Breaking News: Trump fires Tomahawk Cruise Missles into Syria

I don't doubt there was a bombing. But i seriously doubt their claims of it being a 'Chemical Weapons Attack.' That's just way too convenient for the 'Regime Change' advocates. There's no upside for Assad in ordering a such an attack. I believe it is False Flag fiction.

To me, If I were president, I would at least wait until clothing and other material testing could be done to at least verify that it was indeed a chemical agent that was used and of the type used previously by Assad. If information comes out that the agent used was not the same as Assad used previously or was a more crude, homemade version or otherwise could be sourced to someone else, then what will Trump have to say?

Doesn't matter. It was a Wag the Dog False Flag event. They're never gonna tell the truth. It's been about 'Regime 'Change' from the beginning. They realized Assad was winning and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that.

Assad's no fool. He knew very well carrying out such an attack would have serious adverse consequences for him. It makes no sense for him to have done it. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime 'Change' powers. It's another False Flag. Bet on it.

Peace was at hand? Really? You can say that with a straight face?

Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.

The Regime Change powers-that-be aren't interested in peace. They're only interested in dominating other nations. Assad was never a threat to the US/West.
To me, If I were president, I would at least wait until clothing and other material testing could be done to at least verify that it was indeed a chemical agent that was used and of the type used previously by Assad. If information comes out that the agent used was not the same as Assad used previously or was a more crude, homemade version or otherwise could be sourced to someone else, then what will Trump have to say?

Doesn't matter. It was a Wag the Dog False Flag event. They're never gonna tell the truth. It's been about 'Regime 'Change' from the beginning. They realized Assad was winning and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that.

Assad's no fool. He knew very well carrying out such an attack would have serious adverse consequences for him. It makes no sense for him to have done it. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime 'Change' powers. It's another False Flag. Bet on it.

Peace was at hand? Really? You can say that with a straight face?

Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.

The Regime Change powers-that-be aren't interested in peace. They're only interested in dominating other nations. Assad was never a threat to the US/West.

Chemical/biological and nuclear weapons are a threat to mankind. To every man, women and child of every race, color, ethnicity and creed.
So, using your logic, NK could dump four or five dozen missiles into SK or Japan and it wouldn't be considered an act of war to you?

Did South Korea or Japan drop chemical or biological outlawed weapons on their own people, North Korea?

Not a viable reason. Lobbing munitions into another country is war, period.

War and declaring war became two different things, if the United States Congress ever declares war again humanity is over, the entire world will be back in the stone age.

So, using your logic, NK could dump four or five dozen missiles into SK or Japan and it wouldn't be considered an act of war to you?

Did South Korea or Japan drop chemical or biological outlawed weapons on their own people, North Korea?

Not a viable reason. Lobbing munitions into another country is war, period.

War and declaring war became two different things, if the United States Congress ever declares war again humanity is over, the entire world will be back in the stone age.


Can you read? No one said anything about declaring war, dope.

Read the conversation before entering it.
So, using your logic, NK could dump four or five dozen missiles into SK or Japan and it wouldn't be considered an act of war to you?

Did South Korea or Japan drop chemical or biological outlawed weapons on their own people, North Korea?

Not a viable reason. Lobbing munitions into another country is war, period.

War and declaring war became two different things, if the United States Congress ever declares war again humanity is over, the entire world will be back in the stone age.


Can you read? No one said anything about declaring war, dope.

Read the conversation before entering it.

I can read and that's what you are implying...

So, using your logic, NK could dump four or five dozen missiles into SK or Japan and it wouldn't be considered an act of war to you?

Did South Korea or Japan drop chemical or biological outlawed weapons on their own people, North Korea?

Not a viable reason. Lobbing munitions into another country is war, period.

War and declaring war became two different things, if the United States Congress ever declares war again humanity is over, the entire world will be back in the stone age.


Can you read? No one said anything about declaring war, dope.

Read the conversation before entering it.

I can read and that's what you are implying...


I implied no such thing, dumbass.
And....air operations resumed the next day.

Your point being? There was no intent to destroy the entire airbase. The runways were never targeted and strong efforts were made to avoid loss of life.

That's the point. It was pointless. They could launch the exact same attack from the exact same airfield at any time.

You idiot they didn't use Chemical weapons, why is that on the left so hard to comprehend?

A big difference bombing people with conventional weapons and using Chemical weapons that shit is outlawed from the horrors and lessened learned from WWI

And....air operations resumed the next day.

Your point being? There was no intent to destroy the entire airbase. The runways were never targeted and strong efforts were made to avoid loss of life.

That's the point. It was pointless. They could launch the exact same attack from the exact same airfield at any time.

You idiot they didn't use Chemical weapons, why is that on the left so hard to comprehend?

A big difference bombing people with conventional weapons and using Chemical weapons that shit is outlawed from the horrors and lessened learned from WWI


WTF are you saying and WTF does it have at all to do with the point I made.

Even when called on it, you're still too dumb to re-read and adjust your posts accordingly.
HEY, TRUMP! Mexicans committing LOTS of crimes against innocents. (Please show photo to Ivanka.) What's our policy on that again?
Doesn't matter. It was a Wag the Dog False Flag event. They're never gonna tell the truth. It's been about 'Regime 'Change' from the beginning. They realized Assad was winning and peace was at hand. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that.

Assad's no fool. He knew very well carrying out such an attack would have serious adverse consequences for him. It makes no sense for him to have done it. It only makes sense strategically for the 'Regime 'Change' powers. It's another False Flag. Bet on it.

Peace was at hand? Really? You can say that with a straight face?

Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.

The Regime Change powers-that-be aren't interested in peace. They're only interested in dominating other nations. Assad was never a threat to the US/West.

Chemical/biological and nuclear weapons are a threat to mankind. To every man, women and child of every race, color, ethnicity and creed.

Then why does the US possess more of em than any other nation on earth? And why hasn't Israel signed the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty?

But regardless, this is just another Wag the Dog False Flag scam. Assad didn't use Chemical Weapons. I'm sure there was a bombing, but i seriously doubt Chemical Weapons were involved. This False Flag is being used as a distraction for Trump, and a justification for the US/West to dominate another country.
"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." --General George S. Patton, as quoted by President Donald J Trump
Peace was at hand? Really? You can say that with a straight face?

Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.

The Regime Change powers-that-be aren't interested in peace. They're only interested in dominating other nations. Assad was never a threat to the US/West.

Chemical/biological and nuclear weapons are a threat to mankind. To every man, women and child of every race, color, ethnicity and creed.

Then why does the US possess more of em than any other nation on earth? And why hasn't Israel signed the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty?


But regardless, this is just another Wag the Dog False Flag scam. Assad didn't use Chemical Weapons. I'm sure there was a bombing, but i seriously doubt Chemical Weapons were involved. This False Flag is being used as a distraction for Trump, and a justification for the US/West to dominate another country.

You're sure!>?? Consider:
"We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand"
Eric Hoffer

False flag, I doubt it, but the facts in evidence point in that direction.

As for your question, the answer is Deterrence.
Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.

The Regime Change powers-that-be aren't interested in peace. They're only interested in dominating other nations. Assad was never a threat to the US/West.

Chemical/biological and nuclear weapons are a threat to mankind. To every man, women and child of every race, color, ethnicity and creed.

Then why does the US possess more of em than any other nation on earth? And why hasn't Israel signed the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty?


But regardless, this is just another Wag the Dog False Flag scam. Assad didn't use Chemical Weapons. I'm sure there was a bombing, but i seriously doubt Chemical Weapons were involved. This False Flag is being used as a distraction for Trump, and a justification for the US/West to dominate another country.

You're sure!>?? Consider:
"We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand"
Eric Hoffer

False flag, I doubt it, but the facts in evidence point in that direction.

I'm curious to see if any testing was done to determine the type and possible origin of the agent used. Trump should have at least had confirmation that a chemical agent was even used before proceeding. It'll be interesting to see what if anything comes out in that regard.
The U.S. bombing of Syria last night was rash, trigger happy, nonsensical and will achieve nothing.

Syria strikes: International community reacts to US bombing of airfield

"I support the administration's strike on the air base that launched the chemical attack. I hope this teaches President Assad not to use chemical weapons again," Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., said.

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement that, "making sure Assad knows that when he commits such despicable atrocities he will pay a price is the right thing to do."

'Assad bears full responsibility': how the world reacted to Donald Trump's missile strike on Syria

...Syria, Russia, Iran, and USMB snowflakes are about the only ones who disapprove...and that's AFTER they condemned Trump for doing nothing after Syria used Chemical weapons. :p

Calm down my dear------- wait and watch going to happen in next couple of days. This is not good.
I support removing Assad but using a force with little or no effect--------- doesn't accomplish anything.

So you would have rather killed a shitload of people just to make a point?
Which of course is what the strike was all about.
Yes, Assad was winning and peace talks were underway. The 'Regime Change' powers-that-be couldn't tolerate that. Hence, their False Flag attack.

Wrong. There was supposed to be a peace treaty in place so they could talk about having a fair election... and Assad violated that treaty because he knew he would lose the election and be removed from power. Even Russia had agreed to those terms.

The Regime Change powers-that-be aren't interested in peace. They're only interested in dominating other nations. Assad was never a threat to the US/West.

Chemical/biological and nuclear weapons are a threat to mankind. To every man, women and child of every race, color, ethnicity and creed.

Then why does the US possess more of em than any other nation on earth? And why hasn't Israel signed the Chemical Weapons Convention Treaty?


But regardless, this is just another Wag the Dog False Flag scam. Assad didn't use Chemical Weapons. I'm sure there was a bombing, but i seriously doubt Chemical Weapons were involved. This False Flag is being used as a distraction for Trump, and a justification for the US/West to dominate another country.

You're sure!>?? Consider:
"We can be absolutely certain only about things we do not understand"
Eric Hoffer

False flag, I doubt it, but the facts in evidence point in that direction.

As for your question, the answer is Deterrence.

Ole Trump needed a bump in his approval numbers. He's having some problems on the home front. Nothing like a good ole bombing to excite and impress the American Sheeple. Americans for the most part, truly love their war. It's all they know.

This has 'Wag the Dog False Flag' written all over it. There's no strategic value in Assad ordering such an attack. It's a Lose-Lose proposition for him. However, it's a Win-Win for the Regime Change crowd. Just look at who benefits the most from it. Here's a hint, it isn't Assad.

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