Breaking! 35 Trump Allies Had Homes Raided by FBI on Thursday (VIDEO)

SO, why do RWNJ's keep trying?
I just mentioned in another thread: They're trying to equate street riots with the Insurrection. They're trying to equate the Dems' complaints about 2016 with what the GQP has done since 2020. They're trying to equate subpoenas with home raids.

There's nothing we can do. We can just observe, apply ice when needed, and hope for this fuckin' fever to break before it's too late.
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I just mentioned in another thread: They're trying to equate street riots with the Insurrection. They're trying to equate the Dems' complaints about 2016 with what the GQP has done since 2020. They're trying to equate subpoenas with home raids.

There's nothing we can do. We can just observe, apply ice when needed, and hope for this fuckin' fever to break before it's too late.
Heaven or Hell. And you ain't heaven.
I just mentioned in another thread: They're trying to equate street riots with the Insurrection. They're trying to equate the Dems' complaints about 2016 with what the GQP has done since 2020. They're trying to equate subpoenas with home raids.

There's nothing we can do. We can just observe, apply ice when needed, and hope for this fuckin' fever to break before it's too late.
IDK, delusions for almost two decades are hard to beat.
Trump has been investigated, investigated and investigated for the last six years. He is probably the most investigated man in the history of our nation.
I wonder why?

He was a Democrat (and Clinton donor) in the past, so I seriously doubt that it's his ideology (he has none) or his agenda (some of which is worthwhile)...

Must be his failings with respect to integrity, profound character flaws, an inability to put country before self, and being truly unfit to hold high office.

So far he hasn’t even been indicted for any crimes.
Summoning and inciting an Insurrection in order to retain power, attempts to subvert election results, mishandling secret materials, conspiracy, sedition and defrauding the United States government are just a wee-bit more serious than anything he's faced in the past, so I wouldn't lean too hard on past "escapes", especially given that the DoJ is now on his a$$ and given that there now exists a grand jury investigating these and other high crimes and misdemeanors.
Could it be that Trump is actually squeaky clean?
You don't believe that any more than I do... at least, for your sake, I hope you do not believe that... that would be truly sad; a profound gullibility on your part.
You know damn well the Democrats and some Republicans want to hang him high if they can.
Indeed.... with good reason... he is an aspiring autocrat and therefore an existential threat to American representative democracy.
Surely if Trump is as corrupt as they claim they would have been able to charge him with something by now and he would be behind bars today.
The Dems rushed to Impeachment... twice... knowing that they didn't have the votes in the Senate to convict... that was just plain stupid.

The United States government has never before been obliged to investigate and prosecute a former President for such despicable, traitorous behaviors.

They have already compiled much evidence of grave and profound wrongdoing and they continue to amass such damning materials and collaborations.

They are merely ensuring that each-and-every "I" is dotted and that each-and-every "T" is crossed before they pull the trigger on indictments.

They plan on getting this one "right"... this one's for the criminal law-courts... and the history books... not just the hacks-du-jour sitting in the House.

Your "surely" here is anything BUT sure... the thought behind it may bring some comfort to True Believers but I wouldn't bet the farm on that stance. :cool:
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Trump has been investigated, investigated and investigated for the last six years. He is probably the most investigated man in the history of our nation.

So far he hasn’t even been indicted for any crimes.

Could it be that Trump is actually squeaky clean? You know damn well the Democrats and some Republicans want to hang him high if they can. Surely if Trump is as corrupt as they claim they would have been able to charge him with something by now and he would be behind bars today.
Well El Capo had her fair share of investigations, took them years to get a conviction...

Trump uses delay tactics legally which have served him well in the New York Real Estate business...

This is just a case of bitting off more than he could chew... When he became President he got most of the cases against him pushed until after his presidency. They are just coming up now that he is a free citizen..
Saying that I don't know how Trump is getting the civil tax cases against him delayed this long. They took a year for his deposition I suppose and he has serious financial penalties if what seems obvious will be proven...

Trump has some serious legal issues and the "their out to get me" is just a defence of a guilty person
This tells me they didn't find what they're looking for at Mar-a-Lago that incriminates them in their Russia hoax investigation against Trump.

This tells me that the people who planned and carried out the January 6th insurrection are going to be facing justice soon.
Low-IQ democrats are the real nutjobs.

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When your only line of attack is to photoshop Democrats' images onto backgrounds which have nothing to do with the quotes used.

"There needs to be unrest in the streets" should be superimposed over pictures of Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd's neck. Of Breanna Taylor's bullet ridden body, or any of the nearly 50 unarmed people the police murdered.

Maxine Water's words should be superimposed over the pictures of children being torn from their parents arms, or the reports that hundreds of these children will never see their parents again, because Trump didn't both to keep records of who they were.

The fires you've superimposed these pictures over were started by right wing terrorists and agitators trying to turn the American people against the protestors and foment a civil war.

Hate and lies are all you have left. The American people are sick of your bullshit. Hate is exhausting and destructive. It destroys the haters more than the object of their hate.

Mainstream Media Finally Admits: DOJ Subpoenaed Over 40 Trump Associates, Seized Two Top Advisors' Phones
I suppose supeonas could fit under the definition of a raid, since one context of raid is simply a surprise attack. My personal vision of what these 35 raids would look like would include entry to homes like they did Trump, but I suppose a surprise attack of 35 subpoenas could squeeze into the definition of 35 raids. The confiscated cell phones sound more like what I envision a raid to include, but if you include them with the surprise wave of subpoenas, I suppose you could reasonably make the 35 raids claim.
So it turns out Bannon was (of course) lying.

There were no home raids.

There was instead a slew of subpoenas issued on suspected law breakers and wirtnesses.

When your only line of attack is to photoshop Democrats' images onto backgrounds which have nothing to do with the quotes used.

"There needs to be unrest in the streets" should be superimposed over pictures of Chauvin kneeling on George Floyd's neck. Of Breanna Taylor's bullet ridden body, or any of the nearly 50 unarmed people the police murdered.
What about the vastly larger number of people murdered by blacks?

BlackCrime 3.jpg
Well El Capo had her fair share of investigations, took them years to get a conviction...

Trump uses delay tactics legally which have served him well in the New York Real Estate business...

This is just a case of bitting off more than he could chew... When he became President he got most of the cases against him pushed until after his presidency. They are just coming up now that he is a free citizen..
Saying that I don't know how Trump is getting the civil tax cases against him delayed this long. They took a year for his deposition I suppose and he has serious financial penalties if what seems obvious will be proven...

Trump has some serious legal issues and the "their out to get me" is just a defence of a guilty person
But they actually are out to get Trump.

What bothers a lot of people is the DOJ and the FBI have absolutely no interest in the crimes Hillary and the Biden crime family have done. If Trump or one of his associates jaywalks they want to put him in prison for life. (That is only a slight exaggeration.)

So it turns out Bannon was (of course) lying.

There were no home raids.

There was instead a slew of subpoenas issued on suspected law breakers and wirtnesses.

Depends on if you are looking at this objectively or subjectively. There is absolutely no way that a surprise attack wave of subpoenas could meet a subjective interpretation by a lefty as raids, but that doesn't mean that a surprise attack wave of subpoenas and cell phone confiscation can't fit an objective interpretation of what raids are.

I don't agree with the Bannon's wording, if the surprise attack wave of subpoenas and cell phone confiscation is what he was referring to, but if it was, there is enough here to validate his claim. The politically divisive verbiage is not enough to nullify his claim.

Lesh, I don't expect that you are capable of differentiating subjective thought from objective thought, so you reply will be limited to being a low level subjective reply. I have no doubt that your low level subjective reply will adequately cover the bases of those whose bias you confirm.
Trump has been investigated, investigated and investigated for the last six years. He is probably the most investigated man in the history of our nation.

So far he hasn’t even been indicted for any crimes.

Could it be that Trump is actually squeaky clean? You know damn well the Democrats and some Republicans want to hang him high if they can. Surely if Trump is as corrupt as they claim they would have been able to charge him with something by now and he would be behind bars today.

Trump has been immune from prosecution the whole time he was running for President and while he was in office. He was also using the DOJ to quash any and all investigations and prosecutions of his staffers and friends. He interfered in the sentencing of Roger Stone, dangled a pardon to Flynn to recant his guilty plea, and raked in the bribes and kickbacks at his East Coast golf clubs and hotels.

His standard legal strategy is to delay, delay, delay and appeal every loss. When he was financially destroying small tradesmen, this was an effective stragegy because he had deep pockets. Now, it's backfiring and making things worse for him.
What about the vastly larger number of people murdered by blacks?

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Murder is nearly always a crime of passion and proximity. Poverty is also a driver in crime, and especially in murder rates. Black on black murder rates are highest in nations where racial discrimination is government sanctioned or tolerated, and directed most virulently by the dominating race at blacks. i.e. Apartheid South Africa, USA.

No other first world nation has significantly different murder rates between blacks and whites, but very few nations keep crime statistics by race, outside of the USA. It's one of the positive proofs that the USA is a racist nation. You keep statistics on EVERYTHING by race, and then use those figures as a way to beat non-whites over the head with their "inferiority, immorality, and criminality" - all of which are functions of poverty not race.

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