The bastardization and weaponizing of "racism" by the globalist elite communists.


Democrat Party - the REAL Fascist Party
Dec 31, 2011
Bay State
I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.
I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.
Well said. Yes Leo Terell has really surprised me! He was one of the most virulent Leftists until recent events opened his eyes. Really good to see, but unfortunately he is the exception to the mob rule.
I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.

You forgot, racism is also a waste of energy. At my age I need all the energy I can get.

I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.

You forgot, racism is also a waste of energy. At my age I need all the energy I can get.

That is so true! I've never spent any time or energy worried about what people's skin color is. I treat everyone the same, all this BLM horseshit is ruining the country.
I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.

:happy-1: I just love it when Fascist, call anyone who doesn’t goose-step to their small-minded ideology,,communist! Way to show your limited intellect, Gomer.
I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.

You forgot, racism is also a waste of energy. At my age I need all the energy I can get.

That is so true! I've never spent any time or energy worried about what people's skin color is. I treat everyone the same, all this BLM horseshit is ruining the country.

That's the intent, ruining the country. Few media outlets will tell BLM the stats don't support their narrative, because they want the country ruined as well.

I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.

:happy-1: I just love it when Fascist, call anyone who doesn’t goose-step to their small-minded ideology,,communist! Way to show your limited intellect, Gomer.
Your side has the idiots burning down the country..........You are a very confused IDIOT....kinda goes with the territory huh..............

Stop taking so much of that crap you are growing.
I will not use the term "liberal" to describe those whom have bastardized and weaponized the race card. We need to call these enemies of America out for what they are, radical revolutionary, America-hating communists. The race card, as well as being labeled a radical right-wing extremist is always applied to anyone who is a fraction of a millimeter to the right of Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Engels. It is a despicable form of intimidation to silence any opposition to the radical communist-authoritarian oppression and terrorism. The myth is that only white people are racist, that's why it's a myth as well as a communist agenda, intimidation, harassment and oppression. In the real world, a racist is anyone who hates people outside their racist. Here are the real-world facts, if you are white and you hate a race outside the white race, you are a racist. If you are black and you hate a race outside of the black race, you are a racist. If you are latino, and you hate someone outside of the latino race, you are a racist. THAT is reality. Racism is not limited to being committed by one race contrary to the mentally ill communist scum attempting to brainwash the masses.

I am white, my politics are to the right. The vast majority of those with similar views to mine will agree, racism is a wrong, and a complete waste of time. For me, and the vast majority of others sharing similar view to mine, being a racist just flat out make no sense, is wrong and just doesn't work. Seriously, look no further than the following:

1. Clarence Thomas - one of the greatest U.S. Supreme Court Justices ever regardless of the time frame of the history of the USSC. If ever there is to be a U.S. Supreme Court Hall of Fame, Thomas should be an automatic first ballot inductee. A true originalist who loves God, America and the Constitution. It is sickening to look back at the racists in the Democrat party perform their high-tech lynching of Thomas when he was a nominee. The white man posting this post, will be shedding some tears when Clarence Thomas decides to retire, it will be a devastating loss to America. God Bless you Justice Thomas, I hope you see well over 100 years old.

2. Ben Carson - the man exudes class, a true gentleman. When running for president, it was once again the racist left that villified this great man. Ben said it best in regards to his being a doctor, "when you cut through the skin, we're all the same inside". I couldn't agree more. Ben worked hard to become world renowned, which proves all it takes is strong determination to be successful.

3. Herman Cain - Oh, who can forget the left-wing communist racists hate on Herman when he was rapidly gaining momentum during the Republican primaries. A classy man who busted his ass off to attain success and at one point become a serious contender for the presidency - until communist racists did yet another high-tech lynching.

4. Candace Owens - oh wow, I love seeing her completely shred the communists. Most are way to intimidated to debate Candace, the few that have tried have been absolutely humiliated by her. She is very young, razor sharp and oh wow I just love seeing her on TV. She is truly a much needed spark of energy for the right.

5. Leo Terrell - before the George Floyd tragedy, I rarely agreed with this civil rights attorney. But after the Floyd tragedy, and the actions of the communists and Democrats (yeah, they're communists, too), Leo really changed a lot of his views. He now sees the Democrat Party for the evil, America-hating communist, racist scum they are, who have no interest in helping the black community, but only exploit them to further their communist agenda. I can not even begin to describe the admiration and respect I have for Leo Terrell for his open-mindedness to see the Democrats for what they are. I have great admiration and respect for Leo for his bravery, knowing that by seeing the forest for the trees, the hate and threats he would be getting from the racist communist left. I truly, truly hope that Leo Terrell writes a book on his transition, I will purchase it in a heartbeat, and I bet it becomes a #1 seller.

Well, I can keep adding to this list, but then next thing you know, I am going to have to put this into chapters. To conclude this, like me, the vast majority of those on the right, racism is a waste of time and just wrong. The real racists are the communist left who exploit not only black Americans, but people of every race in order to attain their communist utopia and create slavery and equal misery for everyone. These communist, racist left-wingers are sub-human forms of life that have a mental illness that incapable of being cured, they belong in straight jackets, surrounded by 4 padded walls, and need to be heavily medicated. There is no greater enemy to America that the Democrat Party - also known as the communist party. At this point in time, there is some satisfaction in knowing when this planet is blessed by one them dropping dead, hell is burning a few degrees hotter.
Wonderful post. Thank you.
I'm hoping that there are a few more million Leo Terrells out there ready to vote for Trump instead of the radical democrats.
Just like the Baltimore mom who beat the crap out of her son who was going to riot.
There is a right way to effect change....
I'm hoping that there are a few more million Leo Terrells out there ready to vote for Trump instead of the radical democrats.
Just like the Baltimore mom who beat the crap out of her son who was going to riot.
There is a right way to effect change....

There is the phrase 'regression to the mean.'

These terrorists have looked to their ancestors in the French Revolution, and the Russian version......

....and it is yet to be revealed whether or not they have a winner in their violence.

The certainly have allies in the Democrats.

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