Cain: Black community 'brainwashed' into voting for Dems

Yea, it's fucked up, you're right. Why don't you stand up for what's right instead of crying poor me, poor black guy?? You deserve so much more but are willing to let your family settle for so much less. Do you realize what you continue to endorse?? Do you understand you will never be as good as "them" if you don't understand what you are cheating yourself out of?? Get real, you are the REASON they are afraid to take the leap, you allow them to keep you under their thumb. You're just too afraid to admit it.

The role of government: Government policies determine the environment in which people live.

Currently, Republicans are trying to destroy labor unions, safety regulations, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, minimum wage, women's rights, affordable health care, middle class in general, etc.

Sooo, what exactly are Republicans doing to help those poor government-dependent people escape their self-defeating environments? Actually, Republican policies are sending more people to the projects and the poor house.
Frederick Douglas was a Republican.

Since the Civil War there were Black Republicans voted into Office before the Democrats got in control and strip away their voting rights; thus the Black Republicans getting swarmed out of office. In every Republican that was President before the 60s they have a Black advisor, look that up, fool!

Tell the truth and quit painting this false picture, Republicans occupied the South after the Civil, they then abandoned the Blacks in the South and moved up and dd little to stop to lynching and Ku Klux Klan, once again, party of do nothing and point the finger at others.

The "truth" is that it was Southern Democrats that ran white Republicans out of office in the South for supporting black rights. How you translate that into Republicans being responsible for the KKK and lynchings is quite a remarkable rewriting of history. It's akin to blaming the Freedom Riders for the Klan lynchings in the 60's.
Liberal revisionist history is a funny thing.
Yea, it's fucked up, you're right. Why don't you stand up for what's right instead of crying poor me, poor black guy?? You deserve so much more but are willing to let your family settle for so much less. Do you realize what you continue to endorse?? Do you understand you will never be as good as "them" if you don't understand what you are cheating yourself out of?? Get real, you are the REASON they are afraid to take the leap, you allow them to keep you under their thumb. You're just too afraid to admit it.

The role of government: Government policies determine the environment in which people live.

Currently, Republicans are trying to destroy labor unions, safety regulations, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, minimum wage, women's rights, affordable health care, middle class in general, etc.

Sooo, what exactly are Republicans doing to help those poor government-dependent people escape their self-defeating environments? Actually, Republican policies are sending more people to the projects and the poor house.

Nope, republicans are just trying to keep government out of REGULATING those ideas.

Ya fucking authoritarian...
Democrats evolved; whereas TeaTard Republicans...

Yea, it's fucked up, you're right. Why don't you stand up for what's right instead of crying poor me, poor black guy?? You deserve so much more but are willing to let your family settle for so much less. Do you realize what you continue to endorse?? Do you understand you will never be as good as "them" if you don't understand what you are cheating yourself out of?? Get real, you are the REASON they are afraid to take the leap, you allow them to keep you under their thumb. You're just too afraid to admit it.

The role of government: Government policies determine the environment in which people live.

Currently, Republicans are trying to destroy labor unions, safety regulations, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, minimum wage, women's rights, affordable health care, middle class in general, etc.

Sooo, what exactly are Republicans doing to help those poor government-dependent people escape their self-defeating environments? Actually, Republican policies are sending more people to the projects and the poor house.

Nope, republicans are just trying to keep government out of REGULATING those ideas.

Ya fucking authoritarian...

Government policies determine the environment in which people live??? Did you really type that?? Do you really believe the government can tell you where and how to live?? Seriously?? If you believe that you will only live where and how they tell you to.

Like Mr. Nick says, keep the government out of it, improve your life, set the example for more and more oppressed people to WANT to step up and move up!! If you think the government is the key, you are doomed to stay where you are. Wake up, quit being the pawn for the Dems. They only want your vote and only want to keep you dependent on government.

I assure you the government does not determine where and how I live, that choice is mine and mine alone!! F*** the government!!
Yea, it's fucked up, you're right. Why don't you stand up for what's right instead of crying poor me, poor black guy?? You deserve so much more but are willing to let your family settle for so much less. Do you realize what you continue to endorse?? Do you understand you will never be as good as "them" if you don't understand what you are cheating yourself out of?? Get real, you are the REASON they are afraid to take the leap, you allow them to keep you under their thumb. You're just too afraid to admit it.

The role of government: Government policies determine the environment in which people live.

Currently, Republicans are trying to destroy labor unions, safety regulations, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, minimum wage, women's rights, affordable health care, middle class in general, etc.

Sooo, what exactly are Republicans doing to help those poor government-dependent people escape their self-defeating environments? Actually, Republican policies are sending more people to the projects and the poor house.

Gee, Lakhota...fear monger much? As far as you're concerned someone who wants changes to ANY government program, and they aren't changes you as a progressive in fact "destroying" those programs?

The "self-defeating environments" you speak of have been created by progressives like yourself that foolishly believe that a cradle to the grave entitlement system "helps" people.
Yea, it's fucked up, you're right. Why don't you stand up for what's right instead of crying poor me, poor black guy?? You deserve so much more but are willing to let your family settle for so much less. Do you realize what you continue to endorse?? Do you understand you will never be as good as "them" if you don't understand what you are cheating yourself out of?? Get real, you are the REASON they are afraid to take the leap, you allow them to keep you under their thumb. You're just too afraid to admit it.

The role of government: Government policies determine the environment in which people live.

Currently, Republicans are trying to destroy labor unions, safety regulations, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, minimum wage, women's rights, affordable health care, middle class in general, etc.

Sooo, what exactly are Republicans doing to help those poor government-dependent people escape their self-defeating environments? Actually, Republican policies are sending more people to the projects and the poor house.

People determine the environment in which they live.

It's time the blacks wake up and fully understand that the dem party is determined to keep them where they are at, by consistently supporting unsustainable government programs that only serve to demotivate. That serve to give a sense of entitlement. That serve to feed the cycle of government dependency.

The blacks can determine the environment in which they live, by abandoning support of the party that has only made their situation worse. By abandoning the party that fights to limit their choices of education. By abandoning the party that uses them as political pawns. Who try to keep them divided from other races. Who continually encourages them to play the victim card.

That would be the dem party.
Yea, it's fucked up, you're right. Why don't you stand up for what's right instead of crying poor me, poor black guy?? You deserve so much more but are willing to let your family settle for so much less. Do you realize what you continue to endorse?? Do you understand you will never be as good as "them" if you don't understand what you are cheating yourself out of?? Get real, you are the REASON they are afraid to take the leap, you allow them to keep you under their thumb. You're just too afraid to admit it.

The role of government: Government policies determine the environment in which people live.

Currently, Republicans are trying to destroy labor unions, safety regulations, Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid, minimum wage, women's rights, affordable health care, middle class in general, etc.

Sooo, what exactly are Republicans doing to help those poor government-dependent people escape their self-defeating environments? Actually, Republican policies are sending more people to the projects and the poor house.

People determine the environment in which they live.

It's time the blacks wake up and fully understand that the dem party is determined to keep them where they are at, by consistently supporting unsustainable government programs that only serve to demotivate. That serve to give a sense of entitlement. That serve to feed the cycle of government dependency.

The blacks can determine the environment in which they live, by abandoning support of the party that has only made their situation worse. By abandoning the party that fights to limit their choices of education. By abandoning the party that uses them as political pawns. Who try to keep them divided from other races. Who continually encourages them to play the victim card.

That would be the dem party.

Democrats evolved; whereas TeaTard Republicans...


Yeah go look at those dumb motherfuckers with their "Days of Rage" - how evolved does that look...

They're fucking cavemen....

You're anything but "evolved" you're fucking retards...

You're like primitive people...
Government policies determine the environment in which people live??? Did you really type that?? Do you really believe the government can tell you where and how to live?? Seriously?? If you believe that you will only live where and how they tell you to.

Holy shit, must I also educate you tards along the way?

ENVIRONMENT: An "environment" is the whole of surrounding things.Surroundings are defined by a central entity. In ecology, environment refers to the surroundings of humankind. Generally, environment refers to the biological, physical and social things on the earth or in inhabitable space outside the earth's atmosphere.

Environment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I love it when tards clap stupidity. Makes my day...
You're seriously outgunned up here, lil' man.

Maybe you should take your lil' ass back to the Palin thread, where the IQ needed to post there, fully falls in line with your limited thinking capabilities.

"tards"......seriously, how old are you?

Grow up!
I love it when tards clap stupidity. Makes my day...

The retards are those sleeping on sidewalks because they were told to...

I thought you were going to take wall street over like some sort of October Revolution???

Michael Moore will be your general...


The rain is coming asshats......
I love it when tards clap stupidity. Makes my day...

I hope you reach the point where you decide the government doesn't give a flying flip about you. You are only a vote, only a pawn, only a poor sap they can depend on. The one that loves the "environment" they allow you to live in.

Until then, you get what you deserve. :D
I love it when tards clap stupidity. Makes my day...

The retards are those sleeping on sidewalks because they were told to...

I thought you were going to take wall street over like some sort of October Revolution???

Michael Moore will be your general...


The rain is coming asshats......
Did ya' happen top see those clowns protesting on Wall Street, during O'Reilly's program tonight?

That Grif dude was out asking 'em questions, it was some hilarious shit.....Those people are so fuckin' stupid it's friggin' amazing.
Why does the Republican Party zealously pursue policies so obviously counter to the best interests of ordinary Americans?

Exposing the ugly truth about the Republican Party's diabolical plot to replace constitutional democracy with an oligarchic fascist theocracy...

Evil GOP Bastards

Man this is not about GOP or DEM, this is about your life, your future, your right to what you deserve. Keep believing the GOP is evil and you will continue to be angry and oppressed, believe you can achieve more and you will. Believe in yourself, not the damn government!!

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