Brenda Snipes Must Do Jail Time


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The US democracy (democratic republic) stands on a foundation. That foundation is free and fair elections. With election supervisors deliberately mishandling votes, to try to have their party's candidates win, that is the destruction of the foundation of what America is, and has always been.

As patriotic Americans, we cannot allow our nation to be torn apart by people who have been entrusted to oversee our very important elections processes. Not only has Brenda Snipes violated that trust (put in her by Jeb Bush, who appointed her, and now is calling for her removal), but so have other elections officials such as Susan Bucher in Florida's Palm Beach county, Adrian Flores in Maricopa County, Arizona, and allegedly others in other states (Utah, California, etc).

If these people are not arrested and jailed, this kind of abuse will surely grow, and our elections system will fall apart entirely. What then ?
She has to.....she should serve time! Drain the Swamp...start with GOD JAIL TIME FOR HER!

The US democracy (democratic republic) stands on a foundation. That foundation is free and fair elections. With election supervisors deliberately mishandling votes, to try to have their party's candidates win, that is the destruction of the foundation of what America is, and has always been.

As patriotic Americans, we cannot allow our nation to be torn apart by people who have been entrusted to oversee our very important elections processes. Not only has Brenda Snipes violated that trust (put in her by Jeb Bush, who appointed her, and now is calling for her removal), but so have other elections officials such as Susan Bucher in Florida's Palm Beach county, Adrian Flores in Maricopa County, Arizona, and allegedly others in other states (Utah, California, etc).

If these people are not arrested and jailed, this kind of abuse will surely grow, and our elections system will fall apart entirely. What then ?

You are the threat to our democracxy. You want to jail anyone who disagrees with you. We should investigate Republican attempts to disenfranchise voters. This whole business with signatures is a good example. None of the people looking at this are handwriting experts nd it is so subjective that it is a open invitation for mischief and likely stealing of a election.
Brenda Snipes is an example of all that's wrong with America today. On a CNN interview, she showed it all off.

CNN likely regrets giving a platform to the Florida elections official under fire for ballot recounts after her interview just seemed to make things worse.

Chris Cuomo’s interview of Broward County’s embattled supervisor of elections, Brenda Snipes, on Tuesday may have accomplished little else than to confirm the chaos surrounding the recounting of ballots in the state’s top races.

Watch the video with Chris Cuomo trying to help Snipes redeem herself (he's wasn't expecting her to make it worse. :laugh:

And notice how Cuomo asks her about rules she is required to abide by. That she refused to give Florida Gov. Rick Scott's campaign the information they wanted, and a judge ordered her to do that and she refused. Watch how Snipes goes into a long blabbering filibuster ,which at the end of it, you struggle to remember what the question was (which she dodged totally)

Cuomo tries to help Brenda Snipes redeem herself with a CNN interview. He didn't expect her to make it worse!
You are the threat to our democracxy. You want to jail anyone who disagrees with you. We should investigate Republican attempts to disenfranchise voters. This whole business with signatures is a good example. None of the people looking at this are handwriting experts nd it is so subjective that it is a open invitation for mischief and likely stealing of a election.
No, YOU are the threat to our democracy. You and Snipes, and all the LAWBREAKERS whose lawbreaking you support. You're a CRIMINAL in spirit (if not deed) just like she is. This has nothing to do with agreeing, and YOU KNOW IT. It has to do with unscrupulous creeps like Snipes, and Bucher, and Flores, abusing their authority, and VIOLATING LAWS, to steal elections, from those who properly won them, fair and square.
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Brenda Snipes is an example of all that's wrong with America today. On a CNN interview, she showed it all off.

CNN likely regrets giving a platform to the Florida elections official under fire for ballot recounts after her interview just seemed to make things worse.

Chris Cuomo’s interview of Broward County’s embattled supervisor of elections, Brenda Snipes, on Tuesday may have accomplished little else than to confirm the chaos surrounding the recounting of ballots in the state’s top races.

Watch the video with Chris Cuomo trying to help Snipes redeem herself (he's wasn't expecting her to make it worse. :laugh:

And notice how Cuomo asks her about rules she is required to abide by. That she refused to give Florida Gov. Rick Scott's campaign the information they wanted, and a judge ordered her to do that and she refused. Watch how Snipes goes into a long blabbering filibuster ,which at the end of it, you struggle to remember what the question was (which she dodged totally)

Cuomo tries to help Brenda Snipes redeem herself with a CNN interview. He didn't expect her to make it worse!

No, YOU are the example of what is wrong in America today. This is your source:

BizPac Review is a top-rated political news website that provides breaking news and analysis unfiltered by the liberal bias that has eroded the media’s credibility. With public trust in the press sputtering at an all-time low, BizPac Review fills the void with its unparalleled coverage of current events that the mainstream media intentionally ignore.

Our analysis has been touted by the top conservatives in the world, including Donald Trump Jr., Dan Bongino, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Kris Paronto, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, and Sarah Palin.

About BizPac Review - Conservative News Today

A conservative biased source that has only been around for 9 years.
You are the threat to our democracxy. You want to jail anyone who disagrees with you. We should investigate Republican attempts to disenfranchise voters. This whole business with signatures is a good example. None of the people looking at this are handwriting experts nd it is so subjective that it is a open invitation for mischief and likely stealing of a election.
No, YOU are the threat to our democracy. You and Snipes, and all the LAWBREAKERS whose lawbreaking you support. You're a CRIMINAL in spirit (if not deed) just like she is. This has nothing to do with agreeing, and YOU KNOW IT. It has to do with unscrupulous creeps like Snipes, and Bucher, and Flores, abusing their authority, and VIOLATING LAWS, to steal elections, from those who properly won them, fair and square.

They are violating the laws so badly that Rick Scott is winning the election.
The US democracy (democratic republic) stands on a foundation. That foundation is free and fair elections. With election supervisors deliberately mishandling votes, to try to have their party's candidates win, that is the destruction of the foundation of what America is, and has always been.

As patriotic Americans, we cannot allow our nation to be torn apart by people who have been entrusted to oversee our very important elections processes. Not only has Brenda Snipes violated that trust (put in her by Jeb Bush, who appointed her, and now is calling for her removal), but so have other elections officials such as Susan Bucher in Florida's Palm Beach county, Adrian Flores in Maricopa County, Arizona, and allegedly others in other states (Utah, California, etc).

If these people are not arrested and jailed, this kind of abuse will surely grow, and our elections system will fall apart entirely. What then ?

You are the threat to our democracxy. You want to jail anyone who disagrees with you. We should investigate Republican attempts to disenfranchise voters. This whole business with signatures is a good example. None of the people looking at this are handwriting experts nd it is so subjective that it is a open invitation for mischief and likely stealing of a election.
I agree!

It's not like mail in ballots or absentee ballots are floating around for people to just get and mail in....

the ignorance regarding this topic is astounding...

to request an absentee/mail in the voter has to apply for it.... here, I can request one online, with my name and address, the online service sends it to my town office who maintains the voter roll information for my voting precinct, they verify I am a registered voter and my address matches their address on file, and they mail me the ballot to their address for me....

when they receive my ballot, before it is counted, they make certain I did not vote, by showing up in person...if I did show up in person, then my mail in ballot, would not count.

HOW can anyone even impersonate someone else?

Check your mailbox every day to see if got a ballot in the mail for them to use??? Come on! How ridiculous!!!

If I ordered a ballot, and I received it at my house, the house that is on the voter registration file as my house, and it gets mailed in.... it is me voting!! My signature being off kilter on the outside envelope is simply an excuse to disenfranchise me!!! And to do this to thousands of registered voters that requested an absentee/mail in is a blatant effort to disenfranchise imo....

unless other states work it differently than my state, it surely seems like it!>!
Why...what has she been convicted of?
She destroyed ballots in the contested 2016 democrat primary before the law allowed. She rigged it for DW Schultz who went on to rig it for Hildabeasty.
she made high definition photo copies of them allowed in Florida law as keeping the records, MONTHS AFTER the election was over, but not the 2 years required to keep the originals.... so she did make a mistake but in no way was it some sort of fraud, the guy who lost the election, lost by like 15% points to wasserman and in no way shape or form even came close to winning...

so, you are bull-shitting!
That corrupt, POS democrat looks a little she might be Beetlejuice's Grandma.


No, YOU are the example of what is wrong in America today. This is your source:

BizPac Review is a top-rated political news website that provides breaking news and analysis unfiltered by the liberal bias that has eroded the media’s credibility. With public trust in the press sputtering at an all-time low, BizPac Review fills the void with its unparalleled coverage of current events that the mainstream media intentionally ignore.

Our analysis has been touted by the top conservatives in the world, including Donald Trump Jr., Dan Bongino, Dinesh D’Souza, James Woods, Kris Paronto, Candace Owens, Larry Elder, and Sarah Palin.

About BizPac Review - Conservative News Today

A conservative biased source that has only been around for 9 years.
Besides the fact that just like the race card that you flash so often, and you now flash your ever-present invalidation card, which itself doesn't have a shred of validity, how about showing an ounce of courage, by taking on the CONTENT of what we're talking about here.

Do you claim that Snipes has broken no laws ? Yes or no ?
They are violating the laws so badly that Rick Scott is winning the election.
They're doing their best to turn that around. We must STOP THEM. Again, do you claim that Snipes has not broken laws ? Yes or no ?
she made high definition photo copies of them allowed in Florida law as keeping the records, MONTHS AFTER the election was over, but not the 2 years required to keep the originals.... so she did make a mistake but in no way was it some sort of fraud, the guy who lost the election, lost by like 15% points to wasserman and in no way shape or form even came close to winning...

so, you are bull-shitting!
A JUDGE declared she broke the law. And what about all the laws she's breaking AGAIN NOW ?

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