Black people pointing out, and promoting, black poverty


Platinum Member
Jan 23, 2014
Central Ohio
I love this. So the The National Museum of African American History & Culture, had a page up, or at least did, on the Whiteness... and White Culture of the United states.

This is great....


So let's review.... Having intact families, and working hard..... is "White".

Implication... being a useless lazy bum, that abandons his family.... is what?

Really? The evil white aspect of society, is hard work, and staying together as a family?

Can any left-winger, or Black person, explain to me how hard work and family, is "White"?

And if it is............. Isn't that sort of fueling White Supremacy? Because are you not telling people who believe Whites are a superior race, that they believe in hard work and family, which universally are in fact good things... and result in wealth and prosperity for those who practice it, over those who don't.

Please, I'd love to hear the justification for the promotion of these ideals among blacks.
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
For white supremacists like the OP it's, yet another, opportunity to demean and disparage blacks. Same as usual.
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
For those of us with nonwhite heritage, the idea that hard work, objective rational thinking, cause and effect relationships, two parent families, self reliance and individual responsibility are exclusively or even originally values of white culture, and therefore had to be disseminated to other cultures by white people, isn't even remotely palatable. It's FAR AND AWAY the most openly white supremacist proposal that has been widely tolerated by our mainstream culture in my 38 years on this earth. Any black person who buys into this drivel has been trained into believing that their people are straight up inferior to Europeans.

For fuck sake, I can't believe I have to say this, but if everyone on the Earth all agrees to set up a system where hard work isn't something that's going to be rewarded over moderate effort, that's not going to make resources eagerly leap from the ground and form themselves into useful products to make up for the slow-down in production that would inevitably result from the most motivated among us all saying, "Fuck it!"

Rational thinking isn't something that just works in white societies because we've set up a set of rules by which being logical is useful. REALITY ITSELF is a system wherein rational thinking yields exponentially greater levels of success than does emotional gratification.
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
For those of us with nonwhite heritage, the idea that hard work, objective rational thinking, cause and effect relationships, two parent families, self reliance and individual responsibility are exclusively or even originally values of white culture, and therefore had to be disseminated to other cultures by white people, isn't even remotely palatable. It's FAR AND AWAY the most openly white supremacist proposal that has been widely tolerated by our mainstream culture in my 38 years on this earth. Any black person who buys into this drivel has been trained into believing that their people are straight up inferior to Europeans.

For fuck sake, I can't believe I have to say this, but if everyone on the Earth all agrees to set up a system where hard work isn't something that's going to be rewarded over moderate effort, that's not going to make resources eagerly leap from the ground and form themselves into useful products to make up for the slow-down in production that would inevitably result from the most motivated among us all saying, "Fuck it!"

Rational thinking isn't something that just works in white societies because we've set up a set of rules by which being logical is useful. REALITY ITSELF is a system wherein rational thinking yields exponentially greater levels of success than does emotional gratification.
Hell, I am white and didn't buy this crap when growing up or while listing for 59 years. My Ma reminds me of it often how I failed so miserably to not have that home on the lake with a five thousand square feet house and two boats with three cars....I always thought it was a waste of time and energy.
Black dads are what should matter to the African American community....stand up and be men don't be punks....take your obligations seriously....
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
If you consider that the 1950s as a subset of the last 2000 years when the Bible touted a wholesome family unit as the cornerstone of society, then you are right, Moonplug.
You'd think Progs and Blacks would know this stuff about your heroes . BLM says:
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
If you consider that the 1950s as a subset of the last 2000 years when the Bible touted a wholesome family unit as the cornerstone of society, then you are right, Moonplug.
It was a time before at will divorces which cost the US dearly in divorce rates that have managed to stay at fifty percent over the last fifty years, I'd say that your premise is illocial at best and not true.
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
For white supremacists like the OP it's, yet another, opportunity to demean and disparage blacks. Same as usual.
As usual you just troll instead of reply to what is posted.
But...that is what you do.
What part of it do you not find palatable since the majority of the items listed is pretty much the normal ideology and has been promoted since the 1950's.
If you consider that the 1950s as a subset of the last 2000 years when the Bible touted a wholesome family unit as the cornerstone of society, then you are right, Moonplug.
It was a time before at will divorces which cost the US dearly in divorce rates that have managed to stay at fifty percent over the last fifty years, I'd say that your premise is illocial at best and not true.
What is your argument to the poster that the museum made?
You'd think Progs and Blacks would know this stuff about your heroes . BLM says:
We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

The Bible mentions that also.
Personally, I don't give a shit about White Power/Black Power claims and arguments. We are all HUMAN BEINGS, that is why these "power" arguments are silly and divisive.
These attributes are what is propogated by white "elites" as being what makes one white. It doesn't have anything to do with color of skin except by cultural association.

There isn't just one white culture though. A white New Englander has different culural roots than a white Tennessean, regardless of how such individuals choose to collectively identify today. The Mid-Atlantic states have culural roots even more different from each of those.

If one goes back to medieval times, or the early modern era in the British Isles, you can see similar conflicts between the English, and their more Celtic neighbors--differences that are still acknowleged in a more jocular manner today.
The whole top-down social propaganda that is displayed by the museum reflects the corporate entity brainwashing that they created to mold your life, how you live it and what you purchase.

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