Bush's Initial Reaction To The News on 9/11 Was Perfect


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.
this is worthy of a thread?

I have bashed Bush as much as anybody alive. Trust me on that.

But looking back on it Bush's response seems to have been absolutely on cue. Considering that his admin was likely complicit in allowing the attack to occur for political reasons.
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It was perfect. Rather than create a panic by running out the door. He finished what he was doing and awaited more information.

It's what most real leaders do.
9-11 documentaries will be playing until 4am today. I have like 6 taped varying from 1 to 2 hours to watch still. Live footage, real stories, intimate interviews with survivors, authorities, decicion makers. Heroic tellings of those who led...and died...those who made it. Riveting stuff.
Indeed, I was watching the Nat Geo one, it was pretty sad.. but you feel lucky knowing that there are people who put on the Uniform whether it's Military, Police, Medic or Firefighters who would sacrifice themselves to save their people.
this is worthy of a thread?

I have bashed Bush as much as anybody alive. Trust me on that.

But looking back on it Bush's response seems to have been absolutely on cue. Considering that his admin was likely complicit in allowing the attack to occur for political reasons.
2 key things here...

01. His Admin
02. Likely

The first, does not implicate Bush himself
The second says you have no proof.

If you have some evidence of your suggestion, please provide it.

I believe Bush took advantage of a situation to advance his war mongering plans and totally botched the war. which should have never been waged in the first place. Lots of other legitimate things to totally bash that bastard to hell with, but his response to the news....was perfect.

I have to admit.
I have to say it is nice to finally hear, or read rather, someone say that about the scene in the classroom. Up until now I have only seen and heard people criticize Bush for remaining there for those seven or eight minutes after Card whispered in his ear. While I have mixed feelings about Bush and his eight years in office, I often wondered what those who complained about those moments expected him to do in front of a classroom of second graders. I too believe he handled it in the best way possible.

Kudos to you, Marc, and thank you for brining up this topic.
I have to say it is nice to finally hear, or read rather, someone say that about the scene in the classroom. Up until now I have only seen and heard people criticize Bush for remaining there for those seven or eight minutes after Card whispered in his ear. While I have mixed feelings about Bush and his eight years in office, I often wondered what those who complained about those moments expected him to do in front of a classroom of second graders. I too believe he handled it in the best way possible.

Kudos to you, Marc, and thank you for brining up this topic.
Just like conducting bible study, one must not come with one's own pre-conceived notions and then work your way back and/or tie things not there to it. One should simply take in what the facts dictate and accept it as truth.

I've always been one to bash Bush's reaction...dunno why, I guess its due to my severe dislike of him. That was reactionary. But watching that documentary earlier and seeing ALL the footage, I have to see it for what it was, especially after hearing Card's account while watching the footage.

As a leader, one has to always maintain an auro of control, even when you know you don't have control and/or are unsure what to do. I remember back in boarding school, our Sr. class trip was a mission trip to Belize. We built a church, had a medical team and a dental team, I chose to be on the dental team. The dentist told us that all we will be doing is pulling teeth, and he told us that the ONLY rule to remember is not to say something like "uh oh" when something unexpected happens, like the teeth totally breaking apart while attempting to pull it, which was common to happen as the people;'s teeth were so brittle. So yes, I understand that those in positions of authority and/or great trust must always PROJECT an attitude of being in control, often time just being calm in the face of chaos does a great deal to that effect.

George did that well. There's no two ways about it.
It was perfect. Rather than create a panic by running out the door. He finished what he was doing and awaited more information.

It's what most real leaders do.

Bush was frozen while America was under attack and Americans were dying. It was a total failure of what a leader must do.

During that 15 minutes, NO ONE knew the scope of the attack. It was very possible Bush AND that school were also targets. Bush endangered those school children and FAILED this nation.

It was perfect. Rather than create a panic by running out the door. He finished what he was doing and awaited more information.

It's what most real leaders do.

Bush was frozen while America was under attack and Americans were dying. It was a total failure of what a leader must do.

During that 15 minutes, NO ONE knew the scope of the attack. It was very possible Bush AND that school were also targets. Bush endangered those school children and FAILED this nation.

what a dipshit
It was perfect. Rather than create a panic by running out the door. He finished what he was doing and awaited more information.

It's what most real leaders do.

Bush was frozen while America was under attack and Americans were dying. It was a total failure of what a leader must do.

During that 15 minutes, NO ONE knew the scope of the attack. It was very possible Bush AND that school were also targets. Bush endangered those school children and FAILED this nation.

what a dipshit

YES, Bush is a dip shit.

Hey asshole, if a commercial airliner with American citizens on board was needed to be shot down during Bush's total failure of leadership, WHO would have given that order? Bush was too busy learning about pet goats.
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You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.

Yeah only pure partisan hacks fault him for the way he handled the day of the attack and the days after. It was not until the Push for Invading Iraq that he got off track IMO.
You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.

Yeah only pure partisan hacks fault him for the way he handled the day of the attack and the days after. It was not until the Push for Invading Iraq that he got off track IMO.
see above
Bush was frozen while America was under attack and Americans were dying. It was a total failure of what a leader must do.

During that 15 minutes, NO ONE knew the scope of the attack. It was very possible Bush AND that school were also targets. Bush endangered those school children and FAILED this nation.

what a dipshit

YES, Bush is a dip shit.

Hey asshole, if a commercial airliner with American citizens on board was needed to be shot down during Bush's total failure of leadership, WHO would have given that order? Bush was too busy learning about pet goats.
no, you are the dipshit
You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.

Yeah only pure partisan hacks fault him for the way he handled the day of the attack and the days after. It was not until the Push for Invading Iraq that he got off track IMO.
see above

Don't even have to look, I am sure some Liberal assholes have made the usual comments on this thread already.
You all know my position(s) on Georgie Boy, so you can take what I just stated more seriously.

I don't know if you guys have been or even knew about the specials that The History Channel has been playing all weekend, since about Thursday night concerning that day, but I taped them all and just one earlier and am watching another one that's 2 hours now entitlled "9/11 State of Emergency" it features Interviews with Condoleeza Rice, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Myers and Andrew Card discussing Sept. 11, 2001.

Well, about 15 mins ago I just saw some footage I haven't seen before of when and how GW got the news in the school and his guy giving him the news and him telling us exactly what he said and why he said it. He said "We're under attack", he then explained that he wanted to be as clear as possible, as concise as possible, didn't want Bush to have to ask any questions, as they were in front of kids and the press and didn't want to cause any necessary fear. They kept the camera running, so you saw the ENTIRE footage of how it went down.

I have to say...Bush handled it PERFECTLY. They even showed his face up close, you could see his facial concern, ever so slightly, but he was trying to keep his cool, for the kids...you could see all that from his expression. On top of that, shortly after reading and getting up, some AHOLES from the Press started asking him if he heard about the 2nd plane hitting the building in NYC, and Bush replied "We'll talk about that later." Again...perfectly.

I have to say.

That he handled well, dare I say perfectly. The RESPONSE to the attacks on that day, however...not so much.

Yeah only pure partisan hacks fault him for the way he handled the day of the attack and the days after. It was not until the Push for Invading Iraq that he got off track IMO.

Bullshit! Only a partisan hack would excuse Bush's FAILURE of leadership. HERE is someone that understands leadership, and he chastises Bush.


Leaders are made, not born. Leadership is forged in times of crisis. It's easy to sit there with your feet up on the desk and talk theory. Or send someone else's kids off to war when you've never seen a battlefield yourself. It's another thing to lead when your world comes tumbling down.

On September 11, 2001, we needed a strong leader more than any other time in our history. We needed a steady hand to guide us out of the ashes. Where was George Bush? He was reading a story about a pet goat to kids in Florida when he heard about the attacks. He kept sitting there for twenty minutes with a baffled look on his face. It's all on tape. You can see it for yourself. Then, instead of taking the quickest route back to Washington and immediately going on the air to reassure the panicked people of this country, he decided it wasn't safe to return to the White House. He basically went into hiding for the day -- and he told Vice President Dick Cheney to stay put in his bunker. We were all frozen in front of our TVs, scared out of our wits, waiting for our leaders to tell us that we were going to be okay, and there was nobody home. It took Bush a couple of days to get his bearings and devise the right photo op at Ground Zero.

That was George Bush's moment of truth, and he was paralyzed. And what did he do when he'd regained his composure? He led us down the road to Iraq -- a road his own father had considered disastrous when he was President. But Bush didn't listen to Daddy. He listened to a higher father. He prides himself on being faith based, not reality based. If that doesn't scare the crap out of you, I don't know what will.
DiveCon...answer my question.

Hey asshole, if a commercial airliner with American citizens on board was needed to be shot down during Bush's total failure of leadership, WHO would have given that order?

Flight 93 was about 15 minutes from Washington, headed for the Capital or the White House, while Bush sat on his fucking ass. He talked NO ONE. IF the brave passengers aboard that flight hadn't brought the plane down, the terrorists could killed many more Americans. It could have been intercepted IF America had a competent Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. But he was AWOL.
DiveCon...answer my question.

Hey asshole, if a commercial airliner with American citizens on board was needed to be shot down during Bush's total failure of leadership, WHO would have given that order?

Flight 93 was about 15 minutes from Washington, headed for the Capital or the White House, while Bush sat on his fucking ass. He talked NO ONE. IF the brave passengers aboard that flight hadn't brought the plane down, the terrorists could killed many more Americans. It could have been intercepted IF America had a competent Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. But he was AWOL.
fuck off you pathetic peabrain

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