BOOM. Investigation of 100-Ballot Sample in Arizona Finds 3% of the Ballots Were Deemed Fraudulent in Favor of Joe Biden – Larger Audit Granted

24 States used Dominion and only certain States are in question while the majority of them are not and why?
Because even in contested states Tramp got MORE votes than Biden in counties that used Dominion, like in Wisconsin Tramp got 59% of the votes in counties that used Dominion machines, so I say disqualify all Dominion votes and Biden wins 406 EC votes.
If you're concerned about the election's integrity, you'd be concerned about the entire election; not just the states you won or lost.
If you want a new election in all 50 states just say so and stop beating around the bush
24 States used Dominion and only certain States are in question while the majority of them are not and why?
Because even in contested states Tramp got MORE votes than Biden in counties that used Dominion, like in Wisconsin Tramp got 59% of the votes in counties that used Dominion machines, so I say disqualify all Dominion votes and Biden wins 406 EC votes.
It all depends on the election judges and poll workers in each election site

dems cheated where they had to and where they could
It's not a reason to throw out the votes of tens of millions of Americans.
It certainly is since it points to a larger problem

if we dont have honest elections we are no better than communist china
If you're concerned about the election's integrity, you'd be concerned about the entire election; not just the states you won or lost.
If you want a new election in all 50 states just say so and stop beating around the bush
Don't be dense.

You guys are pretending that your interest in investigating the election is not to get the blob a second term. You guys pretend that you give two shits about election integrity. Its really hilarious considering the DOCUMENTED acts of Trump's campaign colluding with Russian intel in 2016. If your pretense was'd be wanting every voting machine from Seattle to Miami ripped apart, every vote counted by hand, etc...

That you're NOT asking for a total investigation and are only focusing on states where Biden beat your blob reveals just how disingenuous your arguments are.
im afraid the democrats may have gotten rid of enough Trump ballots that biden will still win ....its probably easier to trash Trump ballots than to forge ballots for biden.
Who does the trashing? How do they do the trashing without being caught? How do they know which ballots to trash if they are still in envelopes?

How many people conspired together to trash these ballots of Trump votes?

You do know at every vote counting station there are a democrat and republican working the station...?
24 States used Dominion and only certain States are in question while the majority of them are not and why?
Because even in contested states Tramp got MORE votes than Biden in counties that used Dominion, like in Wisconsin Tramp got 59% of the votes in counties that used Dominion machines, so I say disqualify all Dominion votes and Biden wins 406 EC votes.

That is the dirty little secret Trump voters do not want to be known is the reality Trump won areas with Dominion devices and yet his voting base can not understand it was never the machines but the damn reality even those like me voted for Biden to get rid of Trump!
im afraid the democrats may have gotten rid of enough Trump ballots that biden will still win ....its probably easier to trash Trump ballots than to forge ballots for biden.
Who does the trashing? How do they do the trashing without being caught? How do they know which ballots to trash if they are still in envelopes?

How many people conspired together to trash these ballots of Trump votes?

You do know at every vote counting station there are a democrat and republican working the station...?

And independent observers also at those same stations!

This nonsense that people trashed Trump votes, the machines were hacked to switch votes and so on is nothing but nonsense to gain money from gullible Individuals that believe the Charlatan was cheated!
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.
You mistakenly believe these sub-humans give a fuck about the integrity of the process.

They are just spoiled brats who care only about getting their way.

I will not talk about our justified deadly violence. I will remain silent on that topic.
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
So if they find more fraud, you don't think they should recertify? How rampant must the fraud be that they actually found any in 100 ballot sample.

Nope. Biden won. Get over it.
Wow, so the actual results don't even matter to you? Just the results you want. How sad.

Says the man STILL bitching about the results a month after the election was held.

How sad indeed.

And they are still counting votes in several States, hell one precinct in NY only has 56% counted. In NY 22 they just found uncounted votes that would make the republican the victor. A month after the election in deed, really sad.


And you think this is unusual from any other election year?

Having slightly more than half the votes counted a month out, yeah, it's unusual. Feel free to prove it isn't


The 56% is unusual....I'd like to see a link to that.

As for voting irregularities....not so unusual

Go to 30:21

Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
Man----it doesn't bother you that the dems committed fraud to steal the election does it. You still think that it is ok..Wow!
Man--it doesn't bother you that no widespread fraud has been uncovered? The only one trying to steal an election is the blob. And you think that is!
Hun, just changing the election laws to where signatures don't have match or exist or any other information should be a clear sign for most that election fraud was rampant.

Just like when the dems were demanding that ids not be shown to vote, the only and I do mean the only reason would be for election fraud.

Yet amazingly none of the courts are remotely considering this.
Actually be careful what you wish for-----changing the election laws (not obeying their own state laws for voting) is grounds to toss out the election results. It doesn't have to show fraud-----------just that they didnt follow their own election laws which is what trump is going for hun.

So you're expecting what exactly....PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ and NV won't have a record of having an election in 2020?
I expect that trump is playing on multiple levels and that he is either way ahead of you mentally to the point where you can't even fathom that there are several levels to this game or that you are so dishonest that you can't admit any inkling of this. I suspect both.
Boy, are you going to feel dumber than normal when he is leaving office in about 30 days.

Those states will have records of voting........just that their "fraud" vote tallies or tallies that didn't follow their own state laws won't count.
By Fraud you mean any vote not for Trump...right?
By Fraud---I mean any vote by multivoters, or multiballots, by illegals, by those not registered to vote, by those that didn't show id, by those that didn't sign their ballots or fill out the other information required by state law or that were omitted rules by dems using the covid hoax to try to steal elections. this also includes any flipped votes like we have seen-------and any put in by the chinese, iranians, etc trying to mess with elections and all of those bought and paid for by soros,bloomberg and others like we have seen with somali population in Minnesota. .
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
Man----it doesn't bother you that the dems committed fraud to steal the election does it. You still think that it is ok..Wow!
Man--it doesn't bother you that no widespread fraud has been uncovered? The only one trying to steal an election is the blob. And you think that is!
Hun, just changing the election laws to where signatures don't have match or exist or any other information should be a clear sign for most that election fraud was rampant.

Just like when the dems were demanding that ids not be shown to vote, the only and I do mean the only reason would be for election fraud.

Yet amazingly none of the courts are remotely considering this.
Actually be careful what you wish for-----changing the election laws (not obeying their own state laws for voting) is grounds to toss out the election results. It doesn't have to show fraud-----------just that they didnt follow their own election laws which is what trump is going for hun.

So you're expecting what exactly....PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ and NV won't have a record of having an election in 2020?
I expect that trump is playing on multiple levels and that he is either way ahead of you mentally to the point where you can't even fathom that there are several levels to this game or that you are so dishonest that you can't admit any inkling of this. I suspect both.
Boy, are you going to feel dumber than normal when he is leaving office in about 30 days.

Those states will have records of voting........just that their "fraud" vote tallies or tallies that didn't follow their own state laws won't count.
By Fraud you mean any vote not for Trump...right?
By Fraud---I mean any vote by multivoters, or multiballots, by illegals, by those not registered to vote, by those that didn't show id, by those that didn't sign their ballots or fill out the other information required by state law or that were omitted rules by dems using the covid hoax to try to steal elections. this also includes any flipped votes like we have seen-------and any put in by the chinese, iranians, etc trying to mess with elections and all of those bought and paid for by soros,bloomberg and others like we have seen with somali population in Minnesota. .
Arizona certified already. All that is left is the never ending stream of republican tears.
Man----it doesn't bother you that the dems committed fraud to steal the election does it. You still think that it is ok..Wow!
Man--it doesn't bother you that no widespread fraud has been uncovered? The only one trying to steal an election is the blob. And you think that is!
Hun, just changing the election laws to where signatures don't have match or exist or any other information should be a clear sign for most that election fraud was rampant.

Just like when the dems were demanding that ids not be shown to vote, the only and I do mean the only reason would be for election fraud.

Yet amazingly none of the courts are remotely considering this.
Actually be careful what you wish for-----changing the election laws (not obeying their own state laws for voting) is grounds to toss out the election results. It doesn't have to show fraud-----------just that they didnt follow their own election laws which is what trump is going for hun.

So you're expecting what exactly....PA, WI, MI, GA, AZ and NV won't have a record of having an election in 2020?
I expect that trump is playing on multiple levels and that he is either way ahead of you mentally to the point where you can't even fathom that there are several levels to this game or that you are so dishonest that you can't admit any inkling of this. I suspect both.
Boy, are you going to feel dumber than normal when he is leaving office in about 30 days.

Those states will have records of voting........just that their "fraud" vote tallies or tallies that didn't follow their own state laws won't count.
By Fraud you mean any vote not for Trump...right?
By Fraud---I mean any vote by multivoters, or multiballots, by illegals, by those not registered to vote, by those that didn't show id, by those that didn't sign their ballots or fill out the other information required by state law or that were omitted rules by dems using the covid hoax to try to steal elections. this also includes any flipped votes like we have seen-------and any put in by the chinese, iranians, etc trying to mess with elections and all of those bought and paid for by soros,bloomberg and others like we have seen with somali population in Minnesota. .

Now only if you could infect your superiors with your multiple personality disorders and paranoia.
Or....we win because you put up shit candidates and a ideologically bankrupt, unpersuasive message.
Except that we dont

trump is a more popular candidate than biden

Mr. "Grab them by the pussy' was a terrible candidate. The more people saw of him, the less than wanted him. Which is why he lost more cities he campaigned in than he won.

And the GOP has castrated itself of any of the former values that it gave lip service to. Family values? Personal responsibility? Fiscal responsibility? Foreign policy leadership? Integrity? Government transparency? The GOP has wiped their asses with all of it.

The only unifying ideology left to the GOP are batshit conspiracy theories and whining about grievances.

When that's what passes for leadership in the GOP, are you at all surprised that 80 million people voted for someone else?
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Can you idiots manage to post a source that isn’t rightwing garbage like the Gatewaypundit?
Sh+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++===============]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]ow me a non partisan news source that proves that the Gateway Pundit is wrong and has been "discredited"........I eagerly await your reply, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re such douche. ANY source that would would be automatically rejected by you. Don’t give me that shit. Here’s a better question: what news sources do you feel ARE non partisan?
Coming from a commie sack of worthless shit such as yourself? I have to laugh long and loud. At least you admit that you know that any news source that you would tout would be ripped into tiny, bite size pieces by yours truly, Billycommie.........
I don’t even have any knowledge of a legitimate news source calling OANN fake even though I’m sure one has. Your dumbass would reject the answer like the child you are regardless of what it would be. You know it’s true. Again I’ll ask: what news source do you consider to be non-partisan?
Post what you believe is a legitimate news source thus allowing me to "SMACK" it down.........what are you afraid of? That it can't pass my "scrutinizing" test? Simple bio searches of said writers of articles speak volumes...........bring it on, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re a joke if you think anyone takes you seriously to do that on any level.
AZ was called way too early, by Fox no less. They want Biden in so bad. Wonder why? National lockdown.

If anyone here is not familiar with Gateway Pundit it is a little right-leaning for me, but you get breaking news unlike fake media. Just sayin'.

Fox News called Arizona for Joe Biden on election night while voters were still standing in line.

Fox News calling Arizona for Joe Biden gave cover to the corrupt Democrat machine in Maricopa County to produce enough ballots for Biden to backfill the number votes projected by Fox News.

The GOP filed a lawsuit in Arizona to audit a sample of 100 ballots to prove there was massive voter fraud.


“The audit found: one Trump vote arbitrarily excluded. Another Trump vote struck and then fraudulently added to Biden. Total fraud averaging 3%. Biden margin of fraud less than .05%. Thus if 3% fraud rate remains on larger sample Trump easily wins Arizona,” Congressman Paul Gosar (R-AZ) said.
Can you idiots manage to post a source that isn’t rightwing garbage like the Gatewaypundit?
Show me a non partisan news source that proves that the Gateway Pundit is wrong and has been "discredited"........I eagerly await your reply, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re such douche. ANY source that would would be automatically rejected by you. Don’t give me that shit. Here’s a better question: what news sources do you feel ARE non partisan?
Coming from a commie sack of worthless shit such as yourself? I have to laugh long and loud. At least you admit that you know that any news source that you would tout would be ripped into tiny, bite size pieces by yours truly, Billycommie.........
I don’t even have any knowledge of a legitimate news source calling OANN fake even though I’m sure one has. Your dumbass would reject the answer like the child you are regardless of what it would be. You know it’s true. Again I’ll ask: what news source do you consider to be non-partisan?
Post what you believe is a legitimate news source thus allowing me to "SMACK" it down.........what are you afraid of? That it can't pass my "scrutinizing" test? Simple bio searches of said writers of articles speak volumes...........bring it on, Billycommie.......
Lol you’re a joke if you think anyone takes you seriously to do that on any level.
Silly Billy, I will take you on in this forum's "Bull Ring" section and beat you like a rented mule on ANY topic you wish to take umbrage with me over. I guaran-fucking-tee you that I have more credibility with the board masses by at least a three to one margin and I am not worried in the slightest about creating a thread proving that very salient fact. You suffer from an over-inflated sense of self and I want to give you some help in that area.

Hope this helps!!!!
Oh great you and I in the Bull Ring. We could have 2nd grade level discussion on chem trails and the deep state. I’m sure people would buy popcorn for that shit.
Silly Billy, if that is the case? Then why wouldn't you eagerly jump at the challenge I have put before you? Here is your chance to prove what you can defeat me in a debate. Afterall, you have been hiding that superior intellect under a bushel tree ever since you bailed on the topic of how this fiat currency works and what would correct it when I confronted you back in March of 2016. I am sure that you just abandoned the conversation because your "pundit-like" opinion time was better spent elsewhere. Here is your chance to "hip" the board masses to the ways of democrat communism using me as a conduit.....why would you pass up the opportunity?

Answer: We both know why you will refuse the challenge....because we both know that I would kick that cyber ass of yours in front of the entire forum for all to witness. Tis better for a poseur like yourself to attempt to maintain the illusion of relevancy than to walk into a situation where your ass is going to get handed to you on a silver platter. You may be hopelessly ignorant, but you at least have some modicum of common sense.

Get a life

You first.

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