Blue state Louisiana now #1 in new Covid cases

So all you have is a stupid answer....let me states(that voted for Trump overwhelmingly and have Republican legislatures) that have a Dem governor become blue states, but blue states that have a Rep governor DON’T become red states? Can you ungarble your logic here?

You can’t make this up folks....Trumpworld redefining reality as we speak.
awfully funny that you, obviously brain dead, putting words into my posts....hmmmmm
do you always lie like that?
Then it matters not. If you want to reduce Covid, everyone needs to get vaccinated. The ones that refuse are no better than the illegals.
haha of course it matters

if the sink is overflowing, you have to turn off the faucet

if not it will continue to overflow. So turn off the flow of untested, people pouring into the country
Do you think the virus cares if you’re a citizen? It doesn’t.
nope but US law does. Keep people outside that don’t have to be here.

this isn’t rocket science. Canada does it, Austrila etc…it’s a pandemic. Use some common sense.
Trumpers are leading the way with refusing to get vaccinated.
Where is your outrage?

Not true. It's blacks and hispanics, and you're ignoring their plight because their lives don't matter to you.

So if there were no illegals here, covid would be over. Is that what you’re saying?
not sure where you got that

it seems to me your are either stupid or going to great lengths to ignore the issues to protect your Dear Leader’s horrible mishandling here…i’m thinking the later. Which just means you aren’t taking this seriously
So, Vermont and Massachussetts are Red States because their governors are Republicans and a number of mayors are Republican. Is that your logic?
No, Massachusetts is a deep blue State, John! Probably the most liberal State in the country. What's telling is that in a State that liberal...they have a long history of electing Republicans as Governor because the voters of Massachusetts are smart enough to know they need an "adult" to get the State's finances in order!
No, Massachusetts is a deep blue State, John! Probably the most liberal State in the country. What's telling is that in a State that liberal...they have a long history of electing Republicans as Governor because the voters of Massachusetts are smart enough to know they need an "adult" to get the State's finances in order!

The most Liberal state in the Union is California.

I'm also not sure that a governor alone can make state finances. It is telling that respectful divided government works.

The most Liberal state in the Union is California.

I'm also not sure that a governor alone can make state finances. It is telling that respectful divided government works.
I beg to differ, Massachusetts is INCREDIBLY liberal and all over the State...Cali has pockets that are very conservative. You know how you can tell, Otto? Cali has GOP members of the House. Massachusetts does not! I believe there are currently 11 GOP members of Congress from California. There are ZERO members of Congress from Massachusetts that are Republicans!
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The most Liberal state in the Union is California.

I'm also not sure that a governor alone can make state finances. It is telling that respectful divided government works.
But why would a State that liberal NEED a divided government to function well, Otto? Explain that to me?
I beg to differ, Massachusetts is INCREDIBLY liberal and all over the State...Cali has pockets that are very conservative. You know how you can tell, Otto? Cali has GOP members of the House. Massachusetts does not! I believe there are currently 11 GOP members of Congress from California.
For as large as the State of California they have 4 or so out of 40.
But why would a State that liberal NEED a divided government to function well, Otto? Explain that to me?
Competition of ideas.

Look at one rule states. Many are very fucked up messes. Like Texas, Alabama and Mississippi.

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