Black Privilege

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Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2018
Americans have worked for years to heal racism, and Democrats are pouring gasoline on it and striking a match. Sick stuff.
Sane blacks are saying to themselves, "Some of these white MF'ers have gone crazy!".
While opportunistic public welfare blacks are saying, "My reparation check better be a big one!".
Let's be very specific, how much do I owe? I'm tired of this shit and ready to be done with it.

If they can tell me to the penny, exactly how much I owe, I'll pay it today and be done...... I'll wait.
Let's be very specific, how much do I owe? I'm tired of this shit and ready to be done with it.

If they can tell me to the penny, exactly how much I owe, I'll pay it today and be done...... I'll wait.

Don't worry.
Wuhanvirus continues to rape the economy.
No money will be left for reparations when all is said and done.
Black Privilege:

Being black means you aren't racist...

Being black means no one else in the US, no other races / colors, have faced injustices...

Being black means no one can mention blacks murder more babies than anyone else...

Being black means you have the right to be irresponsible and unaccountable, that having the highest percentage of Americans who abandon their kids / families can never be brought up

Being black means discussing the slaughter of your own kind, shootings by the hundreds and murders by the dozen, EVERY WEEKEND is 'off limits'...

Being black means authority - especially the police - have to be overly respectful, polite, humble, apologetic during encounters and remain that way despite the fact that you, as a black person, can be as disrespectful, rude, hostile, non-compliant, and confrontational as you want...

Everyone owes you, for which the country owes you reparations...even from the other races who were also victimized in the past

Being black means looting, destroying, burning, assaulting, and murdering is considered 'peaceful protests', you should get a 'pass' for committing crimes....they 'owe' you...

...or at least it seems this way.
Let's be very specific, how much do I owe? I'm tired of this shit and ready to be done with it.

If they can tell me to the penny, exactly how much I owe, I'll pay it today and be done...... I'll wait.

Don't worry.
Wuhanvirus continues to rape the economy.
No money will be left for reparations when all is said and done.
They don't have an answer anyway.

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