Blue state Louisiana now #1 in new Covid cases

You tell me.

Here's the point. I don't think it matters what we do, what policies are enacted, what precautions are taken. I think we're stuck no matter what we do, we're just going to have to get as many people vaccinated as possible to lessen the effects, and then just wait for this variant to go through the population.
We agree on vaccinations. That’s all
But since it's not Texas or Florida, the MSM isn't going to be saying much about it.

Louisiana leads U.S. by new COVID cases, while Arkansas has record hospitalizations as delta variant continues to spread​

This tracks as expected given the high black population in Louisiana, and their hesitancy to get vaccinated. Yet another reason the left will ignore it, because black lives don't matter to the left.

Yes. Because race and party are two different things...someone can be both a republican and black, or white, etc.

Certainly more Dems then Republicans have gotten the vaccine, and more whites then blacks.

But, by in large on race, the african-american community is not getting the vaccine.
There are more whites because of Democratic people getting vaccinated.

60% of African-Americans verse uninsured, rural and republics shows what results?
There are more whites because of Democratic people getting vaccinated.

60% of African-Americans verse uninsured, rural and republics shows what results?
what does insurance matter it’s free

i have no idea the politics of uninsured people

it means a large amount of african americans aren’t getting it.

i agree more people that ID as dem are getting it then republican

i assume most people not getting it are getting it for the same reasons…not fully trusting it, not having directly been impacted that much by the virus, not concerned about it, medical issues etc

the percentage of population who’s gotten it hasn’t changed since the polling in october 2020
Sure is and he hates Trump.
He is also the leader of the state with the lowest covid numbers in the country.
Doesn't surprise me, he's a Repubilican and running the state...moreover he is lucky to border Canada, who's closed their border to travel...unlike the folks in the Southern States, that have had Xiden open the flood gates to untested illegals
Doesn't surprise me, he's a Repubilican and running the state...moreover he is lucky to border Canada, who's closed their border to travel...unlike the folks in the Southern States, that have had Xiden open the flood gates to untested illegals
So if Biden were to administer the vaccine to all immigrants, you would have no issue with them living here, right?
So if Biden were to administer the vaccine to all immigrants, you would have no issue with them living here, right?
I don't have a problem with immigrants living here at all...ever....

I do have an issue will illegals

and moreover, more importantly...I have a major issue with all this going on, both legal and illegal during a pandemic. We should follow Canada's model, or actually he shoudl have just left the successful covid policies that were in place on the southern border.
So the whining about them not being vaccinated is bullshit.
huh? of course that's a major issue....and untested.

The fact is we are in a pandemic, the fact that he is allowing them in is the bullshit.

He shouldn't be during the pandemic, or follow the policies and procedures that were already in place and working
you come off as a retard....maybe you shouldn't show your stupidity in all your should have paid attention in wouldn't have to ask stupid questions
So all you have is a stupid answer....let me states(that voted for Trump overwhelmingly and have Republican legislatures) that have a Dem governor become blue states, but blue states that have a Rep governor DON’T become red states? Can you ungarble your logic here?

You can’t make this up folks....Trumpworld redefining reality as we speak.
Trumpers are leading the way with refusing to get vaccinated.
Where is your outrage?
I am not sure I have seen the numbers to show that...moreover Trump himself as been the one leading the way for the vaccine.

He also had policies in place to ensure that people bringing the virus in, was majorly mitigated.

We would not be seeing this new massive increase in cases, had the Xiden variant not be allowed in the country in a major way through the massive uptick in illegals brought in the country...he should not of done 180 on the policies that were working

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