Brilliant Idea to Stop Spread of Coronavirus in the 'Houseless' Community


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Brilliant Idea to Stop Spread of Coronavirus in the 'Houseless' Community

Portland Has Come Up With Brilliant Idea to Stop Spread of Coronavirus in the 'Houseless' Community
9 Mar 2020 ~~ By Victoria Taft

There's a meme going around about the current COVID-19 coronavirus and the homeless.
It's a bitter reminder of how sympathy and feelings aren't the best approaches to public health.
The meme reads, "Odd that the same leftists who let people poop on the streets, throw away used needles to step on and demand open borders are suddenly concerned about disease."

These are all unsafe things happening in homeless encampments in cities run by West Coast liberals. From LA to San Francisco, to Portland and Seattle, it's a Petrie dish on the street. In San Francisco, people are hired at more than $100 thousand per year to clean up human waste on the street.

Enter the coronavirus, which is now a declared public health emergency in Oregon.

What can be done about people who are allowed to camp practically wherever they wish, with whomever they wish, who are immunocompromised – largely by drug use, mental illness and the elements – and not required to stop dangerous, risky behavior all while camping near urine and feces?
The City of Portland has an answer: simply tell the homeless to stay six feet away from one another.
Sure, that'll work.
KGW-TV reports that city and county officials have requested that homeless shelters ask "houseless" people to stay six feet from each other in the shelters and if they won't do that, send them back on the streets and demand they separate themselves there.
Sick residents will be asked to wear masks and maintain a 6-foot distance between themselves in others in an attempt to keep the spread of any possible sickness to a minimum.
If residents are unwilling to follow those guidelines they may be turned away.
"There are regular conversations between city, county, and state about how we are going to address COVID-19 and the homeless population," said Mayor Wheeler.
There is also a concern that homeless shelters may not be able to house as many residents in order to make sure there is enough room to maintain an appropriate amount of space between them.

I am sure the will be the same here in the Seattle, LOs Angeles, San Francisco, New York, etc.,
Insanity/stupidity appears to be more virulent than the Wuhan-Covid-19 virus....
Isn't this bizarre and strangely odd that Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Leftists that cried for open borders never cared what may have been coming into the country with illegal aliens, are now concerned about a single disease.
Historically, in the medieval times they always did the same to the poor and homeless. Only they would cremate them to stop the spread.... I wonder how long until they suggest this?
It appears that Gov. Cuomo has panicked and is calling out the National Guard. Will he soon be setting up burn pits to cremate those unfortunates.
I predict we will find out soon that the Wuhan COVID-19 virus is racist, transphobic, misogynistic, Xenophobic and classist, that Republicans are complicit with Trump, Russia and Israel’s sinister plot.
Yet, the Blue Plantation cities are about to get a plague of Biblical proportions and all PMS/DSA Democrat Leftists will do is blame President Trump. But on the bright side the homeless will disappear, for a while anyway.
Cuomo panicking is the first Governor to call out the National Guard to quarantine the city of New Rochelle. Nothing like being a tyrant in the midst of a free nation.

Coronavirus live updates: Death toll rises in US, National Guard sent to NYC suburb

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