All About Failed Syrian Policy - Obama Held Off On Russian Hack Response To Pursue Failed Syria Deal


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Russian hacking and meddling efforts came after a sustained campaign the White House was fully aware of.

“Everyone agreed you had to push back at the Russians and push back hard. But it didn’t happen,” a senior Department of State official lamented to TheNYT. Without any response from the White house, Russia continued its hacking campaign.

Meanwhile, every Obama administration effort to negotiate with Russia over the Syrian civil war has been an abject failure."

A great deal of the SH!T that has happened and is still happening can be traced back to Obama's FAILED Syrian Policy and his embarrassing 'Red Line'.

"The administration made its first effort in 2013, after Syrian President Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons against his own civilian population. Obama declared in 2012 he would attack the Syrian regime if it used chemical weapons."

Obama declared his ill-advised 'Red Line' to Assad, and Assad, knowing he had Russia on his side, called Barry's bluff. It was an abject failure, so much that Barry tried to then declare it was not HIS 'Red Line' but was instead the 'whole world's Red Line'...and the whole world laughed at him. Assad and Putin then outplayed Barry.

Instead of making good his threat, Barry "allowed the regime to turn over its stockpile to the Russian government. Assad simply changed tactics, indiscriminately bombing the civilian population and even continued to use chlorine gas munitions on several occasions. After Assad’s battlefield position started to deteriorate, the Russian government began carrying out airstrikes on his behalf. The airstrikes were pivotal in changing the tide of battle, and have given Assad the strongest battlefield position since the war began."

Barry then turned to ISIS, cementing a partnership where Obama would help ISIS in turn for helping overthrow Assad...and Barry got burned. He allowed ISIS to freely flow into Iraq, to take over much of the territory our military had already liberated at great cost. Obama financed, supported, defended, armed, and trained ISIS. Obama protected it's black market oil industry that supported 50% of it's terrorist activities, like the attack on Paris.

Barry / Kerry Failed Diplomacy:
"Obama and U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry desperately tried to achieve a ceasefire, reaching a tentative one in February. The ceasefire was repeatedly violated, did not include many of the major parties, and fell apart in a matter of months. After a few more months of indiscriminate bombing by Russia and Syria, Kerry again tried to negotiate a ceasefire."

After his Red Line debacle and being outplayed by Assad and Russia , Obama wanted Assad overthrown so badly that he allied himself with ISIS and allowed Iraq to be invaded by ISIS.

Obama wanted a deal with Russia so badly after being outplayed in Syria that he refused to challenge them - GAVE THEM A PASS - on their attempts to manipulate out election...AND NOW he's raising hell about it here back at home instead of challenging Russia on it.

Call it '6 Ways To Syria' but the origination of all of the Middle Eastern / Terrorist / ISIS / Russian / Syria crap can all be traced back to the Obama administration's mishandling of the 'Syrian Red Line'.

Obama Held Off On Russian Hack Response To Pursue Failed Syria Deal

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