Botched Polling By Fox News Shows Biden Winning

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Want to see how they do it folks.

OK, so they sample 49% Democrats. 46% Republicans. 5% Independents.

Then they don't count the Independents. 1% percent different on Dems and Repubs switching candidates and there you have it.

5% lead for Bidum.

Check it out.

The other puzzling piece of information from the poll is that when the poll reports the results on which candidate will win the election, Independents are apparently not included in their polling:"

FOX news polling has never been accurate and has always leaned is touted big time when their results are released because its got FOX news attached to it and the liberal news outlets go berserk giving FOX pollsters a thrill I guess.....but whenever they say Biden is ahead I rest at ease because I can't remember a time when they were right or even close to being right.....
All mega corporations want to go back to the way it was when we were being screwed by China....they see dollar signs in moving into the Chinese market place....even if the American people live a lower standard of life because of it....and those corporations give big bucks to globalist politicians on the right and the left....

Our news media today has become a mega corporation in their own right....don't you all think CNN would like a permanent place delivering Chinese government propaganda to the poor put upon Chinese people? bet your ass they would...all of them would...

Just like the NBA....they would love to spread into China...can you imagine the NBA players kneeling in a game in China during China's national anthem?.....

Trump being for America first and the American people first upsets their apple carts and they want him gone......

Vote for a better life for you and the ones you For Trump/ for American prosperity.....send a message to greedy Corporations.....your days of pissing on this nation for a buck are over....
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I agree....except......

I'm not really sure elections can save America at this point.
I think we have too much corruption in government now.

My feeling at this point is that it is up to the American people (good luck) to clean up the government.
But I think this will never happen. I think Americans have become so used to freedom that they take it for granted. As if it is free for all.
Americans will always (right up to the bitter end) trust in someone else to protect their freedom.

Given that, I come to the conclusion America will fall, like Rome did. It will be slow, long drawn out process but year after year, America will weaken.
We're too divided. And elected officials will also be loyal to the Establishment. But they will fool us into thinking they are on our side, to keep us in check.
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FoxNews has most definitely moved towards the Left.
Everyday they have some article that champions the Left....although they are are still trying to make it subtle to hold on to Right Wing advertising $$$$

And if you haven't picked up on it, it's because you are slow

I shit canned FUX when they attacked Trump and tried to tell me who I should vote for.
They're no better than Drudge these days.
Want to see how they do it folks.

OK, so they sample 49% Democrats. 46% Republicans. 5% Independents.

Then they don't count the Independents. 1% percent different on Dems and Repubs switching candidates and there you have it.

5% lead for Bidum.

Check it out.

The other puzzling piece of information from the poll is that when the poll reports the results on which candidate will win the election, Independents are apparently not included in their polling:"

SHHHH, Ricky, this is supposed to be a secret. Mum's the word. Fox is doing us a favor!

The more these pollsters tell the Democrats they are killing it, and that Joe is stomping Trump a new mudhole, the more happy and confident and relaxed they will be, instead of proactive!

We WANT the Democrats thinking they have aced this election and that four years of bashing Trump have paid off!

Election night, I WANT the bitch on MSNBC to be celebrating, laughing, with party hats on, thinking that Joe is creaming Trump with a twenty point lead.

The higher the high, the greater the low, when come 11PM, Nov. 3, Biden concedes with Trump having 316 electoral votes and not all the states even counted yet.
After the suckers and losers scandal and his recorded lying about COVID-19, his poll numbers should be skyrocketing.
After the suckers and losers scandal and his recorded lying about COVID-19, his poll numbers should be skyrocketing.

There were no lies about Covid. The democrats have admitted that Trump and all the scientific and medical community fully knew the scope of the problem, so were totally on doing what they had to do to develop a defense against the virus.

Meantime, the public was already doing all it could: shutdowns, sheltering at home, masks, social distancing and sanitizing.

Just this morning on Fox Sunday, one of Biden's staff admitted that in a situation where public safety, potential for rioting and violence are a concern, the first duty of a leader is to keep the public calm to avoid panic and alarm. That is now in the record.

Had Trump not kept everyone calm and hopeful, assuring them of confidence in their leaders that this would be beat and was being dealt with as effectively as possible, people would have been breaking into places, emptying out stores, fighting for parking spaces, crashing into each other in a mad panic, brawling in supermarkets over the last box of toilet paper, shooting each other, there would have been mobs, lynching, hysteria and untold deaths. It was bad enough as it was with people thinking we might be over this by Easter!

Trump did his duty, he did us a huge favor. Shame on you for claiming otherwise.
Want to see how they do it folks.

OK, so they sample 49% Democrats. 46% Republicans. 5% Independents.

Then they don't count the Independents. 1% percent different on Dems and Repubs switching candidates and there you have it.

5% lead for Bidum.

Check it out.

The other puzzling piece of information from the poll is that when the poll reports the results on which candidate will win the election, Independents are apparently not included in their polling:"

Why would you think faux Newz is skewed towards Democrats?
Want to see how they do it folks.

OK, so they sample 49% Democrats. 46% Republicans. 5% Independents.

Then they don't count the Independents. 1% percent different on Dems and Repubs switching candidates and there you have it.

5% lead for Bidum.

Check it out.

The other puzzling piece of information from the poll is that when the poll reports the results on which candidate will win the election, Independents are apparently not included in their polling:"

Why would you think faux Newz is skewed towards Democrats?
This isnt Murdock's Fox News anymore
I agree....except......

I'm not really sure elections can save America at this point.
I think we have too much corruption in government now.

My feeling at this point is that it is up to the American people (good luck) to clean up the government.
But I think this will never happen. I think Americans have become so used to freedom that they take it for granted. As if it is free for all.
Americans will always (right up to the bitter end) trust in someone else to protect their freedom.

Given that, I come to the conclusion America will fall, like Rome did. It will be slow, long drawn out process but year after year, America will weaken.
We're too divided. And elected officials will also be loyal to the Establishment. But they will fool us into thinking they are on our side, to keep us in check.
Yes, but it is the struggle that God judges us by. Remember Abraham and Lot. And Noah.
Ignore the polls. They are fake. They want you all to have faith in their polls system. THat they can use them as an excuse to show that the election was rigged.
The polls in 2016 shown that Hillary was in the lead, which they said that it proves that the election was rigged. And they are going to try that ol trick again.
Remember, fool me once.........,

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