Blue-state doctors launch abortion pill pipeline into states with bans


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
In a Republic, actually
‘In less than a month, seven U.S.-based providers affiliated with Aid Access — including the Hudson Valley doctor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she was concerned for her safety — have mailed 3,500 doses of abortion pills to people in antiabortion states, according to Aid Access, putting just this small group alone on track to help facilitate at least 42,000 abortions in restricted states over the next year. If more doctors and nurses sign up, as current providers hope they will, the numbers could climb far higher.

“Everything I’m doing is completely legal,” the Hudson Valley doctor said, her family’s ping-pong table covered with abortion pills bound for the South and Midwest, where abortion has been largely illegal since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.’

Bans simply don’t work – whether it’s Prohibition, drugs, guns, or abortion, individuals will seek to obtain what they wish and believe they’re entitled to, regardless the law.

And Republican abortion bans are no different – bans that are yet another example of Republican failure and poor governance.
It's likely Ohio voters will re-legalize most abortions through ballot initiative, after the current Republican attempt to make ballot initiatives almost impossible gets voted on and fails big.

Ballot initiatives -- that is, more direct democracy -- are now the enemy of conservative minorities who control states by gerrymandering, because gerrymandering has no effect on ballot initiatives.
It's likely Ohio voters will re-legalize most abortions through ballot initiative, after the current Republican attempt to make ballot initiatives almost impossible gets voted on and fails big.

Ballot initiatives -- that is, more direct democracy -- are now the enemy of conservative minorities who control states by gerrymandering, because gerrymandering has no effect on ballot initiatives.
People arent going to vote for shit that makes their lives worse. Why is the right more active on this issue than proper people ?
I don't understand men who would go to any lengths to insure the women they impregnate have to carry their babies to term. And then many times don't even support them in later life.
The GOP is out of touch with what matters to America and the abortion issue is just one example. Somehow they have convicted themselves that forcing half the population into second class citizenship is gonna be the ticket to victory. Blows your mind.
If you go by recent news from the US House of Reperasentatives currently run by Republicans then you know Hunter Biden dick pics are trending now. Thanks MTG we owe you more than you can ever know.
‘In less than a month, seven U.S.-based providers affiliated with Aid Access — including the Hudson Valley doctor, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because she was concerned for her safety — have mailed 3,500 doses of abortion pills to people in antiabortion states, according to Aid Access, putting just this small group alone on track to help facilitate at least 42,000 abortions in restricted states over the next year. If more doctors and nurses sign up, as current providers hope they will, the numbers could climb far higher.

“Everything I’m doing is completely legal,” the Hudson Valley doctor said, her family’s ping-pong table covered with abortion pills bound for the South and Midwest, where abortion has been largely illegal since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in June 2022.’

Bans simply don’t work – whether it’s Prohibition, drugs, guns, or abortion, individuals will seek to obtain what they wish and believe they’re entitled to, regardless the law.

And Republican abortion bans are no different – bans that are yet another example of Republican failure and poor governance.
You don't even have to tell us.

We all know that Leftists like yourself are lawless and ignore laws they disagree with.

Luckily for you, you own the justice system.
You don't even have to tell us.

We all know that Leftists like yourself are lawless and ignore laws they disagree with.

Luckily for you, you own the justice system.
If Republicans were smart, they’d not try to prevent residents of ban states from obtaining abortion pills.

But Republicans aren’t smart.

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