time and during our elections was Maria Butina recruited to come to the US to try to infiltrate and "damage the reputation" of The NRA, just as Veselnitskya was recruited by Fusion GPS (Obama Administration) to "damage the reputation" of The Trump Campaign
Side mot on Manafort:
Paul Manafort was in on that meeting at Trump Tower btw, with his cell phone on which imo allowed The Obama Administration to listen in to the meeting. Whether he was an agent of The CIA, or just a former Podesta Group Employee doing something stupid is immaterial. The Obama Administration was already listening in to Trump Tower communications illegally at that time. They also planted a false beacon ping on a Trump Tower Server and a Russia Alpha Bank Server (planting fake evidence) ti o try to generate a false narrative to allow them to interfere and investigate and spy on The Trump Campaign. It was a Clinton Operative and Cyber Security Expert that touched that off. ( A story all on it's own, I digress).
Just threw out this interesting side note. The other thing to note on Manafort was that The Podesta Group was responsible for registering Manafort and Gates for their work in The Ukraine on behalf of The Obama Administration, Biden, and Clinton. They registered both of them under a "Domestic Lobbying" category, and did so, so they would not have to disclose exactly what they were doing in The Ukraine, and be able to hide this from Watch Dogs, and FOIA requests. Which on a side note is why Clinton had a secret off site server, to conceal communications with The White House. But back to Manafort and Gates, their work in The Ukraine, only became a problem with Trump became a threat to expose many underhanded dealings of both Clinton and Obama. Was Manafort asked to worm his way in to The Trump administration to 'damage it's reputation"? He only worked for a few months on The Campaign until the Obama Administration turned on him.
Even more interesting was the fact that The Obama DOJ allowed The Podesta Group to Retroactively change Manafort's and Gate's registration status to "Foreign Lobbying" classification. That was strange, wouldn't you agree? So technically neither Manafort and Gates were in violation of anything with regards to lobbying. The Podesta Group was. Then mysteriously, Manafort and Gates are investigated after the Status Change, and The Podesta Group is given Immunity from Prosecution. Blanket immunity for John Podesta, and his Board of Russian Directors, and all their financial records, and all of their emails and communications. Manafort claims that The Podesta group received The Money he was accused of taking in the Ukraine, but is not allowed to call any witnesses from The Podesta Group, nor is he allowed to subpoena any financial records, and as soon as The Immunity was granted, Manafort's office was raided, and all of his documents and evidence he had of The Podesta Group laundering money through The Ukraine, Fusion GPS, and working with Steele, Skirpal and Agents of The Kremlin were confiscated, including "Attorney Client Privileged" materials.
They did the same with Michael Cohen. Imagine trying to defend yourself but being denied access to your own documents, notes, emails, your diary and account of events. It becomes "He said, She said" with The Obama Administration Machine have controls of all the levers of justice. Afterall, why would you put an alleged "petty tax cheat" (They never actually proved he accepted any money inappropriately btw.) IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR THE ENTIRE TIME HE AWAITED TRIAL? So he could not talk to anyone.
So what does this have to do with The Election and Israel? The Obama Administration was interfering in Israel's election and was illegally funneling money in to Israeli opposition. They were also working through Russia and The Ukraine, and through the Uranium One deal to get Russia 20% of our Uranium, and then ensure that Iran, Israel's number one enemy was well funded with Obama's Illegal $150 Billion Dollar gift to Iran in the dead of night so that they could buy Russian Weapons, and US Uranium to put in their Nukes to Aim at Israel. Further more, Obama staged COUPs and assassinations, in Egypt and Libya, & paid Al Queda and The Muslim Brotherhood, and armed and financed them to install regimes more hostile towards Israel.
And Benghazi? That was being used ILLEGALLY as a Weapons Depot and a Bank of sorts to fund these 'Terrorists For Hire" and that is why Benghazi was attacked, because Al Queda found out it had a massive cache of weapons and cache. That is a Gross Violation of The Geneva Convention to use a Diplomatic Outpost as a Weapons Depot. Clinton, Obama and Biden are Guilty of War Crimes.
Obama also launched a COUP in Syria that failed because he saw Assad as too friendly towards Israel. In short, Obama tried to interfere in Israel's elections, sent vast amounts of money to terrorist organizations to fight them, propped up the PLO, Hamas, Al Queda, The Muslim Brotherhood, and tried to surround Israel with more hostile regimes and enemies, and increased hostilities against Israel militarily and politically in order to force them to trade land for peace.
But none of this was going to work unless Hillary Clinton won The Election. And Donald Trump was looking more and more formidable every day. The huge crowds and enthusiasm unnerved Obama and Clinton. And then when Seth Rich exposed that Obama, Clinton and The DNC were rigging their primaries against Bernie Sanders, and a real Whistle Blower ratted on Clinton for the Secret Server and Secret communications and emails between Obama, Clinton, and Foreign Actors involved in things like Benghazi, tampering with elections in Israel and The Ukraine, and financing terrorists, and exposed the fact that The DNC and Clinton did things like Hire Pakistani Hackers to pry in to Government files to leverage dirt they could find over Congress and other Bureacrats, they got a little more desperate.
They decided to drop The Russian Collusion Bomb right in to the middle of The Trump Organization. Originally it was intended as a political smear and a 2016 final nail in The Trump Campaign. It was a well crafted lie, but as lies go, it's hard to produce EVIDENCE, to make a lie seem like THE TRUTH.
They colluded with their operatives in The FBI, DOJ, and CIA, and NSA to leak information, continually, even calls to heads of state like Mexico, Thailand and Australia were leaked. Everything possible they could steal, and sneak out of The Intelligence community was leaked to The Press. The minute they lost the election, they turned the heat up even more from Smearing Candidate Trump from trying a Bureaucratic COUP to impeach him. This was all because he threw a monkey wrench in to their plans to force Israel to it's knees, to weaken American Sovereignty, To water down our Currency, and replace it with Clinton's Amero, and push us in to Globalism, and a kind of New Green Tyranny that would be required to force a Sovereign Nation like The US to compromise it's principles and concede. They tried to interfere in Brexit and still are trying to today.
But most of all, the brass ring they were going for was to bring Israel to it's knees, and to do that, they also had to tear down the National Sovereignty of The US, and reduce our influence and power world wide, but when Hillary could not win, despite having massive amounts of help from her allies in The Deep State and Obama Administration, and outspending The Trump Campaign 6-1 with a massive influx of Globalist Cash to the Tune of $1.5 Billion, they had to go on The Offensive and tie The New Administration up for as long as possible while trying to oust The President from Office. They did not want exposed. Not for their plot to hand America over To Globalist Socialists, nor for their plot to bring Israel to it's knees by surrounding it with more enemies. The Russian Collusion Hoax was a counter attack to buy time to "burn evidence" and create alibis, etc. etc.
Coincidentally, regarding Globalism, and Environmentalism, Donald Trump also cock blocked The UN's Green New Deal and plans for Globalist Rule when he was Elected, forcing The UN to abandon Agenda 21, and forced them to push back the time line for that to 2030 and re-title and re-brand their initiative Agenda 2030. This is why All The Marxist Leftists tell you that The World only has 11 years "to be saved". 11 years is 2030, as in Agenda 2030. if you want to see The Left's playbook in it's entirety, from population control, population relocation, banning of fossil fuels, and creating a global equivalent misery, research it, and you will see, that the reason they are so desperate to get rid of Donald Trump who the left once heaped praise upon, is because if he gets re-elected again, Agenda 2030 may be pushed back to Agenda 2040, and The "Israel Problem" as they see it, is standing in the way of implementing their Globalist Peace and Environmental Governance Initiatives.
If he gets re-elected again, to quote Hillary Clinton, if they are exposed, "They Will All Hang Together."
Therefore, they have to MANUFACTURE Impeachment, because if they do not, they are either going to be prosecuted, or their Agenda is going to be delayed, and both are desperate situations for The Marxist Globalist Left who is Hell Bent, literally on installing their AGENDA.
So they will continue on with COUP 3.0 when COUP 2.0 fails, like COUP 1.0 FAILED because for them, it's a matter of life of death in their deluded minds. Win at ALL COSTS, is a Religion for such people and they are deadly serious about their faith. DEADLY SERIOUS!
UN Agenda 2030: A Recipe for Global Socialism
Green New Deal Reveals the Naked Truth of Agenda 21 - American Policy Center
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