California woman, 91, armed with shotgun, dies after being shot by deputies

Some common sense could have made all the difference.....a 91 yrl old woman or any old woman does not pose the same threat as a young black male or even a young white male.

The training police get as mentioned above makes them too robotic aka shoot anyone who refuses to put down their weapon.

Apparently they thought she was defying orders. The first thought of a police officer is this woman means business if she's pointing a loaded gun at them in spite of them having guns too. What if she did shoot and kill one of the officers?

I always love these 'what if' arguments and try not to notice they are fallacious.
In the United States, the police may enter your property in one of two ways - you invite them, or they have a warrant.

The San Bernardino Sheriffs certainly didn't have a warrant, no indication she invited them.

They had no right to be on her property and then murdered her for defending herself.

That's no okay.

According to what I read, she was the person that called the cops to her home. She's the one that stated somebody was trying to break in.

I guess the moral of the story is never call the cops.

It goes beyond your best to avoid cops at all times....they are a ever present danger. Never had a pleasant experience with one...most of them are control freaks....complete assholes.
Some common sense could have made all the difference.....a 91 yrl old woman or any old woman does not pose the same threat as a young black male or even a young white male.

The training police get as mentioned above makes them too robotic aka shoot anyone who refuses to put down their weapon.

Apparently they thought she was defying orders. The first thought of a police officer is this woman means business if she's pointing a loaded gun at them in spite of them having guns too. What if she did shoot and kill one of the officers?

Well, unfortunately I think police officers due to their training get very paranoid.

Also some of the problems comes from the culture one grows up in....some areas of the country people grow up and never see a gun...and if someday they happen to they get all freaked out.

Now down South of course we see guns all the time folks going hunting, driving around with a rifle displayed in the back of the truck cab et. so thus being used to guns we do not get all paranoid when we see one...and thus a incident like this one never happen down south....yet we all know what kalifornicate is like.....more of a hell hole every day and peope are moving out of there as fast as least white folks are.
Yea, but it was probably a coincidence she pointed the gun at the cops and she was moving around several areas trying to scare away what she thought was an intruder. She was pointing the gun in many directions.

I didn't read that. What I read is she pointed the gun at the officers, they screamed for her to drop the gun and she didn't.

Yes, you read that but the fact is she could not hear....she was deaf and blind.
She probably was aiming the gun in the opposite direction when the cop gunned her down.

When you have evidence of that, post it.

In the United States, the police may enter your property in one of two ways - you invite them, or they have a warrant.

The San Bernardino Sheriffs certainly didn't have a warrant, no indication she invited them.

They had no right to be on her property and then murdered her for defending herself.

That's no okay.

There was a 911 call of an intruder on her property. They can investigate that but that's where common sense must come in. The cops had none.

Exactly.....why do some on here not understand that?
She probably was aiming the gun in the opposite direction when the cop gunned her down.

When you have evidence of that, post it.

In the United States, the police may enter your property in one of two ways - you invite them, or they have a warrant.

The San Bernardino Sheriffs certainly didn't have a warrant, no indication she invited them.

They had no right to be on her property and then murdered her for defending herself.

That's no okay.

Stupidity abounds and the cops often are more stupid than anyone on the scene.

Some of that is due to their training or lack of training.....not being able to properly analyze a situation....thus many of them now are getting into trouble for that but only (unfortunately) when the victim is black.
Well, unfortunately I think police officers due to their training get very paranoid.

Also some of the problems comes from the culture one grows up in....some areas of the country people grow up and never see a gun...and if someday they happen to they get all freaked out.

Now down South of course we see guns all the time folks going hunting, driving around with a rifle displayed in the back of the truck cab et. so thus being used to guns we do not get all paranoid when we see one...and thus a incident like this one never happen down south....yet we all know what kalifornicate is like.....more of a hell hole every day and peope are moving out of there as fast as least white folks are.

Police officers use police and department procedures. If an officer gets hurt, the first question from their supervisor is why didn't they follow procedure? It's apparent this woman did not know they were officers due to her disabilities, so it's quite possible she would have shot them with the expectation they were bad guys coming to harm her.

A gun is deadly whether it's shot by a little 12 year old punk, a 22 year old criminal, or a 91 year old confused woman. Dead is dead. It doesn't matter who kills you. I don't know how a police officer would have handled it down south, but if they'd be willing to risk death out of sympathy for the person with the gun, that would be kind of stupid in my opinion.
That's always an option. But when you are legally blind, 91 years old, deaf, you are pretty helpless and need assistance. In fact I have to take off from here in a couple of hours to help my father. He needs some water stains painted that he can no longer do. This is a guy who spent his life in construction, and even built the house we grew up in. At 89 years old, now he can't even go up two steps on a ladder and reach his arm over his head.

I lost my mom on the 22'nd.

All my best to your father, and you.

I'm so sorry to hear that.
Never call the police. They will kill you.
Who cares? It was only a White old lady. The MSM won't report it. If it had been a looting black thug ,they would go apeshit.

It has been reported.
Like George Floyd the Junkie?

Let's get the video of the cops murdering her. That's how the Floyd issue made news.
At most ,a one day wonder. Or perhaps less.
Never call the police. They will kill you.
Who cares? It was only a White old lady. The MSM won't report it. If it had been a looting black thug ,they would go apeshit.

It has been reported.
Like George Floyd the Junkie?

Let's get the video of the cops murdering her. That's how the Floyd issue made news.
At most ,a one day wonder. Or perhaps less.

I suppose if you don't care, you don't care.

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