Zone1 Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
Let us all be thankful the Black MAGA are a minority.
Unless of course he's the victim of a White man, then you will jump on his side every time just like your leader Al Sharpton taught you.
Sez someone whose side considers itself to be a victim of The Liberal Establishment.

Maybe it's time to discard the politics of victimhood.
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
I voted against Trump in 2016 and 2020. I hate the guy, but I respect the right of blacks to do their own thinking and to like him.

Blacks who vote Republican are likely to be blacks without felony convictions and illegitimate children, who have never been on welfare, and who never needed affirmative action programs to succeed in life. In other words, they have acted white all their lives, and they have benefited from it.
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
The author contradicts himself. On the one hand "Black MAGAs" are a clear and present danger and on the other hand they will be "rendered useless" and "no longer needed" at some point.

The author points out the obvious dangers of the power and influence these "Black MAGAs" have and then goes on to denigrate their power and influence, as if to suggest they really have none. So which is it?
Black MAGAs are a clear and present danger


As the American conservative movement has morphed from racist dog whistles and white-grievance politics to full-blown fascism and white nationalism, Black MAGAs have enlisted as soldiers in the war against civil rights, voting rights, liberal democracy and racial justice. Unable to achieve their unpopular and toxic policies through the ballot box, MAGA intends to bring about their goals through white nationalist minority rule. And Black MAGAs are eager to oblige.

Lacking principles, these Black white nationalists say and do anything to please Trump, Trumpism and the white supremacist base. Never speaking ill of white folks, Black MAGAs will blame the Black community for anything and everything, never stand up for Black people, never help us and always throw us under the bus. They lack self-respect and scruples. However, they do collect a paycheck, which they will enjoy until such time as they are rendered useless and their services are no longer needed.

All skinfolk ain't kinfolk.

We as blacks are taught this as children. Basically it means just don't take sides with someone only because they are black. This is what makes the right wing claims of my racism laughable. And it is why we can oppose black MAGA sellouts. And it's funny that only a certain type of white individual hails these deplorables as independent thinkers.
Translation: Get back to your shine box, you uppity negroes!
America is a victim of the Democratic Party. I have no idea what "The Liberal Establishment" is.
I disagree. America is the victim of todays self-proclaimed victims of anti-white racists, leftists, the nation's teachers, Walt Disneyand those who refuse to buy into the Christian Natiobalist narrative...aka the Republican Party.
Democrats' working assumption has been that they own black people since they formed a whole political party dedicated to keeping slavery in existance in the supposed free Republic of the United States. When Republicans finally had to go to war to stop them from keeping slaves, the Democrats quickly recovered from the ass-whoopin' and invented sharecropping, Jim Crow, poll taxes, night riders, and any other means to keep blacks under their control.

In the sixties, the Democratic Party, in an amazing display of political gear shifting, decided to tell blacks that the Democrat are really on their side - always were, hell! They promised welfare, affirmative action to put them in jobs and schools in which they were sure to fail, and unlimited abortion clinics in black neighborhoods as evidence of their benevolence.

Sadly, too many blacks fell for it. No one wants to talk about the role of IQ in the mass acceptance of that incredible deception, so I will not either.

Black Americans need a new Harriet Tubman, many Harriet Tubmans in fact, to lead them off the Democratic Party plantation once again. The awesome Americans listed in the OP are the vanguard of what will snowball into the Blaxit from the Party of Robert Byrd.
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Why'd you leave out Wesley Hunt, IM2?

Another great American, whose district is close to me. It's a nice area, I'm thinking of moving there and I would be honored to be represented by this man who flew fighter helicopters so I could sleep safe at night.

Democrats' working assumption has been that they own black people since they formed a whole political party dedicated to keeping slavery in existance in the supposed free Republic of the United States. When Republicans finally had to go to war to stop them from keeping slaves, the Democrats quickly recovered from the ass-whoopin' and invented sharecropping, Jim Crow, poll taxes, night riders, and any other means to keep blacks under their control.

In the sixties, the Democratic Party, in an amazing display of political gear shifting, decided to tell blacks that the Democrat are really on their side - always were, hell! They promised welfare, affirtive action to put them in jobs and schools in which they were sure to fail, and unlimited abortion clinics in black neighborhoods as evidence of their benevolence.

Sadly, too many blacks fell for it. No one wants to talk about the role of IQ in the mass acceptance of that incredible deception, so I will not either.

Black Americans need a new Harriet Tubman, many Harriet Tubmans in fact, to lead them off the Democratic Party plantation once again. The awesome Americans listed in the OP are the vanguard of what will snowball into the Blaxit from the Party of Robert Byrd.
The Democrat Plantation provides blacks with welfare checks and affirmative action, The Republican Party offers blacks enterprise zones with no minimum wage laws, and no business regulations to insure safe working conditions. That is why the vast majority of blacks vote Democrat.
Democrats' working assumption has been that they own black people since they formed a whole political party dedicated to keeping slavery in existance in the supposed free Republic of the United States. When Republicans finally had to go to war to stop them from keeping slaves, the Democrats quickly recovered from the ass-whoopin' and invented sharecropping, Jim Crow, poll taxes, night riders, and any other means to keep blacks under their control.

In the sixties, the Democratic Party, in an amazing display of political gear shifting, decided to tell blacks that the Democrat are really on their side - always were, hell! They promised welfare, affirtive action to put them in jobs and schools in which they were sure to fail, and unlimited abortion clinics in black neighborhoods as evidence of their benevolence.

Sadly, too many blacks fell for it. No one wants to talk about the role of IQ in the mass acceptance of that incredible deception, so I will not either.

Black Americans need a new Harriet Tubman, many Harriet Tubmans in fact, to lead them off the Democratic Party plantation once again. The awesome Americans listed in the OP are the vanguard of what will snowball into the Blaxit from the Party of Robert Byrd.
LBJ was a genius when it came to Systemic Racism. What is more systemic than creating a welfare system designed to entrap a particular race of people? Even LBJ would be amazed how well his plan has worked.
Democrats' working assumption has been that they own black people since they formed a whole political party dedicated to keeping slavery in existance in the supposed free Republic of the United States. When Republicans finally had to go to war to stop them from keeping slaves, the Democrats quickly recovered from the ass-whoopin' and invented sharecropping, Jim Crow, poll taxes, night riders, and any other means to keep blacks under their control.

In the sixties, the Democratic Party, in an amazing display of political gear shifting, decided to tell blacks that the Democrat are really on their side - always were, hell! They promised welfare, affirmative action to put them in jobs and schools in which they were sure to fail, and unlimited abortion clinics in black neighborhoods as evidence of their benevolence.

Sadly, too many blacks fell for it. No one wants to talk about the role of IQ in the mass acceptance of that incredible deception, so I will not either.

Black Americans need a new Harriet Tubman, many Harriet Tubmans in fact, to lead them off the Democratic Party plantation once again. The awesome Americans listed in the OP are the vanguard of what will snowball into the Blaxit from the Party of Robert Byrd.
Certain states insisted on the right to keep slaves. When the seceded over it, a war was fought, they lost, they created Jim Crowe, and bitterly and violently opposed civil rights. Political parties represent the will of their voters. The Democrat party was split north and south on the issue of slavery. Blaming it on political parties rather than people behind them, in the states they represent is both dishonest and an attempt to self-righteously absolve the people and attitudes of the states they represented who voted them into power. It's understandable, given those states are now dominated by the Republican Party while the anti-slavery states are now dominated by the Democrat party.

I do agree that Democrats both expect and take the support of Blacks for granted. Yet look at the Republicans and religious voting block. Not much different.
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