Boy Scouts Of America Love Trump

Sorry, but Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was just another one of his rally speeches where he says bad things about Clinton and Obama, tells us how great he is, but there was nothing in there about how he's gonna make the country better.

And...................there was zero in his speech about actual Boy Scout values. He just screamed about loyalty and then went on to tell us how great he is.
That was a very inspiring speech he gave. He also mentioned that Obama refused to speak at the Boy Scouts Jamboree on more than one occasion. What a worthless piece of shit Obama was.
The idea that you think the speech was inspiring proves you are the worthless POS. The Boy Scouts are about truth & Trump lied. The Boy Scouts are not about attacking others, yet Trump attacked many.

The speech was totally not appropriate for the crowd he was addressing.

His message was that you can be a business cheat, fraud, groper, and liar & still become President. You call that inspiring?

How was his speech "totally not appropriate"? The crowd loved it. Did they boo him? Nope, but they did boo the purple-lipped jug-eared nobody that was squatting in the White House the last 8 years.

BTW: Is Hillary or Bernie President yet? Nope. Not now, not ever. So get over your butt-hurtedness and go do something constructive, instead of sitting here all day bitching, moaning, and crying.
So, it is not appropriate to talk politics in front of the Boy Scouts who are apolitical. Is Trump that fucking stupid? If my kid was there & had to listen to your orange lying fuck, I'd be pissed. You think the business cheat, fraud, lying, groping, accused child rapist was an appropriate speakers for kids that believe in honesty & the truth? You are one sick fuck.

Trump to Boy Scouts: To be successful you need to cut corners, cheat people, lie, and marriage is a joke.
While I agree with your point I don't with Trump.

There is no reason for him to invoke Obama while talking to the youth. Like ZERO reasons.
A successful president does not invoke his predecessors to elevate himself
Like when Obama kept blaming Bush for the first 4 years of his regime?
The Bush recession. Obama took office with the worst recession in 80 years, job losses at 800k per month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a trillion dollar deficit, a housing collapse & a near financial collapse. Whose fault was thst? Certainly not Obama like you morons keep claiming.
That was a very inspiring speech he gave. He also mentioned that Obama refused to speak at the Boy Scouts Jamboree on more than one occasion. What a worthless piece of shit Obama was.
The idea that you think the speech was inspiring proves you are the worthless POS. The Boy Scouts are about truth & Trump lied. The Boy Scouts are not about attacking others, yet Trump attacked many.

The speech was totally not appropriate for the crowd he was addressing.

His message was that you can be a business cheat, fraud, groper, and liar & still become President. You call that inspiring?

How was his speech "totally not appropriate"? The crowd loved it. Did they boo him? Nope, but they did boo the purple-lipped jug-eared nobody that was squatting in the White House the last 8 years.

BTW: Is Hillary or Bernie President yet? Nope. Not now, not ever. So get over your butt-hurtedness and go do something constructive, instead of sitting here all day bitching, moaning, and crying.
So, it is not appropriate to talk politics in front of the Boy Scouts who are apolitical. Is Trump that fucking stupid? If my kid was there & had to listen to your orange lying fuck, I'd be pissed. You think the business cheat, fraud, lying, groping, accused child rapist was an appropriate speakers for kids that believe in honesty & the truth? You are one sick fuck.

Trump to Boy Scouts: To be successful you need to cut corners, cheat people, lie, and marriage is a joke.

"Accused child rapist"?? You are seriously deranged. My only suggestion to you is that you seek competent psychiatric help.
The definition of what loyalty is to Trump, and the definition of loyalty as per the Boy Scouts are two totally different things.

Anyone else notice that loyalty was the only characteristic of the BSA that Trump talked about?

As far as the rest of his speech? Was nothing more than another political rally speech. He didn't outline anything he wanted to get done, he didn't say anything about how he was going to accomplish it. All it was, was bashing Hillary and Obama, telling us how great he is, as well as his usual jingoistic bumper sticker slogans.
Sorry, but Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was just another one of his rally speeches where he says bad things about Clinton and Obama, tells us how great he is, but there was nothing in there about how he's gonna make the country better.

And...................there was zero in his speech about actual Boy Scout values. He just screamed about loyalty and then went on to tell us how great he is.
----------------------------------------- modern day 'boy scout ' values with acceptance of deviants in their ranks is not really something to be proud of Senor BSailor . Lets hope that most 'Boy Scouts' and their leaders are normal . Lets hope that these youngsters are going to 'Make the Boy Scouts Great Again' Senor . .
Sorry, but Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was just another one of his rally speeches where he says bad things about Clinton and Obama, tells us how great he is, but there was nothing in there about how he's gonna make the country better.

And...................there was zero in his speech about actual Boy Scout values. He just screamed about loyalty and then went on to tell us how great he is.
----------------------------------------- modern day 'boy scout ' values with acceptance of deviants in their ranks is not really something to be proud of Senor BSailor . Lets hope that most 'Boy Scouts' and their leaders are normal . Lets hope that these youngsters are going to 'Make the Boy Scouts Great Again' Senor . .

Where did you get anything about being proud? Where did I talk about BSA values in my post? I said that Trump's speech was nothing more than a political rally speech, and it was not really in keeping with his audience.

But, Trump can't seem to pass up a chance to bloviate in front off a large (although required to be there) crowd.
and the first step is loving President Trump while purposely rejecting 'mrobama' .
Sorry, but Trump's speech to the Boy Scouts was just another one of his rally speeches where he says bad things about Clinton and Obama, tells us how great he is, but there was nothing in there about how he's gonna make the country better.

And...................there was zero in his speech about actual Boy Scout values. He just screamed about loyalty and then went on to tell us how great he is.
----------------------------------------- modern day 'boy scout ' values with acceptance of deviants in their ranks is not really something to be proud of Senor BSailor . Lets hope that most 'Boy Scouts' and their leaders are normal . Lets hope that these youngsters are going to 'Make the Boy Scouts Great Again' Senor . .

Where did you get anything about being proud? Where did I talk about BSA values in my post? I said that Trump's speech was nothing more than a political rally speech, and it was not really in keeping with his audience.

But, Trump can't seem to pass up a chance to bloviate in front off a large (although required to be there) crowd.
-------------------------------------------------------- Trump is doing good , i hope that you are watching his Rally that started about half an hour ago , its in Youngstown Ohio Senor !!
While I agree with your point I don't with Trump.

There is no reason for him to invoke Obama while talking to the youth. Like ZERO reasons.
A successful president does not invoke his predecessors to elevate himself
Like when Obama kept blaming Bush for the first 4 years of his regime?
The Bush recession. Obama took office with the worst recession in 80 years, job losses at 800k per month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a trillion dollar deficit, a housing collapse & a near financial collapse. Whose fault was thst? Certainly not Obama like you morons keep claiming.
The Democrats caused the 2008 recession, not George Bush. We have a video where they insisted that Freddie and Fannie May guarantee loans for people who didn't work. That's not something a Republican would suggest.
NAMBLA, not so much.

Damn, look at the HUGE crowd all cheering Trump.

Shouting USA, USA, USA

That's all the polling I need to see.


Faggots should have no access whatsoever, on any level to children, they cannot be trusted around young boys. No Faggot should be anywhere near Boy Scouts.
Nor should republican GOP Speakers of the House.

Your former GOP Speaker of the House:

Judge sentences 'serial child molester' Hastert to 15 months in Prison.

I get Dennis Hastert this is him.

View attachment 140363

Dennis Hastert - Wikipedia

I don't care what political persuasion they are, there are some things that transcend politics and paedophilia and molestation are two of those things, I also don't think people should attempt to score political points on these heinous issues.

Paedophiles and molesters are Leftists, Conservatives, Greens, Independents, Liberals, Libertarians etc. They come from all professions, doctors, lawyers, judges, politicians, police officers, teachers, social workers, working in McDonalds, cleaning the streets, the unemployed, homeless etc.

It is not a one size fits all situation.

As I have commented many times, they are wastes of human skin and they should be shot where they stand. They are not human, they have no Human Rights or Civil Rights, as soon as they touch a child they cease to be human and they forfeit ALL Human Rights and ALL Civil Rights.

Shoot them, dig a hole throw them in and put quicklime onto them.

Zero Tolerance for paedophiles and molesters of children and teenagers. Period.
From the way all these things are written and discussed you would think that Hastert went to prison for child molestation wouldn't you? No. He didn't. He went to prison for "structuring" that is, moving his money around without permission from the government. He was paying off a blackmailer who threatened to expose a decades old affair. What happened to the blackmailer? Nothing. Although a benefit to Hastert is now that his activities as a coach many years ago have been exposed he need no longer pay off a blackmailer.
Yet Hastert was a married man as heterosexual.

But Luce Ham here earlier said all homosexuals (& called them faggots) should never be around any children, ever, as they cannot be trusted.

Which is pretty sick, on its own.

But let's go with the Luce on child predators -- Should that include Teen USA pageant owners who like to walk in on undressed underage girls?

Backstage is quite open with dozens of people wandering in and out and all around. Sorry if you thought these were individual dressing rooms.
While I agree with your point I don't with Trump.

There is no reason for him to invoke Obama while talking to the youth. Like ZERO reasons.
A successful president does not invoke his predecessors to elevate himself
Like when Obama kept blaming Bush for the first 4 years of his regime?
The Bush recession. Obama took office with the worst recession in 80 years, job losses at 800k per month, an economy shrinking at a rate over 6%, a trillion dollar deficit, a housing collapse & a near financial collapse. Whose fault was thst? Certainly not Obama like you morons keep claiming.
The Democrats caused the 2008 recession, not George Bush. We have a video where they insisted that Freddie and Fannie May guarantee loans for people who didn't work. That's not something a Republican would suggest.
St no time did the Democrats say banks had to loan money to people who could not show they could pay it back.

Name one piece of legislation that the Democrats passed in 2007 that created the recession.
Yet Hastert was a married man as heterosexual.

But Luce Ham here earlier said all homosexuals (& called them faggots) should never be around any children, ever, as they cannot be trusted.

Which is pretty sick, on its own.

But let's go with the Luce on child predators -- Should that include Teen USA pageant owners who like to walk in on undressed underage girls?

Backstage is quite open with dozens of people wandering in and out and all around. Sorry if you thought these were individual dressing rooms.

You need to review Trump's Howard Stern interviews where he admits to such. No...walking in on naked young women is not just "backstage" and open to all. What the fuck is wrong with you?

Young pageant contestants have said this is what he did.

How could you be so clueless to the ways of the self- admitted adulterating pussy grabber who bragged about fucking a different woman every night of the week? Even those married. He didn't care. He fucked what he could, and was proud of his prowess and what his "star-ability" and $$$$ granted him in doing whatever he wanted to girls and women.

Hell, he had to pledge to his 17 year old daughter (this is his words on fucking tape!) he wouldn't date anyone younger than her. She had to ask this!! SICK@!

The man is a pig, top to bottom.
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Please don't sit there &
That was a very inspiring speech he gave. He also mentioned that Obama refused to speak at the Boy Scouts Jamboree on more than one occasion. What a worthless piece of shit Obama was.
The idea that you think the speech was inspiring proves you are the worthless POS. The Boy Scouts are about truth & Trump lied. The Boy Scouts are not about attacking others, yet Trump attacked many.

The speech was totally not appropriate for the crowd he was addressing.

His message was that you can be a business cheat, fraud, groper, and liar & still become President. You call that inspiring?

How was his speech "totally not appropriate"? The crowd loved it. Did they boo him? Nope, but they did boo the purple-lipped jug-eared nobody that was squatting in the White House the last 8 years.

BTW: Is Hillary or Bernie President yet? Nope. Not now, not ever. So get over your butt-hurtedness and go do something constructive, instead of sitting here all day bitching, moaning, and crying.
So, it is not appropriate to talk politics in front of the Boy Scouts who are apolitical. Is Trump that fucking stupid? If my kid was there & had to listen to your orange lying fuck, I'd be pissed. You think the business cheat, fraud, lying, groping, accused child rapist was an appropriate speakers for kids that believe in honesty & the truth? You are one sick fuck.

Trump to Boy Scouts: To be successful you need to cut corners, cheat people, lie, and marriage is a joke.

"Accused child rapist"?? You are seriously deranged. My only suggestion to you is that you seek competent psychiatric help.
pretend you are knowledgeable & yet be sofa king stupid not to know this.

What You Need to Know About the Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit — and the Accuser Who Claims He Raped Her When She Was 13
Please don't sit there &
That was a very inspiring speech he gave. He also mentioned that Obama refused to speak at the Boy Scouts Jamboree on more than one occasion. What a worthless piece of shit Obama was.
The idea that you think the speech was inspiring proves you are the worthless POS. The Boy Scouts are about truth & Trump lied. The Boy Scouts are not about attacking others, yet Trump attacked many.

The speech was totally not appropriate for the crowd he was addressing.

His message was that you can be a business cheat, fraud, groper, and liar & still become President. You call that inspiring?

How was his speech "totally not appropriate"? The crowd loved it. Did they boo him? Nope, but they did boo the purple-lipped jug-eared nobody that was squatting in the White House the last 8 years.

BTW: Is Hillary or Bernie President yet? Nope. Not now, not ever. So get over your butt-hurtedness and go do something constructive, instead of sitting here all day bitching, moaning, and crying.
So, it is not appropriate to talk politics in front of the Boy Scouts who are apolitical. Is Trump that fucking stupid? If my kid was there & had to listen to your orange lying fuck, I'd be pissed. You think the business cheat, fraud, lying, groping, accused child rapist was an appropriate speakers for kids that believe in honesty & the truth? You are one sick fuck.

Trump to Boy Scouts: To be successful you need to cut corners, cheat people, lie, and marriage is a joke.

"Accused child rapist"?? You are seriously deranged. My only suggestion to you is that you seek competent psychiatric help.
pretend you are knowledgeable & yet be sofa king stupid not to know this.

What You Need to Know About the Donald Trump Rape Lawsuit — and the Accuser Who Claims He Raped Her When She Was 13

An idiotic fake story from 2016??

Come on, you can do better than that. If there had been one speck of truth to that slanderous story, do you really think he would have won the election?

But he did win, and now he's President. And Hillary is not, nor will she ever be President. Nor will Bernie.

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