jimnyc ... Aug 28, 2003 20,367 273 83 New York Nov 17, 2003 #1 How many are still seeing slowness when browsing the board?
lilcountriegal Senior Member Oct 24, 2003 1,633 59 48 Pennsylvania Nov 17, 2003 #3 I noticed it around 3:30-4:00 EST today... I couldnt even load the board. A couple times this evening I got the "Website Not Responding" error message. It seems to be okay right now though.
I noticed it around 3:30-4:00 EST today... I couldnt even load the board. A couple times this evening I got the "Website Not Responding" error message. It seems to be okay right now though.
Creek Member Aug 28, 2003 365 6 16 In the U.S.A.. Nov 17, 2003 #4 ....Does slow down at times,and got an error page half hour ago..Seems steady at the moment...
J janeeng Guest Nov 17, 2003 #5 Damn SLOW right now, now that you mention it and has been since yesterday!