Dems Plot to Slip Amnesty for 6M+ Illegals into Budget Bill w/o GOP Support

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Congressional Democrats and open-borders immigration activists are staring at their best chance in years to overcome opposition from immigration-law advocates and give millions of people in the U.S. without legal authorization a way to become voting-eligible citizens.

Their goal is to stuff the language into a huge measure this fall financing many of President Joe Biden’s priorities that would be shielded from a Republican Senate filibuster.
By circumventing the normal parliamentary procedures they could score an immigration triumph by themselves after years of Republican blockades—even though Senate rules generally require that only financial matters be considered under the budget bills.
The gross bad-faith abuse of trust is yet another component to a massive power-grab attempt as Democrats try to push the country farther to the fringe left without having the popular support to do so.
...article continued below

They are going to have to cancel or kill many of us and they are quite prepared to do so. All for the revolution. Their roll model is the CCP.
My only honest question I have to ask is this.......If illegals tended to vote Repub, would things still be the same?

That is the key question whether or not how many die and are raped, as long as they can vote

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