Breaking! IG Finds "Whistleblower” Has Political Bias in Favor of Rival Trump Candidate

OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?

Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.

This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.
OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?

Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.

This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.

Many companies shut their doors, others open. If significantly more people really were unemployed we would see that in statistics.

I think more significant factor to homeless problems is substance abuse and other mental health issues.
OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?

Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.

This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.
OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?
Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.
I NEVER said illegals were freeloaders.
OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?

Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.

This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.

This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.
OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?

Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.
This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.
OK, if Trump broke the law, he has to go. I get it. But Jesus Christ, Trump has been in office 3 1/2 years, instead of fixating on nailing Trumps rump to the wall, perhaps Democrats should fix real problems, the homeless issue, the rising cost of living... But no, they are tilting at windmills instead. Way to waste millions of tax dollars. Nice, great politic'n, assholes. Meanwhile back at the ranch: homeless people are starving in the streets, illegal aliens interlopers are running amuck. Way to go, guys!

You really don't think having constantly a lying, self-serving crook as our POTUS is a major problem?

He is demolishing all the norms of the high office he was honored with and if we don't reject this we will indefinetly have exactly the corrupt leadership we deserve.
Yes, I do. I also live in a sanctuary city that completely subsumed the American worker underclass and forced people to live on the streets. Entire industries given over to illegal aliens in the last 30 years. Created by Liberal democrats. And that , my friend, eclipses anything Trump has done real or imagined. I cant express the contempt for the villainy democrats have committed in the name of democracy, humanity or being "nice".

Which city is that?

Because last I checked unemployment is at histoic lows nationally.
This is like a reverse preaching to the choir thing...The company I worked for shut its doors, Um and the huge expanding numbers of homeless (like damn worse than the 30's even) Illegal aliens given sanctuary without voter approval, taking jobs and homes from others ... And somehow, a chart on the internet is going to disprove first hand experience? Things aren't looking so rosy from my perspective.
I never said anything about illegals being freeloaders. No they work bloody hard. In fact, democrats are so cynical, they think that its "humanitarian " to allow businesses to practically enslave Illegals. Screwing over say, unions and the American blue collar worker of any color or culture background. So don't give me this SHIT about illegal aliens. Jesus Christ already.
Your own article deals a blow to Trump and your thread:
Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson said in a Sep. 9 letter to the House Intelligence Committee that the whistleblower complaint "appeared credible" and related to an "urgent" matter.

And you dealt a blow to your own post. APPEARED credible. That does not mean it is credible. Upon investigation, it is not credible. Third hand hearsay. Another loss for the Dems.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
Your own article deals a blow to Trump and your thread:
Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson said in a Sep. 9 letter to the House Intelligence Committee that the whistleblower complaint "appeared credible" and related to an "urgent" matter.

And you dealt a blow to your own post. APPEARED credible. That does not mean it is credible. Upon investigation, it is not credible. Third hand hearsay. Another loss for the Dems.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.

Which does not mean the whistleblower was there. He was not. He did not transcribe the call. You fail again. By the way, the transcript gives you nothing. No impeachment, and a Trump landslide in 2020. Enjoy.
Your own article deals a blow to Trump and your thread:

And you dealt a blow to your own post. APPEARED credible. That does not mean it is credible. Upon investigation, it is not credible. Third hand hearsay. Another loss for the Dems.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.

Which does not mean the whistleblower was there. He was not. He did not transcribe the call. You fail again. By the way, the transcript gives you nothing. No impeachment, and a Trump landslide in 2020. Enjoy.
The transcript gives you no impeachment? We'll see.
Breaking! IG Finds "Whistleblower” Has Political Bias in Favor of Rival Trump Candidate

If the whistleblower complaint is "credible and urgent" regarding national security - who cares about political bias?

For the life of me I can't figure out how Trump asking for an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukraine somehow harms "national security"? Would you like to explain it to me, Lakhota?
You do realize many people who sit on boards don’t have or need to have knowledge about the industry don’t you?

Yes, there are many corporations that go bankrupt due to the ineptitude of the board of directors, and/or end up under investigation for self-dealing or other corruption involving the board of directors.

Are you really suggesting it's appropriate for a board member of a major corporation to have no knowledge about the industry that corporation is involved in?
Especially if it is your political rivals in an upcoming election....right?

If it was open and transparent why was it hidden, removed from the server, and why were unofficial channels used?

Hidden and unofficial? 12 people listened to the call per protocol and made a written transcript.

It was moved to the secured location consistent with the policy that was implemented some time ago of storing every transcript of calls with foreign leaders in the secured location because of the constant leaking.
Your own article deals a blow to Trump and your thread:
Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson said in a Sep. 9 letter to the House Intelligence Committee that the whistleblower complaint "appeared credible" and related to an "urgent" matter.

And you dealt a blow to your own post. APPEARED credible. That does not mean it is credible. Upon investigation, it is not credible. Third hand hearsay. Another loss for the Dems.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.
Your own article deals a blow to Trump and your thread:

And you dealt a blow to your own post. APPEARED credible. That does not mean it is credible. Upon investigation, it is not credible. Third hand hearsay. Another loss for the Dems.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.

Yep nothing wrong except Trump holding up aid, telling a foreign country's president that they haven't been earning their aid and then asking him for favors in opening prosecution of Trump's political oppponent.


If you think anyone will belive your crazy bullshit you need to think again, all you are doing is making yourself look like a total fool.
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You do realize many people who sit on boards don’t have or need to have knowledge about the industry don’t you?

Yes, there are many corporations that go bankrupt due to the ineptitude of the board of directors, and/or end up under investigation for self-dealing or other corruption involving the board of directors.

Are you really suggesting it's appropriate for a board member of a major corporation to have no knowledge about the industry that corporation is involved in?
But they might have something else of value to the company, even if they have no knowledge about the industry. Such as political influence.

For example, Walmart is the largest corporation in Arkansas. And the Governor can implement policies that make it less profitable or more profitable to do business in Arkansas. So wouldn't it be common sense for Walmart to put the Governor's wife on it's board of directors and give her a nice fat salary?

Why or why not?
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.

Yep nothing wrong except Trump holding up aid, telling a foreign country's president that they haven't been earning their aid and then asking him for favors in opening prosecution of Trump's political oppponent.


If you think anyone will belive your crazy bullshit you need to think again, all you are doing is making yourself look like a total fool.
It cannot hurt Biden's campaign or help Trump's campaign. So what is the problem? you live on the fucking moon.

The problem is Trump abusing his office and jeapordizing American foreign policy for personal political gain.

This is pure corruption, pure swamp and the fact that you and other Trump supporters can't understand it is a HUGE national problem in itself.
And you dealt a blow to your own post. APPEARED credible. That does not mean it is credible. Upon investigation, it is not credible. Third hand hearsay. Another loss for the Dems.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.

Yep nothing wrong except Trump holding up aid, telling a foreign country's president that they haven't been earning their aid and then asking him for favors in opening prosecution of Trump's political oppponent.
But according to you Democrats, there is no chance that Biden did anything wrong, therefore it cannot possibly hurt his campaign.

If it cannot hurt Biden's campaign, then what is the problem?
One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.

Yep nothing wrong except Trump holding up aid, telling a foreign country's president that they haven't been earning their aid and then asking him for favors in opening prosecution of Trump's political oppponent.


If you think anyone will belive your crazy bullshit you need to think again, all you are doing is making yourself look like a total fool.
It cannot hurt Biden's campaign or help Trump's campaign. So what is the problem? you live on the fucking moon.

The problem is Trump abusing his office and jeapordizing American foreign policy for personal political gain.
What gain? Please be specific.
If it were true that Atkinson believes the whistleblower is biased for Biden, he wouldn't have said his allegation appeared credible.
Are you afraid that your thread will end up being fake news?

One, this isn't my thread moron. Two, this is all based on hearsay. As in, this "whistleblower" NEVER heard the conversation. Done. Period. Another swing and miss.
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.

Yep nothing wrong except Trump holding up aid, telling a foreign country's president that they haven't been earning their aid and then asking him for favors in opening prosecution of Trump's political oppponent.
But according to you Democrats, there is no chance that Biden did anything wrong, therefore it cannot possibly hurt his campaign.

If it cannot hurt Biden's campaign, then what is the problem?

Presidential corruption is the problem.

Can you seriously not get that? Are you really too stupid to understand such simple concept?
There's a transcript.
And the transcript shows no wrongdoing.

Yep nothing wrong except Trump holding up aid, telling a foreign country's president that they haven't been earning their aid and then asking him for favors in opening prosecution of Trump's political oppponent.


If you think anyone will belive your crazy bullshit you need to think again, all you are doing is making yourself look like a total fool.
It cannot hurt Biden's campaign or help Trump's campaign. So what is the problem? you live on the fucking moon.

The problem is Trump abusing his office and jeapordizing American foreign policy for personal political gain.
What gain? Please be specific.

...dummy, the political gain of Bidens being investigated...DUH

Also, the gain of going after CrowdStrike, a company that Trump feels wronged him by contributing to the Russian interference investigation.
You do realize many people who sit on boards don’t have or need to have knowledge about the industry don’t you?

Yes, there are many corporations that go bankrupt due to the ineptitude of the board of directors, and/or end up under investigation for self-dealing or other corruption involving the board of directors.

Are you really suggesting it's appropriate for a board member of a major corporation to have no knowledge about the industry that corporation is involved in?

But they might have something else of value to the company, even if they have no knowledge about the industry. Such as political influence.

For example, Walmart is the largest corporation in Arkansas. And the Governor can implement policies that make it less profitable or more profitable to do business in Arkansas. So wouldn't it be common sense for Walmart to put the Governor's wife on it's board of directors and give her a nice fat salary?

Why or why not?


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