Bombing Bernadine aka Mrs. Bill Ayers is for gun control.


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Now this is rich. This is her OP ED. In her own words. Unreal.

We want gun control that sanctions manufacturers, distributors and adults who place, and profit from, deadly weapons in the possession of youth.

We want military-style weaponry banned. We want smaller schools with nurses and social workers, librarians and parent volunteers - all of which are shown to contribute to less disruption and less violence.

Let's promote gun-control provisions and regulations that enhance teaching and learning as well as justice and safety for children, not those that will further incarcerate, punish and demonize young people of color. We've been there before.

Watch Out for Fake Gun Control Reforms

Sounds like a very smart lady. Her credentials are awesome.

Right, the bitch should have been hung 40 years ago along with her slime ball husband.

If the police hadn't screwed up by not following procedure, they both would have been in jail, where they belong, instead of Ayers poisoning young people's minds with his small "c" communist crap as a professor.

Ayers once laughed about the fuckup on part of the police that allowed him to walk, saying something like, "Guilty as sin and free as a bird, only in America." The piece of shit stated in an interview, which aired on the day of the 9/11 attacks, that he only wished he had bombed more places. His group planned to kill officers and their wives, who were attending a dance at the Officer's Club on Fort Dix, N.J. Something went wrong, or should I say something went right, when some members blew themselves up while they were trying to transport the bomb.

Ayers, to this day, is proud of being a communist and he has his job to try and indoctrinate young kids. He is a piece of shit who helped launch Obama's career when he held a special dinner at his home for Obama and other bigwigs who eventually allowed Obama into Chicago politics. We all know how upstanding those Chicago politicians are.

Yea, Ayers and his wife have excellent credentials that help them fit in with the Democrat party.
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NOT GUILTY, Pub hater dupes. End of story. Nixon and J. Edgar WERE swine...

Rehabilitated. You act as if the Vietnam War was a Sacred Glory lol.
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From testimony in front of Congress:

This exchange took place during the Government Security hearings on March 31, 1970. Senator Cook questioned Chicago gang leader Mike Soto about Bernardine Dohrn;

Senator Cook "What is your impression of Bernardine Dohrn?"

Mr Soto "I have talked to her and she is a violent maniac, because when I talked to her she said 'let's pick up arms, let's blow up this country apart until we take over'"

Extent of subversion in the new left-testimony of Marjorie King and Mike Soto 91st congress, second session part 3, March 31, 1970 page 224

Bernardine Dohrn - KeyWiki
My college caught the only FBI agent Provocateur. The head of SDS in upstate NY, got 2 freshmen to blow up the ROTC building- showed them how to do it and when, arrested them- also suspected of the Kent State bombing. FBI Undercover. Never spent a day in jail. GIVE IT UP.

You never heard about it- you are duped and live in a dream world..
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Wouldn't you know? What happened to Ayers first girlfriend? She was killed by a bomb she and Ayers and a bunch of other revolutionaries were making to place at a Ft. Dix dance. Ayers was guilty of felony murder for his part in the manufacture of the bomb but he escaped prosecution when a friendly federal judge dismissed every crime Ayers ever committed and blamed the FBI for "illegal surveillance". Dohrn was implicated in the planning of a Brinks Armored Car robbery in Nyack NY where two Police officers and two Brinks guards were gunned down but the Feds declined to prosecute because they thought she would never get out of prison. Now the unrepentant revolutionaries are out to disarm law abiding Americans . Why am I not surprised?
Wouldn't you know? What happened to Ayers first girlfriend? She was killed by a bomb she and Ayers and a bunch of other revolutionaries were making to place at a Ft. Dix dance. Ayers was guilty of felony murder for his part in the manufacture of the bomb but he escaped prosecution when a friendly federal judge dismissed every crime Ayers ever committed and blamed the FBI for "illegal surveillance". Dohrn was implicated in the planning of a Brinks Armored Car robbery in Nyack NY where two Police officers and two Brinks guards were gunned down but the Feds declined to prosecute because they thought she would never get out of prison. Now the unrepentant revolutionaries are out to disarm law abiding Americans . Why am I not surprised?

No one wants their enemies to have weapons. And make no mistake, the liberty and freedom loving Americans are the sworn enemy of Communists, Marxists, Dictators and other radicals.

Ayers and his ugly girlfriend were nothing but terrorists and cheered when they caused death and destruction. Killing people isn't something we should just forgive and forget when they have shown no remorse for the lives taken. They are still smug about it and that just shows how cold blooded they both are.
And Nixon was an angel and the Vietnamese loved us in their country, Pub dupes. The idiot silent majority are now the loudmouth duped disgrace LOL.
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I wish the left wing radicals could be honest with themselves and us for once in their pitiful covert dishonest lives. Tell us how much you like Bill Ayers and his domestic terrorist wife. Just tell us how much you appreciate the president's affiliation with a former unrepentant domestic terrorist. Tell us that your agenda is in sync with the old weatherscum and you consider Ayers and his terrorist wife to be political icons. Just tell us lefties. It will make the political dialog so much easier.
Wouldn't you know? What happened to Ayers first girlfriend? She was killed by a bomb she and Ayers and a bunch of other revolutionaries were making to place at a Ft. Dix dance. Ayers was guilty of felony murder for his part in the manufacture of the bomb but he escaped prosecution when a friendly federal judge dismissed every crime Ayers ever committed and blamed the FBI for "illegal surveillance". Dohrn was implicated in the planning of a Brinks Armored Car robbery in Nyack NY where two Police officers and two Brinks guards were gunned down but the Feds declined to prosecute because they thought she would never get out of prison. Now the unrepentant revolutionaries are out to disarm law abiding Americans . Why am I not surprised?

Hey I was at Ft Dix. 1974 in March

this thread zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mrs. Ayers has some damn good ideas for education and gun control. As usual, the a-hole Pubs and silly dupes use character assassination whenever possible to avoid the issues, where they are total LOSERS.

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