Call Off The Election....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Democrats are spreading Coronavirus all over the United far 37 states. But the largest clusters are in Washington State, California, and New York State. Close to 1000 have contracted the disease...and 30 have died.


I think it's time to shut down the election.

Telling people that they have to show up at one location so they can spread the virus is reckless and must stop. I recommend we halt all elections and political events till further notice. All of those crowds. All of that hand-shaking and sniffing babies. There's just too much risk involved.

And when it comes to large rallies (Democrats don't have any) Democrats are screaming that Trump has to stop his rallies. The threat of a Democrat showing up and spreading the disease is too great. Democrats usually have events that draw close to 1000 people. If that's a problem, imagine the threat involved at a Trump event....where close to 80,000 people show up.

You probably think I'm kidding.

No....I'm serious as Ebola folks.



Democrats have been brainstorming a way to keep Creepy Joe Biden from screwing up stump they're cancelling his events. They're hiding this bumbling fool away from the public. Don't let him get out there with the population because he's libel to challenge someone to a pushup contest....or tell them they're full of shit before someone can stop him.

So cancel the election till the virus has run it's course. The threat (according to the corrupt Democrat controlled media) is too great. 4 more years of Trump is a small price to pay for a safe and secure America.

Oh....and to you Bernie fans....Russia has zero confirmed you might wanna think about relocating. No need to change that society. It's already screwed up. Just the way you like it.
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Sure, the entire election process here is just a social viral attack anyway Muddy.....


Biden is a lot like Hillary. They're both establishment puppets who are despised by the American worker and taxpayer. Neither of them can communicate with average Americans. And much like Hillary did when she ran against Trump, Biden will hide from the public as much as he can. He'll pop up now and then and make some dopey statement like 'Trump is the most dangerous person in America' But he has no defensible positions so 'Trump bad' is the best he can do, exactly like that other ignoramus, Hillary.
Biden is a lot like Hillary. They're both establishment puppets who are despised by the American worker and taxpayer. Neither of them can communicate with average Americans. And much like Hillary did when she ran against Trump, Biden will hide from the public as much as he can. He'll pop up now and then and make some dopey statement like 'Trump is the most dangerous person in America' But he has no defensible positions so 'Trump bad' is the best he can do, exactly like that other ignoramus, Hillary.
In truth.....Trump is running against a corrupt media. He's not running against Joe Biden.
Biden has shown to be just as corrupt as Hillary or Obama....something I learned when I saw that video of him bragging about bribing Ukrainian officials.
Trump isn't running against that jackass.
He's running against the establishment and their empty-suit puppet.
28 deaths have been reported..... 23 of them. In Washington state.....17 in one rest home.

Now who in the fuck brought an infected Chinaman into a rest home?

Democrats are spreading Coronavirus all over the United far 37 states. But the largest clusters are in Washington State, California, and New York State. Close to 1000 have contracted the disease...and 30 have died.


I think it's time to shut down the election.

Telling people that they have to show up at one location so they can spread the virus is reckless and must stop. I recommend we halt all elections and political events till further notice. All of those crowds. All of that hand-shaking and sniffing babies. There's just too much risk involved.

And when it comes to large rallies (Democrats don't have any) Democrats are screaming that Trump has to stop his rallies. The threat of a Democrat showing up and spreading the disease is too great. Democrats usually have events that draw close to 1000 people. If that's a problem, imagine the threat involved at a Trump event....where close to 80,000 people show up.

You probably think I'm kidding.

No....I'm serious as Ebola folks.



Democrats have been brainstorming a way to keep Creepy Joe Biden from screwing up stump they're cancelling his events. They're hiding this bumbling fool away from the public. Don't let him get out there with the population because he's libel to challenge someone to a pushup contest....or tell them they're full of shit before someone can stop him.

So cancel the election till the virus has run it's course. The threat (according to the corrupt Democrat controlled media) is too great. 4 more years of Trump is a small price to pay for a safe and secure America.

Oh....and to you Bernie fans....Russia has zero confirmed you might wanna think about relocating. No need to change that society. It's already screwed up. Just the way you like it.
Meh, dOnald says it's not a big deal.

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