Booster shots will not help much, getting the unvaccinated, vaccinated ...will help!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007

This is an extremely in depth article I just found, that explains why, mathematically tied to science, booster shots won't help in slowing the spread of covid and will not lower hospital beds in use for covid.

It's really worth reading.

Basically, the rate of infection spread of covid can not be reduced enough by giving the vaccinated a 95%+ protection rate with a booster shot, instead of the 83% protection it is running now with Delta....

Vs. Getting 25% more of the unvaccinated, vaccinated, with the 83% protection....which will reduce infection spread and hospitals capping out with patients.

The focus has to be on getting more of the unvaccinated, we all can have a near normal, lifestyle again and be able to live with covid.

(those who already have had covid don't count... they have some protection like the vaccinated.... It's getting those with no protection at all, vaccinated, that will help the most, to bring us to some resemblance of normal.)

It's fine to get a booster, it just won't help society on the whole, enough.

Please read the article, and go through the whole exercise.

I'm heading to the sack, will respond tomorrow!
Keep getting jabbed, it's working!

If it's working, why do I need to keep getting jabbed?
Because it's a novel virus, we didn't know the dose amount....for the vaccine to give us the protection needed for the delta variant.

Yep, much like influenza virus, it will take yearly vaccines, or more....

But to me, that's better than the alternative...
At the end of July over 66% of US blood donations had antibodies for covid-19. Now that schools are starting with rapid spreading variant, most of the remaining population will be infected or vaccinated over the next month.

Hospitals are packed beyond capacity, so a smart person without antibodies would get vaccinated ASAP!
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Lockdowns, government control of public gatherings, profiling people based on their personal medical choices ... welcome to the new normal.

I hope you enjoy it.
Public health and safety should have never been touted as a choice by Trump. That's where all the lies and misinformation started. Public health and safety is a duty that's why we have rights. Our concern isn't just about ourselves, it's about all of us.
Remember when men were men, and they didn't whine about having to occasionally wear a mask?

I do remember a time when only a certain type of man wore a mask.

Because it's a novel virus, we didn't know the dose amount....for the vaccine to give us the protection needed for the delta variant.

Yep, much like influenza virus, it will take yearly vaccines, or more....

But to me, that's better than the alternative...
Covid has out competed & replaced the flu, so it is the new flu most will occasionally catch. But soon it won't be novel & likely less deadly than old flu on repeat infections. Because the US weekly death rate that increased 57% the first year of Novel Covid-19, has now fallen to an all time low over the past month.

So repeated vaccinations could be less valuable than the old flu shots. But the first shots are still very important to those who have yet to be exposed & will further overflow hospitals.
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Or we can all get exposed to covid (which we will all do) and wind up in the same place just FASTER.
The vaccine was much, much faster & safer than Novel Covid until fake propaganda scared people away from vaccinations.

So now the rapidly spreading delta variant in our fully open country will rapidly infect the remaining population who already refused the readily available vaccine.
The vaccine was much, much faster & safer than Novel Covid until fake propaganda scared people away from vaccinations.

So now the rapidly spreading delta variant in our fully open country will rapidly infect the remaining population who already refused the readily available vaccine.
We can only hope.

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